Comments on: Selective Lenting: I’m Guilty, Are You?
a spiritual journey to motherhood & beyondSat, 23 Mar 2019 01:34:12 +0000
By: Julia
Sat, 23 Mar 2019 01:34:12 +0000 is soooo me when it comes to physically fasting! Especially after having the kids and while working full-time. Admittedly, I gave up my original Lenten fast (vegetarian all through Lent, vegan Fridays) when it became very apparent after a week and half that I was not being a good mommy. I’m feeling guilty about it though and realizing that I didn’t do enough planning. I have low blood sugar normally and when I try to fast, it’s so easy to feel light-headed and just really not ok physically. Instead, I’ve been trying to listen to the daily readings and Regnum Christi meditations on the Laudate app on my way to work (I’m a radio person too). Praying for you this Lenten season!
By: Bonnie Melielo
Fri, 22 Mar 2019 20:22:12 +0000 fast for Lent is the same one I do every Friday. Toast for breakfast and a yogurt with cereal in it for lunch and a regular dinner BUT NO snacks in between (so hard for me), No dessert, No wine with dinner 🙁 no sugar in my morning coffee (for 40 days this is so not easy!! and I keep to it even on the “free” days of Sundays and Solemnities). I tried bread and water fasting once and promptly got horribly ill, severe asthma flare up and decided ok, complete fasting is not something I can do. I am 65 so technically “exempt” from fasting but what I have set up is perfectly healthy for my age but does help me to participate. Reason to fast – to draw closer to my Lord. Why would I not figure out a way to do it. 🙂 Prayer – I asked God what He wanted me to do, what would help me grown closer to Him. He said my daily Rosary is to be the Sorrowful Mysteries 🙁 My least favorite as they break my heart to meditate on them but He is correct, as always.