anxiety Archives - Prayer Wine Chocolate a spiritual journey to motherhood & beyond Sat, 11 May 2024 15:53:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 anxiety Archives - Prayer Wine Chocolate 32 32 99893247 Fatima and Francisco: Why so many Rosaries? One Mom’s Perspective Sat, 11 May 2024 13:07:42 +0000 This post contains affiliate or associate links with several businesses (which means if you shop through the links, I earn a small commission). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Fatima and Francisco: Why so many Rosaries? One Mom’s Perspective When Our Lady appeared to the children in Fatima, Francisco could not hear Our Blessed Mother but he […]

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This post contains affiliate or associate links with several businesses (which means if you shop through the links, I earn a small commission). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Fatima and Francisco: Why so many Rosaries? One Mom's Perspective

Fatima and Francisco: Why so many Rosaries? One Mom’s Perspective

When Our Lady appeared to the children in Fatima, Francisco could not hear Our Blessed Mother but he could see her.
He asked Lucia to ask if Francisco would go to heaven too, she responded: “Yes, but first he must say many Rosaries.”

There has been writing and discussions around this statement, but I feel like I had an a-ha moment regarding this lately, and I feel compelled to share it with you.

I have no theology degree. There is much written about Francisco have a contemplative spirit, and this explains why Our Blessed Mother stressed his need to pray many Rosaries.

I feel like there is another lesson for all of us here. This is from my opinion and heart.

Why would a 8 year old have to say many rosaries to get to heaven?

Francisco was only 8 years old when he saw Our Lady. He was only 8 when she said that he would go to heaven BUT first he must say many rosaries.

That always perplexed me. I researched it and read about how “experts” said it was because he is a contemplative – but still, I remain puzzled.

Until this year.

I am a mother of 3 children. I have two sons and one daughter. One of my sons is quite emotional and extremely sensitive. He experiences anxiety and is stressed by much more than my other two children.

Just recently I wondered . . . could Francisco have been like my son?

This little boy of mine that is extremely emotional also has the most tender heart. He is emotionally intelligent, empathetic and does not want anyone to feel sad or upset.

He has no skills in emotional regulation. His anxiety is debilitating.

As a mother, obviously, I want to help him. I’m not eager to give him medicine. I do know there are things that we can do that will lower stress and calm our souls.

Mediation – saying the Rosary – is one of them.

Our Lady knew the science before we did the research

I have a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. For years I taught Intro to Psychology to Seniors in High School.

When we would get to the chapter on States of Consciousness, we would discuss meditation.

It wasn’t until the 1960’s that scientists started to research the effects of meditation.

Since that time, here are some things they have discovered:

Meditation elicits the relaxation response;

Meditation lowers stress and blood pressure;

Meditation reduces anxiety;

Meditation reduces depression; enhances self-awareness; increased attention span; and generates kindness.

When Our Lady was telling the Fatima children to pray the Rosary for peace, she didn’t just mean in wars that were being fought far away, she was also talking about peace within.

The Rosary is a form of meditation. She knew that this prayer would help all of humanity; but some of us struggle with anxiety more than others.

As I watch my son do things that definitely indicate Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and other high anxious stress, I want to help him. I have observed how praying the Rosary as a family relaxes him.

Perhaps, Francisco was like my little boy.

Research since the 1960’s has demonstrated that those who meditate report reduced symptoms of anxiety disorders such as social anxiety, paranoia, panic attacks, and obsessive-compulsive behaviors.

Read more here: 12 Science Based Benefits of Meditation


Our Lady appeared to the children of Fatima in 1917.

If Francisco’s parents were observing behaviors that I observe in my son, they weren’t talking about calling a counselor to help him.

In fact, Francisco’s father is on record saying this about Francisco:

He didn’t always have as much patience; and often, for small reason, he would run around like a young bull calf.

Did you know that recent studies have demonstrated that meditation can enable people to tame their negative emotions?

In fact, researchers continue to discover more and more benefits of meditation today.

Our Lady knew the science. She knew if Francisco had trouble being still more than the average child. She knew if he had trouble regulating his emotions. She knew if he battled anxiety and excessive worrying.

She also knew that he would be facing death soon. Who wouldn’t be scared or anxious?

Having Francisco embrace the practice of praying the Rosary was a gift from a very loving Mother. She gave him a tool to help him cope with stress and fear. Isn’t this something we all want to give our children?

Let’s help our children battle anxiety with the Rosary

If you look up how to help children with anxiety, guess what’s on the list?

Meditation (here’s an article to read from ClevelandClinic)

There are many spiritual reasons to pray the Rosary. The graces and blessings that come from this prayer are abundant. But the generosity of God and the love of God and His Mother don’t stop there.

This prayer can truly calm our souls.

Friends, we live in a time when a book title The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness is a New York Times Bestseller.

Let’s pray the Rosary with our children.

Let’s teach them to pick up their Rosaries and pray it on their own.

Let’s give them this tool so they can calm their hearts, minds and souls.

The more they can do that, the better they can hear God’s voice.

Our Lady Seat of Wisdom; pray for us.

Helping ourselves and our children with anxiety

The Rosary is one incredible way our faith can help us cope with anxiety. Another way we can incorporate our faith into lowering stress is through journaling.

Learn more about journaling: What Does a Psychologist Say About the Benefits of Prayer Journaling?

Grab journals for your children! I wrote Be Yourself: a Journal for Catholic Girls and Be Yourself: a Journal for Catholic Boys

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See some of my favorite rosaries here: Not Your Grandma’s Rosaries

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The post Fatima and Francisco: Why so many Rosaries? One Mom’s Perspective appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

30 Times It’s a Good Idea to Pray Fri, 27 Jan 2017 03:59:10 +0000 This post contains affiliate links. Please see my About Me page for more details. When you wake up. When you realize you lost something (Saint Anthony come around, something’s lost and can’t be found). When you realize how blessed you are . . . When your heart hurts When you are in need. When you […]

The post 30 Times It’s a Good Idea to Pray appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

This post contains affiliate links. Please see my About Me page for more details.
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  1. When you wake up.redcoffeecup.jpeg

  2. When you realize you lost something (Saint Anthony come around, something’s lost and can’t be found).
  3. When you realize how blessed you are . . .

  4. When your heart hurts
  5. When you are in need.
  6. When you are driving .
  7. When you are on an elevator.
  8. When you are walking.k7oqwgdjq6e-molly-porter.jpg
  9. When you are waiting in line.

  10. Immediately after seeing a news report or article that upset you.


  11. Before you go to sleep.

  12. After you had a disagreement or argument (Lord, Make me an instrument of Your peace . . .)
  13. When you feel anxious (God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference).

  14. When you feel angry.

  15. When you are in pain.

  16. Before you eat a meal.

  17. When someone you love is upset.

  18. While you are exercising.silhouette-683751_1280.jpg

  19. When you are tucking your child into bed.
  20. When you are admiring the beauty of nature.

  21. When you think of our political leaders.

  22. When you hear a siren. (God bless whoever is in need and those who are helping them)

  23. At 3:00 in the afternoon (O Holy and Eternal God, in whom Mercy is endless and the treasury of Compassion inexhaustible, look kindly upon us and increase Your Mercy in us so that in difficult moments, we might not despair nor become despondent, but with increasing confidence, submit ourselves to Your Holy Will, which is Love and Mercy itself. Amen.)
  24. At the beginning of your work day/shift.

  25. When you hear of a death.

  26. When you are confused or have to make a difficult decision.

  27. When a relationship is in trouble or stressed.
  28. When you are having trouble falling asleep (Hail Mary, full of grace . . .)

  29. When you find yourself holding a grudge.
  30. Right now.

Lead me Lord by the light of truth; to seek and to find the narrow way.  Be my way, by my truth, be my life my Lord and lead me Lord today.

John D. Becker

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The post 30 Times It’s a Good Idea to Pray appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

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