prison Archives - Prayer Wine Chocolate a spiritual journey to motherhood & beyond Tue, 23 Feb 2016 20:20:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 prison Archives - Prayer Wine Chocolate 32 32 99893247 Mocha and Mercy : Visit the Imprisoned Tue, 23 Feb 2016 16:23:16 +0000 The Lord is giving me opportunities to live the work of mercy: Visit the Imprisoned, and in doing so, He is calling me to some serious introspection.

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This week the woman in charge of the Eucharistic Minister scheduling at our parish called me.  She wanted to know if I’d be open to visiting a homebound person one Sunday a month and give him or her communion.

I said no.

I didn’t say no because I think old people smell or I am not a compassionate person.  I said no because I feel overwhelmed with responsibilities and commitments.

I happen to know someone who is in prison right now.  She committed a crime, and she is doing the time.  Drugs led a perfectly lovely young lady to be the worst version of herself. Although she is incarcerated three states away, I felt the best way to “visit” her is to write her letters.  She has been away for six months.  I have only written one letter.holy-779555_640

The Lord is giving me opportunities to live the work of mercy: Visit the Imprisoned, and in doing so, He is calling me to some serious introspection.  What am I doing with my time?  How can I change it to make the Lord’s will first?

I must check Facebook fifty times a day.  Is it a sin to check Facebook?  No.  But if I do it so much, that I don’t have the time to do other, more helpful, Christian, loving acts – it is something that is keeping me from growing closer to God, and therefore, not in my best interest.

What are we doing and thinking about that is keeping us from God?  How can we change?

I know there are some women and moms out there that have to say no once in a while.  We should not over-commit ourselves.  But in my case – I have one child.  I should be able to write more letters and sacrifice one hour on a Sunday – once a month.

Let’s take a look at what we do with our time and thoughts, and change them to what is good and holy.

If I go on Facebook less, perhaps my desk won’t look like this:  This is an outward sign of all the work my soul needs!  Heaven help me!messydesk1

I need to do some serious soul searching, and figure out what is keeping me from writing more letters, and visiting a homebound person once a month.

How do you visit the imprisoned?  Does Our Lord give you opportunities to do His work, and you find yourself saying no?


The post Mocha and Mercy : Visit the Imprisoned appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

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