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Do you have a bucket list?  Italy is on mine – way ahead of anything else!


I daydream of vacationing in Tuscany: renting a villa, drinking wine overlooking the Italian countryside, and walking the roads that St. Francis and St. Clare walked.  To me, it would be the perfect vacation that would allow me to experience my faith in a way I never have; it would also allow me to enjoy wine in a place filled with history and gorgeous scenery.

I don’t think I can express the excitement I felt when I saw that this type of pilgrimage is not only one I would enjoy – but a whole group of women have a similar desire.  WINE: Women in the New Evangelization is an organization that is planning a pilgrimage to Italy.  They are calling their trip WINE & SHRINE: Visiting the Great Female Saints of ItalyThey are leaving at the end of the week.

Sadly, I will not be joining them – this time.

However, I am inspired!

I am also extremely lucky to live near many awesome shrines and holy places.  My home is located a short distance away from the burial places of two American saints. I can drive to St. John Neumann’s shrine and Saint Katherine Drexel‘s shrine in less than an hour.  I have knelt at their graves several times in my life.  Now, I want to go there with YOUR intentions.  And who am I kidding . . . I’m bringing my own too!

I also live in driving distance to a Carmelite Monastery, St. Gianna’s shrine,  the Shrine of the Miraculous Medal, and the National Shrine of Saint Rita of Cascia.

In addition to these awesome pilgrimage destinations, there are relics coming to my area that I have never had the privilege to encounter – those of St. Padre Pio, St. Thomas More and Saint John Fisher!

My plan is to:

  • visit each holy place and bring your intentions with me.  If there is a first class relic at the location, I will do my best to touch the relic with your intention.

  • Shoot a video of some form (leaning towards Facebook Live (will be broadcasted here: Prayer Wine Chocolate on Facebook)

  • Take pictures and write a post about each visit.

Since taking a video and “reporting live” is part of my plan, I want to give you a tentative schedule.  I also wanted to let you know a little bit about each Saint whose relics I will be venerating, that way if you have a specific intention that connects with one of these saints, I can be sure to ask for that Saint’s intercession on your behalf.

Since the following schedule is very tentative, and does not include times for Facebook Live videos, I created a group on Facebook that will allow me to update the schedule and give you a heads up for what time I plan to go “live”.  Please request to join the group if you want to be updated!  Here is the link: Prayer Wine Chocolate: updates and announcements.  Another reason why I would like to keep you posted is because if possible, I’d love for you to join me when I visit the shrine!  If you happen to be in the area, I’d love your company!


Tentative Schedule for Shrine Visits and Videos:

June 20:

The Carmelite Monastery in Philadelphia – the birthplace of devotion to St. Therese in the United States! Here I will pray before the Relics of St. Therese and Saints Louis and Zelie Martin! Saint Therese’ is patron saint of missionaries and missions. She is a powerful intercessor to anyone who goes to her!  I write about her in the post Raining Roses. Saints Zelie and Louis are patrons of the domestic church.  I have also found Saint Zelie to be a powerful intercessor for help in marriage.

The Miraculous Medal Shrine – Our Lady manifested the Medal to St. Catherine Labouré on November 27, 1830, in the motherhouse of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul and St. Louise de Marillac, in Paris. There is a piece of the chair which Our Blessed Mother sat on display at the shrine!

June 25-26:

This a busy weekend in the Philadelphia area for visiting Saint relics!  The relics of Padre Pio, St. Thomas More and St. John Fisher will be in the area!  I may not get to the separate locations, so please let me know if any interest you more!  Padre Pio’s relics will be in Bucks County at St. Bede’s Church; St. Thomas More and St. John Fisher’s relics will be at the Cathedral Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul.

July 9 -10

The National Shrine of Saint Katharine Drexel125thevpgMainGraphicv5_800x640px.png

Sadly, the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament announced earlier this month that they will be selling the grounds of this gorgeous, peaceful, holy place.  Saint Katherine Drexel is buried in this location, but next year will be moved to the Cathedral Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul in Philadelphia.  I may attempt to go to this shrine when it’s less busy.  This is a MUST for this summer, since this place will no longer be and holds so much history.

July 16:

Saint Gianna Shrine –  Saint Gianna’s gloves are kept here.  We will talk to the shrine director!  Many women, longing to conceive a child, have come to the Shrine to touch and venerate St. Gianna’s gloves and ask for her intercession. God has granted many of them new life. There have also been many other kinds of answered prayers. St. Gianna holy cards & pamphlets in English and Spanish are available at the shrine.

July 30-31:

Visit The National Shrine of Saint John Neumann and/or the National Shrine of Saint Rita of Cascia

Saint Rita of Cascia is the patron of impossible cases, difficult marriages, and parenthood.

Saint John Neumann is invoked as a patron of sick children and of immigrants. He was first American man to be named saint.

August 20:

National Shrine of Our Lady of Czextochowa

The National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa occupies approximately 170 acres of land. Located In Doylestown, PA and overlooks Peace Valley. The Shrine is the perfect place to come and spend time in prayer and reflection.

What I’m asking of you!

  1. Please pray that this summer we will grow closer to Jesus and have positive experiences through the intercession of Our Blessed Mother and the Saints we venerate!
  2. Let me know which shrine I can bring your petitions and tell me your intentions!  If you don’t mind others praying for you as well, leave your intentions as a comment under this article.  If you want me to keep your intention private, you can comment special intention or email me at prayerwinechocolate@gmail.com.
  3. Join the group Prayer Wine Chocolate: updates and announcements* on Facebook!  This way I can give you an idea of what time I will be going “live”!  Also, if any dates change, I will post that in this group.

*I also hope to plan a Day of Reflection and at least one “Tour the Shrine, Pour the Wine” day!  Join the group to get all the updates on upcoming events!!!!

The post Summer Shrine Schedule 2016 appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

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