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The post 8 Ways to Pray Using a Journal appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

I once transformed a marble copybook into a prayer journal.  Writing in it helped me:


pay closer attention during prayer,

relieve stress,

express some creativity,


document my feelings and thoughts.

One of my goals this month is to really get back into keeping a prayer journal.  I long to enjoy this “me time” and prayer time.  Perhaps even with a glass of wine . . .

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Here are 8 ways to turn a blank notebook into a prayer journal:

  1.  Write Letters

    I often loose focus and start to daydream when I do, well, anything.  So in order to feel more focused in prayer, I started writing letters to Jesus.  I also have written letter to saints asking for their intercession. I tell the Lord what I am thinking about, what I am grateful for, what I desire and what I worry about.  I once wrote a letter to Jesus telling Him why I had been relentless in my prayers about meeting a man that would be my husband.  In that letter I was very specific about why I wanted to be a wife so badly.  These letters helped me pray, and also helped me really search my heart.


  2. Copy Prayers

    Many times I have started a novena for a specific request, and half way through the nine days of praying my intention’s wording changed.  It often would change so much it became an entirely different prayer. This is a huge reason why I LOVE novenas.  I find, often, that what I want – is not really what God wants.  I feel like that becomes apparent when day 4’s intentions are much different than day 1’s.  So, now when I commit myself to saying a novena, I really have to ask myself – is this a strong desire, or just a wish?  Writing the prayer out takes time, so I must evaluate if that time and energy is really worth it to me.  Once I decide to pray the novena, I write out the whole prayer on Day 1 – and I write my specific intention.  For the next 8 days I pray that prayer through reading what I wrote.  This way, my intention stays the same in wording.  If I don’t make it through, chances are, what I was asking wasn’t truly in my heart. If you think an email reminder would help you in praying a novena, you can sign up for that here: Pray More Novenas!

  3. Write an inspiring quote or lyrics from an uplifting song, then decorate the page

    Years ago when I started keeping a prayer journal, there was a song “I Turn to You” sung by Christina Aguilera.  The lyrics were in the Catholic Newspaper in our area, and an author called it “A Pop Song Psalm”.  I cut out the lyrics and glued it to a page.  Around it I wrote things like, “Be more prayerful”, “be more grateful”.  It gave me an excuse to color and draw!

  4. Color and Paste 🙂

    I’m so happy adult coloring books are all the rage – but honestly, give me a kid coloring book and I’ll be just as happy!  Here are some links so that you don’t have to purchase any coloring books!  The following bloggers have free coloring pages waiting for you! Katie Bogner at Look to Him and Be Radiant has a ton of free coloring pages!  I love her work!  From Fulton Sheen quotes to The Works of Mercy you will find many to choose from! Colleen Mitchell at Blessed are the feet will give you four free coloring pages just for subscribing to her blog! Dianna Kennedy has a free Rosary Coloring Book she gives to all her subscribers.  She says it’s for kids, but I signed up to get that for me!  Perfect for a journal page in my opinion! You can purchase 20 coloring pages from me to download instantly!  To get yours go to Coloring Printables from Be Yourself

  5. These colored penciled are the best!  Save the Crayola for the kids – these feel and look like butter! Prismacolor Colored Pencils


  6. Cut out and paste a devotion, article or picture and decorate the page around it

    I once read a reflection piece on John 6:7.  The author who reflected on this miracle of the loaves and fishes, pointed out that grace is not bound by either logic or arithmetic – that Jesus’ presence turns scarcity into abundance.  I cut it out and wrote quotes from the reflection around it.  I drew pictures. I felt like it was a letter from Jesus to me telling me not to worry and have hope!

  7. Make a collage!

    Use real photographs and fill the page of pictures and thank the Lord for all of these wonderful blessings. Use magazine pictures to show God all that you dream of and hope for as a prayer of petition!

  8. Use stickers, stencils, markers, stamps and washi tape!

    When I was a young girl, I LOVED stickers! I collected them, kept a sticker book, traded them and my heart did a certain kind of leap when my mom bought me a pack for no special occasion.  Stickers bring me such fond memories and a childlike joy.  I also remember it being a special occasion when I could use markers.  Do I sound ancient? I don’t care, pass those scented markers and that stamp pad, I’ll make this page look pretty and praise God in some shape or form!JesusItrust1

  9. Use Holy Cards and Holy Images

    Years ago I glued on this holy card to the first page of my prayer journal.  I believe it set an incredible tone and was a much needed reminder that I needed each time I opened that book.  Now I have my eye on a beautiful illustration of Mary, Undoer of Knots.  I was first introduced to this title of Mary when Pope Francis came to Philadelphia last Fall.  I would really like to pray this novena and the picture that is in the April issue of Serenity, the Little Sisters of the Poor’s publication has “wowed” me. I am excited to cut it out and put it in my journal!  Amazon has some awesome holy card sets as well!

    Check out: Vintage Replica Holy Cards54 Holy Cards; and Favorite Bible Verses!


    What did I miss?  Which idea do you like the most?  Would you go to a girls’ day out where you would take time to journal with your girlfriends?   I’m working on that idea next!!!

    Do you prefer a more guided journal?  Check out my article: 10 Best Journals for Busy Women !!!


The post 8 Ways to Pray Using a Journal appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

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