birthday Archives - Prayer Wine Chocolate a spiritual journey to motherhood & beyond Mon, 09 Dec 2019 16:07:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 birthday Archives - Prayer Wine Chocolate 32 32 99893247 Catholic Birthday Party Themes You Will Love Sat, 27 Apr 2019 18:13:33 +0000 I’ve teamed up with Aleesa McCarthy from SaongJai and Sarah from Wild Things Adventure to bring you 3 birthday party ideas for your cool Catholic kid! This post contains affiliate links – if you shop through the links, I earn a small commission). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Are you a Catholic Mom looking to throw […]

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I’ve teamed up with Aleesa McCarthy from SaongJai and Sarah from Wild Things Adventure to bring you 3 birthday party ideas for your cool Catholic kid!

This post contains affiliate links – if you shop through the links, I earn a small commission). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Are you a Catholic Mom looking to throw a fun and unique birthday party for your child?  Here are three ideas!

The Be Yourself Scrapbook Party!

Perfect for girls in “Middle School” and for girls who love crafts!

Perfect for girls in “Middle School” and for girls who love crafts!

The back of the Be Yourself Journal was left blank purposefully.  Directions inside the book guide the owner to design the back cover to reflect her personality – and using Scrapbooking materials, stickers and holy cards are highly encouraged!

What you will need:

Be Yourself Journals (1 for each party guest) . These are perfect for party favors!  They double as the activity and the favor!

A basket of holy cards

Inspiration Sticker Bouquet from Pink Salt Riot!

(I tend to get these for free in the mail all the time, you can also ask around.  Sometimes people have no use for them, but feel bad throwing them out. )

Scrapbooking paper

Glue and Scissors

Inspirational quotes/stickers

Gel Pens!

How to party:

Set up a table with a Be Yourself Journal as each setting.

Have supplies in the middle of the table “family style”.

Instruct the guests as they come in to find a place to sit.  Each guest can explore the supplies and choose some scrapbooking paper to cover the back of their journal with; they should also choose one holy card that will be placed at the center of her back cover.

Guests can begin to paste the scrapbooking paper on the back cover and create their canvas.

Next, the holy card should be placed at the center.

After the canvas is created and the holy card is glued to the middle, encourage the girls to decorate around the holy card with inspiring quotes, stickers, photos, words/their name, etc.

In the middle, offer a snack.  We did this as a mini-retreat and the hosting mom made chicken nuggets and mac and cheese.  She also had Capri Suns out for drinks.

When the girls are finished creating, here are some more ideas for entertaining:

One – have them share their beautiful work!  Let them say why they chose the holy card they used, what quotes and pictures they decorated with and what their most favorite aspect of their back cover is!

Two – tell them to turn to the “Would you rather” page.  This is a great party activity!  Have them fill it out then asked the questions out loud and let them share their answers, or ask them to raise their hands if they picked “pick flowers” or “pick pumpkins”.  They really enjoy this!

Wild Things Adventures Birthday Party!

Perfect for boys and girls ages 5 to 10!

Sarah, the creator of Wild Things Adventures, is a Catholic blogger who wants to spread excitement about exploring God’s creation!

Wild Things Adventures printable Adventure Logs are perfect accessories for your little adventurer’s birthday party!

Print as many as you need for you guests to head outside and explore. Adventure Logs feature sixteen hand designed pages filled with prompts, a glossary, with plenty of space to draw and record your findings. The Log makes it super easy to gather a group of kids and send them out to make discoveries without a ton of party prep.

Adventure Bags make a great gift for the birthday child to match his party theme.

For 40% off the group Adventure Log PDF and Adventure Party Invitations and Thank You Notecards, use code ADVENTUREPARTY at WildThingsAdventures on Etsy!

A Royal Girl Saints Birthday Party!

Perfect for girls ages 3 to 8!

Here is a cute PDF out called Royal Girl Saints Birthday Party Pack  that will help you put on an awesome holy birthday for the princess loving little one in your life.

Themed around saints that were noble or royalty and our Blessed Mother, this PDF includes:

a Happy Birthday sign,

a welcome sign,


thank you notes,

a game,

a birthday bunting, party crowns,

and holy cards!

Here is a 40% off coupon code ROYAL40 to use on this PDF!

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Prayer, Wine, and Chocolate Gifts for Every Occasion! Mon, 14 Nov 2016 15:13:10 +0000 Whether you are shopping early for Christmas, or need a gift for any occasion – the theme of prayer, wine and chocolate is usually a win, win, win!  All three of these things can bring comfort in times of sorrow and help us celebrate the joyful times! Some links are affiliate links. Now, you may […]

The post Prayer, Wine, and Chocolate Gifts for Every Occasion! appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

Whether you are shopping early for Christmas, or need a gift for any occasion – the theme of prayer, wine and chocolate is usually a win, win, win!  All three of these things can bring comfort in times of sorrow and help us celebrate the joyful times!

Some links are affiliate links.


Now, you may or may not know – I am extremely picky!  I don’t like having a lot of stuff – so the stuff I am going to recommend will be practical.  I love giving and getting presents – but I’m all about presents being useful and something that will be loved!

Here are some things I would love to receive – all revolving around the “prayer, wine and chocolate theme”.  All gifts can include an added bottle of wine 😉

I suggest giving a present that includes one gift out of each category.


A Miraculous Medal 

 This Miraculous Medal is perfect for everyday wear.  I love this type of Miraculous Medal because it is small, simple, matches everything and I can wear it to bed comfortably.  This is on my Christmas list <3.Screen Shot 2016-11-13 at 9.34.52 PM.png

A Coloring Book Devotional

I love this devotional/coloring book.  I could see myself choosing a page to reflect upon and color; then cutting it out and glue into my prayer journal.

Eucharistic Adoration Reflections 

I love how the reflections in this book are set up.  Short and simple – not a lot of reading so more time to reflect and meditate.

The Rosary: The Prayer that Saved My Life 

 Immaculee’s testimony to her faith in God is awe-inspiring.  Her story and Christian example is amazing.  In this book, Immaculee shares how the Rosary has helped her in every aspect of her life, from graciouswordsliterally saving her life to strengthening her faith, easing sorrows, changing heartache into happiness, healing illnesses in herself and others, solving family problems, landing a dream job, finding long-lost friends, and even locating lost keys!

The “Gracious Words” Rosary Bracelet 

or really anything from Christian Bling.  Jewelry is a nice gift and this company focused all the pieces on Scripture and prayer. I also love the necklace “Endless”.  I enhanced that piece by adding a Miraculous Medal and wear it frequently. IF YOU MAKE A PURCHASE with Christian Bling through, WRITE IN PARTY NUMBER 1825, AND YOU ARE AUTOMATICALLY ENTERED TO WIN FREE HOSTESS SHOPPING! WINNER WILL BE CHOSEN DECEMBER 14TH!!! Merry Christmas!!!


Wine socks! 

screen-shot-2016-11-09-at-9-51-34-pmI strongly suggest we all buy these before they are sold out.  I think the same women who’s moms were searching the world for Cabbage Patch Kids whatever many years ago that was – will be searching the world for these socks this year.  That is my prediction.  I hope they are not already sold out!

Wine pajamas 

I need new pajamas – and they are a really popular gift around Christmas time.  Might as well have fun with it and get the wine themed ones!!!

Tasting Wine and Cheese: An Insider’s Guide to Mastering the Principles of Pairing 

this book is a great add on to a basket full of wine goodies!  I love wine and cheese as well as wine and chocolate!

Pretty Decor!

This Set of 6 Warm White Wine Bottle Cork Lights are so pretty!!!

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My absolute favorite recommendation for chocolate right now comes from the Trappistine Quality Candy – chocolate made with love and prayers by the Nuns of Mount Saint Mary’s Abbey!  This gift brings prayer and chocolate together perfectly 🙂

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The dark chocolate hearts pictured above pair perfectly with red wine.  They are also a big win for anyone who likes a sweet treat, but doesn’t want to feel guilty about it afterwards.  They are the perfect size for just the right sweet craving.

The Santa Pops are the perfect add on for any Christmas gift – so cute and delicious!!!


Add this free printable to your gift.  It will guide the recipeint on which wines go best with milk chocolate vs. which wines go best with dark chocolate.  Special thanks to Meg Florkowski for designing the printable.

Click here for free printable: Prayer&PairCOLOR

Contest time!!!  I would LOVE to see pictures of your “prayer, wine, chocolate” themed gifts!  Email a picture of your “prayer, wine, chocolate” themed gift to Amy at; and you are entered! Winner will win a free gift from me – Amy – keeping the theme in mind of course!  Contest is only open to subscribers – so make sure you filled out this box and confirmed your subscription!  Please only send pictures if you don’t mind me sharing them and showing off your talent 🙂  Winner will be chosen December 1, 2016!!!  Best of luck!

Screen Shot 2016-11-14 at 9.58.50 AM.png
Look for this on the right of your screen (or below if you are on the phone).  Fill it out, then check your email to confirm! (This is just a picture of it)

Looking for more gift ideas?  Would you like to WIN some gifts?  Check out these giveaways and gift guides!

Spiritual Stocking Stuffers for Men

Spiritual Stocking Stuffers for Women

Spiritual Stocking Stuffers for Children and Teens

The post Prayer, Wine, and Chocolate Gifts for Every Occasion! appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

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