praying Archives - Prayer Wine Chocolate a spiritual journey to motherhood & beyond Sat, 21 Sep 2019 13:01:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 praying Archives - Prayer Wine Chocolate 32 32 99893247 Insta-Prayers: 3 Times a Day You Can Pray With Others On Instagram Mon, 19 Aug 2019 20:45:44 +0000 This article contains affiliate links.  Please see my About page for more details. The internet and our smart phones can be a great thief of time and attention.  We love this easy way to connect with our loved ones . . . but often we forget to include the source and Love that is our […]

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This article contains affiliate links.  Please see my About page for more details.

The internet and our smart phones can be a great thief of time and attention.  We love this easy way to connect with our loved ones . . . but often we forget to include the source and Love that is our Creator and Eternal Father.  Many good, faithful Christians have recognized this and have created ways to gently remind themselves and others to include prayer in our everyday routines.

The greatest and most innovative creators of this have got to be John Paul and Annie Deddens.  John Paul and Annie are the Founders of

Before I even thought about blogging – and before I entered the world of social media, I somehow came across Pray More Novenas.  I thought it was a great idea for a website to send me a reminder to pray – so I subscribed immediately!  I’m still subscribed today – and now I am a huge fan of Annie’s other ministry, Catholic Wife, Catholic Life!

If you have not already, definitely sign up for PrayMoreNovena’s newsletter.  John Paul and Annie now host online retreats in addition to their novena reminders!  It’s a great resource!
Daily Boutique Deals

Now, if you are one of the 500 million people who scroll on Instagram daily – I have 3 places you can visit where you can pray with others – and be prayed for by others – right there on the gram!

But first, I am going to suggest you download this FREE lock screen package and put one of the 10 lock screens on your phone immediately if not sooner! It is a smart, holy, virtuous idea to say a prayer before going on social media – whether that be Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook or TWITTER (people are so angry on Twitter why is that?)!  I found that when I used this prayer I limited my time on social media much more than when I don’t say the prayer.  It’s a great reminder of God’s love and will for us!

Now that you are on “the gram”, here are 3 places you can pray with hundreds of others on Instagram!

Pray the Rosary in the Morning

  1. ManyHailMarysataTime 

ManyHailMarys was started by Kristin Reilly, founder of OneHailMaryataTime.  Kristin and her sister Jill lead the Rosary every morning on Instagram Live – often with guests (I got to do this once, it was so fun!  It was also the one day Instagram went down this summer lol).  Over 200 women wake up and pray the Rosary on Instagram – it is very moving and remarkable.

I attempt to join in and at least listen, but inevitably that is one time during the day where every child needs me to hug, feed, provide drink and give attention to at a pretty intense level.

Since I found myself often interrupted, I thought of a way people who might be having the same issue could still pray using Instagram, but do so in a shorter time span and at any time during the day.  So that leads us to the next place you can pray on Instagram every day . . .

The Rosary is so powerful!  Read this incredible story here: The Power of ONE Rosary

Pray a Novena or Short Prayer when you get a free moment

2. PrayerWineChocolate

Since I have noticed that my post titled 11 Quick, but Powerful, Prayers (with free printable)* tends to get a lot of traffic – and since I myself get pulled away from the Rosary on Instagram almost daily, I decided to post shorter prayers on my Instagram stories every day. I also am quite aware that I often intend to say a novena, but fail at saying it on consecutive days.  Before I started this short prayer on my Insta-stories idea, I had been attempting to pray the Saint Joseph novena for months.  So, I started this practice to not only help others, but to keep myself accountable.

Right now the plan is to say novena prayers, then take 3 days to pray more traditional prayers addressing God our Father and Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  Then, choose another novena and keep going.  I am, however, open to suggestions!  If you have any, send me an email or direct message me on Instagram!

*Just want the printable?  Click here, subscribe and it will be emailed to you! 11 Quick Powerful Prayers
Daily Boutique DealsWe just got finished the Novena Rose Prayer!  St. Therese is one of my favorite saints 🙂

Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet

Saint Socks! Fun and an extra prayer each day you wear them!

3. dailydivinemercy

The third place you can pray with others is on dailydivinemercy’s profile.  DailyDivineMercy also uses Instagram Live (like manyhailmarys).  Pray with a devout married couple and pray for the souls in your family and those who have passed away.  I often see dailydivinemercy go Live, but at that point of the day, I am so tired.  However, I love that this is an option – and at the end of the day!


Don’t get me wrong, I love to scroll Instagram to connect with others and simply to relax after my children go to bed, but I also want to make sure I stay connected with God.  After all, He loved us before Instagram 🙂

God LOVED you before your Instagram was Pretty <3

Check out these new Prayer Wine Chocolate products!  Each purchase helps support this ministry!

Prayer Wine Chocolate Phone Case


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8 Ways to Pray Using a Journal Wed, 22 Jun 2016 12:06:10 +0000 Here are 8 ways to turn a blank notebook into a prayer journal:

The post 8 Ways to Pray Using a Journal appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

I once transformed a marble copybook into a prayer journal.  Writing in it helped me:


pay closer attention during prayer,

relieve stress,

express some creativity,


document my feelings and thoughts.

One of my goals this month is to really get back into keeping a prayer journal.  I long to enjoy this “me time” and prayer time.  Perhaps even with a glass of wine . . .

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Here are 8 ways to turn a blank notebook into a prayer journal:

  1.  Write Letters

    I often loose focus and start to daydream when I do, well, anything.  So in order to feel more focused in prayer, I started writing letters to Jesus.  I also have written letter to saints asking for their intercession. I tell the Lord what I am thinking about, what I am grateful for, what I desire and what I worry about.  I once wrote a letter to Jesus telling Him why I had been relentless in my prayers about meeting a man that would be my husband.  In that letter I was very specific about why I wanted to be a wife so badly.  These letters helped me pray, and also helped me really search my heart.


  2. Copy Prayers

    Many times I have started a novena for a specific request, and half way through the nine days of praying my intention’s wording changed.  It often would change so much it became an entirely different prayer. This is a huge reason why I LOVE novenas.  I find, often, that what I want – is not really what God wants.  I feel like that becomes apparent when day 4’s intentions are much different than day 1’s.  So, now when I commit myself to saying a novena, I really have to ask myself – is this a strong desire, or just a wish?  Writing the prayer out takes time, so I must evaluate if that time and energy is really worth it to me.  Once I decide to pray the novena, I write out the whole prayer on Day 1 – and I write my specific intention.  For the next 8 days I pray that prayer through reading what I wrote.  This way, my intention stays the same in wording.  If I don’t make it through, chances are, what I was asking wasn’t truly in my heart. If you think an email reminder would help you in praying a novena, you can sign up for that here: Pray More Novenas!

  3. Write an inspiring quote or lyrics from an uplifting song, then decorate the page

    Years ago when I started keeping a prayer journal, there was a song “I Turn to You” sung by Christina Aguilera.  The lyrics were in the Catholic Newspaper in our area, and an author called it “A Pop Song Psalm”.  I cut out the lyrics and glued it to a page.  Around it I wrote things like, “Be more prayerful”, “be more grateful”.  It gave me an excuse to color and draw!

  4. Color and Paste 🙂

    I’m so happy adult coloring books are all the rage – but honestly, give me a kid coloring book and I’ll be just as happy!  Here are some links so that you don’t have to purchase any coloring books!  The following bloggers have free coloring pages waiting for you! Katie Bogner at Look to Him and Be Radiant has a ton of free coloring pages!  I love her work!  From Fulton Sheen quotes to The Works of Mercy you will find many to choose from! Colleen Mitchell at Blessed are the feet will give you four free coloring pages just for subscribing to her blog! Dianna Kennedy has a free Rosary Coloring Book she gives to all her subscribers.  She says it’s for kids, but I signed up to get that for me!  Perfect for a journal page in my opinion! You can purchase 20 coloring pages from me to download instantly!  To get yours go to Coloring Printables from Be Yourself

  5. These colored penciled are the best!  Save the Crayola for the kids – these feel and look like butter! Prismacolor Colored Pencils


  6. Cut out and paste a devotion, article or picture and decorate the page around it

    I once read a reflection piece on John 6:7.  The author who reflected on this miracle of the loaves and fishes, pointed out that grace is not bound by either logic or arithmetic – that Jesus’ presence turns scarcity into abundance.  I cut it out and wrote quotes from the reflection around it.  I drew pictures. I felt like it was a letter from Jesus to me telling me not to worry and have hope!

  7. Make a collage!

    Use real photographs and fill the page of pictures and thank the Lord for all of these wonderful blessings. Use magazine pictures to show God all that you dream of and hope for as a prayer of petition!

  8. Use stickers, stencils, markers, stamps and washi tape!

    When I was a young girl, I LOVED stickers! I collected them, kept a sticker book, traded them and my heart did a certain kind of leap when my mom bought me a pack for no special occasion.  Stickers bring me such fond memories and a childlike joy.  I also remember it being a special occasion when I could use markers.  Do I sound ancient? I don’t care, pass those scented markers and that stamp pad, I’ll make this page look pretty and praise God in some shape or form!JesusItrust1

  9. Use Holy Cards and Holy Images

    Years ago I glued on this holy card to the first page of my prayer journal.  I believe it set an incredible tone and was a much needed reminder that I needed each time I opened that book.  Now I have my eye on a beautiful illustration of Mary, Undoer of Knots.  I was first introduced to this title of Mary when Pope Francis came to Philadelphia last Fall.  I would really like to pray this novena and the picture that is in the April issue of Serenity, the Little Sisters of the Poor’s publication has “wowed” me. I am excited to cut it out and put it in my journal!  Amazon has some awesome holy card sets as well!

    Check out: Vintage Replica Holy Cards54 Holy Cards; and Favorite Bible Verses!


    What did I miss?  Which idea do you like the most?  Would you go to a girls’ day out where you would take time to journal with your girlfriends?   I’m working on that idea next!!!

    Do you prefer a more guided journal?  Check out my article: 10 Best Journals for Busy Women !!!


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Soul Searching Wed, 13 Jan 2016 13:01:44 +0000 I guess you could say, I'm soul searching.

The post Soul Searching appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

ss2picThe officer replied, “2,200 souls on board, sir”.

A few months ago my husband and I found ourselves watching the movie Titanic.  At one point in the film, after the ship hit the iceberg, there is a scene where the Captain realizes the fate of the boat.  He asks a fellow crew member how many people are on board. The officer replies, “2,200 souls on board, sir”.

His response really struck me.  I told Matt how interesting I found the officer’s word choice.  He didn’t say passengers or people, he said souls. He referred to the people on board as souls.  I thought, how rarely do I hear anyone refer to a person or people as souls. At least while they are living.

Before writing this article, I did a google search: “how many souls on titanic”.  Many articles showed up discussing the lives that were lost, using the word “souls”.  I then did another search.  I changed “titanic” to “world trade center”.  The first two articles didn’t have the word soul in them, and the third article was titled: “One World Trade Center: how New York tried to rebuild its soul…”.soulprayer

The first article that even mentioned a soul was talking about a city and not a person!

Every day I read post titles that discuss improving and maintaining physical and mental health in mainstream media.

Do we as a people ever think about our souls – let alone nourish them? This post has me wanting to ask so many questions.

I guess you could say, I’m soul searching.

Do you believe you have a soul?

Do you think we should care for our souls as well as the souls of our loved ones?

Do you think our generation neglects our souls?

How do you nourish your soul?

What can I do to nourish my soul and the souls around me?

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Five Reasons Why I Wear a Miraculous Medal – and Maybe You Should Too Mon, 16 Nov 2015 12:38:50 +0000 Our Lady is calling upon us to not forget her Son and our purpose in this life - to love and serve Him.

The post Five Reasons Why I Wear a Miraculous Medal – and Maybe You Should Too appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

This article contains affiliate links.  Please see my About Me page for more details.

Can you imagine being awaken by an angel, and this angel telling you to follow her because the Blessed Mother wants to speak with you?  I wonder at that moment if St. Catherine Laboure, being half asleep, thought she was just dreaming.  angel-1240638_640.jpg

I think it’s important to recall the humility of Catherine when we consider wearing the Miraculous Medal.  It’s not a charm meant to show off holiness or perform magic, but a message from heaven.  Our Lady is calling upon us to remember her Son and our purpose in this life – to love and serve Him.  As someone who has visited the Miraculous Medal Shrine in Philadelphia during every “urgent need” of my life, I didn’t start wearing one until this year!
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Here are five reasons why I wear a Miraculous Medal:

  1. I am being reminded daily to “listen to my Mother”

    – As a mommy of a three and a half year old boy, I’ve been hearing the word “no” a lot.  Me: “Xavier, go to the potty”  Xavier: No  Me: “Don’t say no to me, just do it”  Xavier: “No!”.  This happens countless times a day. As you can imagine, this can be extremely frustrating. I wonder if Mary gets frustrated with us. Almost 200 years ago Our Blessed Mother instructed Saint Catherine Laboure to “have a medal struck upon this model. Those who wear it will receive great graces, especially if they wear it around their neck.” Our Blessed Mother also told Catherine, “Now it must be given to the whole world and to every person.” For almost two hundred years this message has been available to us, yet I still do not have one around my neck.  I wonder if Mary feels how I feel after a 30 minute debate with a three year old on why he has to at least try to pee.mommy.jpeg

  2. It’s known as the “Miraculous Medal” for a reason, and I love a miracle!  

    When the medal first came into being, it was called the Medal of the Immaculate Conception. In less than ten years it became known at the Miraculous Medal because of the many graces and wonders that quickly became associated with wearing it. According to one source, between 1930 and 1950, more than 750,000 favors were granted and registered in just the city of Philadelphia alone.  Our Blessed Mother wants us to ask her for prayers. Our Lord wants us to go to Him and tell him what is on our minds and in our hearts.  Having this medal around our necks at all times is a constant reminder to pray. And as Mary promised, those who wear it will receive great graces.

  3. Heroic men and women have worn it and encouraged others to wear it.

    Two particular individuals come to mind: St. Maximillian Kolbe and Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta.  Before St. Maximillian courageously gave his life for another man, he started a movement and an organization, known in English as the Knights of the Immaculata. He made the Miraculous Medal the insignia of the group and had each member wear the medal.  He said it was a “silver bullet” against evil.  Mother Teresa of Calcutta, known for her charitable work throughout the world, called it a “medal of charity” and gave it out by the hand full.  She said that the medal is a sign that God loves each and every individual at each and every moment of our lives.


  4. It’s a reminder to ASK for help! 

    ****** I absolutely LOVE this Miraculous Medal from Pink Salt Riot: Miraculous Medal Stack Necklace********

    The images on the medal were designed by the Blessed Mother and spoken to St. Catherine Laboure. Our Blessed Mother said that the rays coming from some of her fingers demonstrate the graces God gives through her to those who ask and are open.  There are some fingers where no rays are shown.  Mary said that is to demonstrate the graces that are not given because they were not requested of her.  Just another reminder of Matthew 7:7; “Ask and it shall be given to you”.sculpture-1336427_1280.jpg

  5. It’s a symbol of what is most important.  

    As I write this, my Facebook profile picture includes an opaque flag of France to show my support and prayers for those who have suffered a great tragedy.  There is a U.S. flag hung outside the front door of our home to demonstrate patriotism.  We often wear colors to support those effected by different diseases and when we are cheering for our favorite sports team, we wear the appropriate jersey.  All of these have some importance in our lives.  But what is most important?  For me, it is my faith.  If signs and symbols are important for the lesser things, why not show my enthusiasm for the greatest blessing of all – faith in Our Lord and the love of our Mother.

You can get a FREE Miraculous Medal! The Central Association of the Miraculous Medal‘s (which is celebrating it’s 100th anniversary this year!) primary mission is “to render honor to Mary Immaculate and to encourage the use of her Miraculous Medal with prayers and devotions to her”, offers a free Miraculous Medal to anyone living in the United States.  Click here to get a free Miraculous Medal. *Since writing this article I have been told that they don’t mail out free medals anymore :(.

But, I have found these beautiful ones from Pink Salt Riot!

This medal from Pink Salt Riot is beautiful!

Click here to get yours before they sell out!

I also love and own this one!


Click photo to shop! Less than $20!
On sale for only $10!


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Saintly Supplications Sat, 31 Oct 2015 19:30:44 +0000 Lucky for us, prayers do not have to be lengthy to be meaningful!

The post Saintly Supplications appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.


This post contains affiliate links.  Please see my About Me page for more details.

Happy All Saints Day!  I know we live in a fast paced society and we are all extremely busy! Lucky for us, prayers do not have to be lengthy to be meaningful!  There are certain words of wisdom, given to us by the saints, that really strike me.  You know, phrases or quotes that you hear and make you think ‘YES” or “THAT IS SO TRUE”!  There are a few that I have thought about this year and they have compelled me to ask the Lord for help in living such wise words.

Here are some words of wisdom and a short, quick prayer to follow:

Pray, Hope and Don’t Worry” – Padre Pio

Dear Lord, Help me to pray without ceasing!  Help me to feel hope in my heart, and help me to not be so easily anxious. Take those worrisome thoughts from me Lord, and replace them with joyful, hopeful ones!  Amen!

“Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire” – St. Catherine of Siena

Dear Lord, Help me to set the world on fire!

“The secret of happiness is to live moment by moment and to thank God for all that He, in His goodness sends us day after day.” – Saint Gianna Molla

Dear Lord, Thank you for everything you have done to bring me to this present moment. Help me to live in the present.  Help me to feel your presence, and trust you with my life and challenges.  Help me to embrace this moment and truly feel and spread happiness.  Amen.

“Don’t say: ‘that person gets on my nerves’; think: ‘that person sanctifies me” – Saint Josemaria Escrival

Dear Lord, Help. Please help.

“O Holy Spirit, descend plentifully into my heart.  Enlighten the dark corner of this neglected dwelling and scatter there thy cheerful beams.”  St. Augustine


“When tempted, invoke your Angel. he is more eager to help you than you are to be helped! Ignore the devil and do not be afraid of him: He trembles and flees at the sight of your Guardian Angel.” St. John Bosco

Dear Lord, Thank you for giving me a guardian angel!  Please help me to remember that I can invoke my angel and ask for help.  Help me to not be afraid!  Love you Lord Jesus!  Amen

“I’m always so happy with him, he makes my life very pleasant.  What a holy man my husband is.  I wish the same for all women; that’s my wish for them for the New Year.” Saint Zelie Martin, telling her brother how much she loves her husband in a letter dated January 1, 1863.

Saint Zelie!  Please pray for my marriage!  Pray that I love my husband and always feel happy with him! Pray that we laugh together often! Saint Louis Martin, please pray for my husband and I to be happier every day!  Amen

“We ought to speak, shout out against injustices, with confidence and without fear.  We proclaim the principles of the Church, the reign of love, without forgetting that it is also a reign of justice.” Blessed Miguel Pro

Blessed Miguel, please pray that I be confident and not fearful!  Ask the Lord to help me to know when to shout out! Blessed Miguel, please pray to the Holy Spirit to give me all the right words! Amen.

“Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit.  Do not lose your inner peace for anything
whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.”  Saint Francis De Sales

Dear Lord, so often I lose my inner peace.  So often I am in a hurry and hurrying others.  Please help me to slow down and have a much more quiet spirit.  Please help me to maintain an inner peace, even when I feel hurt or provoked.  Actually, especially when I am hurt or provoked, help me to feel inner peace and remain calm.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Thank you for reading this . . . o wait . . .

“Pray for me . . . don’t forget” Pope Francis

God Bless Pope Francis!  Please Lord Jesus, keep him faithful, joyful and allow him to be an instrument of Your peace to the world.  Give Pope Francis great health, and surround him with people who keep him holy and make him laugh! Please answer his personal prayers and guide him with Your truth and love!  Amen!

I almost forgot to pray for Pope Francis!  Love him!

Remember!  “Prayer is the best armor we have, it is the key which opens the heart of God.”  Saint Padre Pio

Do you have a favorite saint quote?  What saint inspires you?  What saint challenges you?  What saint comforts you?  Please share!


If you would like more short prayers – plus a free printable – check out 11 Quick, but Powerful, Prayers

Subscribe to Prayer Wine Chocolate and get 4 free coloring pages!

Never give up!

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77 Ways to Pray with Your Kids (Book Review) Tue, 27 Oct 2015 21:43:39 +0000 the author . . . both assured me that I was doing some things right and gave me a handful of ideas that would help me work with the Holy Spirit and guide my son to a closer relationship with Jesus.

The post 77 Ways to Pray with Your Kids (Book Review) appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

]]> reached out and offered me an opportunity to read 77 Ways to Pray With Your Kids book. I was given a book by them for myself and one for a reader.  All opinions are my own.waystopraywithkids

As a young school student, maybe around the age of 11, I often wondered what I was supposed to think about when I prayed. I thought of asking a priest if I should picture the words of the prayers, as if I was imagining them written across a chalkboard . . . or, should I be thinking of something else? Jesus’ face perhaps?

What strikes me about this memory the most are not the questions I had, but the fact that I did not think of asking my parents those questions.  My faith is the greatest gift my parents gave me.  They taught me to pray before meals, before I went to sleep at night, to go to Mass every Sunday, to pray the Rosary, participate in the Sacraments, and so on.  Yet, I did not think of asking them how to pray.  Perhaps if I saw a book laying around called 77 Ways to Pray with Your Kids“, it would have hit me – hey, ask mom or dad, she (or he) bought that book!  Maybe.

Praying with a 3 year old

At this point in my life, I a am still in motherhood bootcamp.  My oldest and only (so far) is a very active 3 year old.  He is starting to say the prayers he hears my husband and I pray, but I use the term “say” loosely.  When he prays “Bless Us, O Lord” or the “Our Father” I think we can identify about five English (or any human language) words.  In short, he has absolutely no idea what he is saying.

How 77 Ways to Pray helps 

By page 19 of 77 Ways to Pray . . .” the author, Jerry Windley-Daoust, had both assured me that I was doing some things right and gave me a handful of ideas that would help me work with the Holy Spirit and guide my son to a closer relationship with Jesus. Windley-Daoust also provides awesome ideas including craft or craft-like projects (table triangles, placemats, paper prayer chains and thanksgiving murals to name a few) and really provides approaches for all age groups and attention spans.  The book focuses on three main age groups (3+, 7+ and 13+) but also includes baby prayers and really enriches the reader as well.  When I almost drew pictures of hearts on the page that collaborated prayer and chore time, I knew he had walked a mile in my shoes.  As a stay-at-home parent, the author experienced the old adage “necessity is the mother of invention” and came up with many ways to truly be his children’s first teacher. The brevity of the book makes it easy to use as a reference, but also recommends other works to refer to on the journey to nourish your child’s soul.kidspraying

As a practicing Catholic I found the book to even provide a few new lessons on my own spiritual journey.  Even though I was educated in Catholic schools from first grade to graduate school, I had never heard the term Lectio Divina and was compelled to look it up.  I was also extremely impressed with how rooted in Scripture so many activities were.  I found myself visualizing ways to incorporate short prayers found in the Bible to connect with a teenager.  For example, as a runner, I know a cross country race is extremely nerve wracking.  How awesome would it be to find “I can do all things through him who strengthens me” Philippians 4:13 left by your mom or dad in your lunch or sports bag before a meet.  My point is, the book not only offers great ideas, but also stimulates more ideas in the reader.

Although the work gives great advice for any Christian family to use, the work stresses the importance of the Sacraments and the challenges that come along with them.  Although I am sure many Christian families have to find a way to reach the teen that no longer wants to go to church on Sunday, Catholics have the added challenge of, “why can’t I just ask God for forgiveness directly”.  77 Ways gives suggestions on how to deal with these unique, but common, questions.

There are also small pieces of advice that I absolutely love in this book.  For example, “walk to Mass”.  I remember complaining when we walked as a family growing up.  But, how much does a walk calm a soul – or allow a little one to burn off energy?  It’s meditative.  Another reminder that Eucharistic adoration is better to attend for ten minutes than no minutes at all.  From “God’s mailbox” to a prayer journal, having this book is just one tool that will help parents who truly desire to nurture the souls in which God has entrusted them.

Now that I have read the book . . .

I’m excited to make a visit to adoration today (although it will only be 10 minutes), look into the prayer apps that “77 Ways to Pray . . .” recommends, and really start considering the prayer rug suggestion for my “constant ants-in-pants” son!  Having this book as a reference will really help our family through the years.

 If you are interested in learning more about how to purchase 77 Ways to Pray with Your Kids, Click here: 77 WAYS TO PRAY WITH YOUR KIDS

How do you pray with your children?  Are there any activities that really excite your children and refresh your prayer life?  Please share!!

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