Catholic youth ministry Archives - Prayer Wine Chocolate a spiritual journey to motherhood & beyond Thu, 19 Aug 2021 15:57:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Catholic youth ministry Archives - Prayer Wine Chocolate 32 32 99893247 5 Middle School Youth Group Ideas You Will LOVE Wed, 18 Aug 2021 18:27:11 +0000 This post contains affiliate or associate links with several businesses (which means if you shop through the links, I earn a small commission). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Last year, our parish (along with two other parishes) used the Be Yourself Journals as part of their plan for the youth group. I was thrilled to get […]

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This post contains affiliate or associate links with several businesses (which means if you shop through the links, I earn a small commission). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Last year, our parish (along with two other parishes) used the Be Yourself Journals as part of their plan for the youth group.

I was thrilled to get feedback from the men who run this program. They loved what the Be Yourself Journals addressed and how it was presented. It was exactly what they were looking for after attending a meeting about what is best to reinforce with the age group that is often identified as early adolescent, tweens, middle schoolers or junior high students.

*If you want more ideas, or ideas on how to use the Be Yourself Journals in the Classroom, check out 3 Ways to Use the Be Yourself Journals in the Classroom

Here is a glimpse of what we did as well as some plans we had that we never did get to (ugh, COVID).

Catholic Youth Group Topics in this post include:

  • Identify as a Child of God
  • Bullying, Forgiveness and Jesus
  • Saints as Friends and Motivators
  • Prayer: Praying without Ceasing

Identify as a Child of God

Who are you?

Prior to this first session, we asked the youth to email us a picture of themselves in nature. We suggested they send a picture of themselves doing something outdoors (hiking, fishing) or visiting somewhere they enjoy (at the beach, up the mountains, at the Grand Canyon). The focus should be that they are somewhere that show’s the beauty of God’s creation.

One of the youth ministers prepared a quick slide show to play after we discussed “who are you?”

Here’s a glimpse at our “lesson plan” for the night!
Topic for this session: Who are You

Small Groups

To get the 6th, 7th and 8th graders thinking about the topic, we directed them towards the journal pages that asks them simple and fun questions about themselves.
Page 6-7-15-16 Boys Journal
Beauty Basics, God’s Creation, God’s Creation and You, Girls Journal

Whole Group Activity:
Invite teens to come up to a white board/butcher paper and tell them to write a word or two describing
who they are. They will write the words inside their own circle. Inside the circle will be a stick figure to
represent themselves. There will be a separate board/paper for the girls and guys.

Brief Talk on God’s Creation
One leader gives a talk on how these adjectives they wrote do describe aspects of their personality, but they don’t define them.

The letter in the Girl’s Journal from Saint Catherine Siena gives a great analogy that might be worth discussing! Check it out and share it with the kids!

Teach and stress the following:

  • We are God’s creation. God created you in His Image. God created you body and soul.
  • God created everything for you but you in turn were created to serve and love God and offer all creation back to Him.**
  • We are unique and unrepeatable.  We are called to identify as God’s son or daughter (child).
  • God created everything for you but you in turn were created to serve and love God and offer all creation back to Him.

After this brief talk/discussion, show the slide show with all the pictures that were sent!
show slide show on the TV for the teens in nature.

Ask: What natural wonder would you love
to see one day.

A care package for Catholic College Students!

Present a list of the natural wonders.

Rest of Night:

Small Groups:
Would you Rather Activity

** The Would You Rather Game focuses on the beginning of this Catholic teaching: “God created everything for you but you in turn were created to serve and love God and offer all creation back to Him”

After they fill it out their answers in the book, the small group leader can go through each choice and
have them raise hand to see if they chose Answer 1 or 2.

Large Group
Charades Game

Girls v. Boys

We wrote each “would you rather activity” on a slip of paper. The teens picked a paper out of a hat and had to act out the activity and someone had to guess in a set amount of time.

We did boys v. girls and gave each group an alternating turn, it was so entertaining to watch! Lots of laughs!
Pick an action out of a hat and act it out (like ziplining, swimming, mountain climbing, hunting, fishing, etc. . .)

Here are some other spring boards from the book that make great group activities:

Bullying, Forgiveness and Jesus

Using the Boy’s Journal (pages 42-43) and the Gospel of John (John 8:3-9) is a great way to start talking about bullying and sticking up for people who are getting “ganged up on”.

We ended the night with a “writing in the sand activity”. The Youth Minister had one prepared . . . he had bins of sand that students partnered up with and shared.

The materials were simple and the interaction with sand was so fun!

Saints as friends and motivators

Give each tween a small white board or paper. Tell them to write a Saint quote or something that Saint might have said on the paper. Have each take turns showing their quote and the others guessing who said it. If they need help, here are some pages of each book that will help:

Boy’s Journal: pages 15, 60, 62, 68, and 89

Girl’s Journal: unfortunately pages are not numbered, but there a MANY pages with Saint quotes – girls will be able to find them easily.
Saint or Superhero Game

My friend Sara Estabrooks (author over at has a podcast with Chastity Speaker Tim and they played a game where Tim stated a quote and Sara had to guess if these words were said by a Catholic Saint or a fictional Superhero.

Listen to the Saint or Sinner Home But Not Alone Podcast Episode

It was not easy! I recommend listening and taking some of the questions as well as adding your own.

Since this may be difficult for kids who are just learning about the Saints, a good idea would be to put a youth minister in the “hot seat” and have the youth vote on whether he or she is right or wrong. There’s a gameshow that’s like that, right?

Prayer: Praying without Ceasing

I’m sure you have at least one night planned on the topic of prayer. Here are just some supplemental activities that will shake it up a bit 😉

Boy’s Journal – page 31 – gives ideas on how to pray while you play sports. You could set up stations around a gym or school yard and allow the students to choose a station then ask them to come back and talk about the experience.

Girl’s Journal – What’s your prayer style and Design a prayer room. Scrapbook materials required – really a fun one if you can separate the girls and give them time to work on these pages.

Want more ideas? Take a look at the post 3 Ways to Use the Be Yourself Journals in the Classroom

Saint Joseph and Jesus workshop skit

I was also thinking of a Saint Joseph and Jesus skit idea . . . do you want that idea? Let me know in the comments! If there is enough interest, I’ll create a free download!

This is idea number 5 – let me know if you want it and I’ll work on it!

Remember you can purchase the Be Yourself Journals from:

The Prayer Wine Chocolate Shop Page

From Amazon

From Our Sunday Visitor

Barnes and Noble’s online store

The post 5 Middle School Youth Group Ideas You Will LOVE appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

Would You Rather: Lent Edition 2021 Fri, 05 Mar 2021 19:12:04 +0000 This post contains affiliate or associate links with several businesses (which means if you shop through the links, I earn a small commission). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. How’s Lent going in your house? Whether you are doing great with making sacrifices or really never started, this dinner time discussion game is a great way to […]

The post Would You Rather: Lent Edition 2021 appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.


This post contains affiliate or associate links with several businesses (which means if you shop through the links, I earn a small commission). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

How’s Lent going in your house?

Whether you are doing great with making sacrifices or really never started, this dinner time discussion game is a great way to think about and encourage your family to keep this season of the year in mind as well as prayer, fasting and almsgiving.

This list was written by a college friend and she assured and encouraged me to share with all of you! Kristi – the writer of this awesome game – asked that you share more ideas in the comments!

We suggest you cut up these questions and pass them around the dinner table in a bowl.

****Want a downloadable/printable copy? Click here:*****

Would You Rather Lent Edition Printable

WOULD YOU RATHER – 2021 Lenten Edition 

Questions inspired by the daily readings from the first ten days and the Sundays of Lent

  1. Play a trumpet in front of a crowd or give money away in secret?
  2. Wear sackcloth and ashes or eat bread with a stranger?
  3. Spend 40 days on the ark in the flood, or spend 40 days in a desert alone?
  4. Be a keeper of sheep, or a keeper of keys?
  5. Be broken-hearted or fearful?
  6. Be eaten by a whale or by lions?
  7. Rejoice with one friend or 100 strangers?
  8. Meet Abraham or Moses?
  9. Sell doves or oxen?
  10. Be blind or a beggar?
  11. Be raised from the dead or see someone else be raised from the dead?
  12. Be in a parade with friends or eat a special meal with friends?

Would you rather FAST FROM…

  1. Sweets or the internet?
  2. Cars or airplanes?
  3. Video calls or texting?
  4. Funny movies or action movies?
  5. Talking or walking?
  6. Hugs or high fives?
  7. Reading or music?

Would you rather GIVE…

  1. To a person you know or a charity group
  2. To a stranger or a friend
  3. To a homeless shelter or a school
  4. A hundred dollars to ten people or a thousand dollars to one person
  5. Money or food?
  6. Your time or money?
  7. Bread or fish?

Would you rather PRAY…

  1. Alone or in a group?
  2. With your own words or a recited prayer?
  3. An old prayer from memory or read a new one?
  4. In English or a different language?
  5. The rosary or in silence?
  6. In a church or in nature?
  7. From the Bible every day, or never open the Bible again?

Does your family like this type of game? Do you have a child between the ages of 9 and 14? If yes, be sure to get him or her a Be Yourself Journal!

Want another fun game to play? Listen to this podcast and play along to Home But Not Alone “Saint or Superhero?”! Guess who said the quote – a saint or a superhero!

Includes two Would You Rather games! Topics include God’s Creation and a Would You Rather Saint Edition!
The Be Yourself Journal for Girls has a Would You Rather game based on enjoying God’s Creation!

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Honoring the Year of Saint Joseph? Check out this post filled with great Saint Joseph gifts! Over 25 Catholic Gifts Inspired by Saint Joseph

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The Perfect Catholic Mini-Retreat for Tween Girls Tue, 13 Oct 2020 15:46:49 +0000 This post contains affiliate or associate links with several businesses (which means if you shop through the links, I earn a small commission). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. The Perfect Catholic Mini-Retreat for Tween Girls If you are a Youth Minister, Religious Education teacher or Catechist, Catholic School teacher or Catholic Homeschooling mom, this retreat is […]

The post The Perfect Catholic Mini-Retreat for Tween Girls appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.


This post contains affiliate or associate links with several businesses (which means if you shop through the links, I earn a small commission). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

The Perfect Catholic Mini-Retreat for Tween Girls

If you are a Youth Minister, Religious Education teacher or Catechist, Catholic School teacher or Catholic Homeschooling mom, this retreat is ideal for girls ages 10 to 14.

The purpose of this retreat is to encourage young girls to explore their identity in Christ. This time will allow each young lady to:

*see herself as a child of God who is loved immensely and that God created her on purpose and with a purpose.

*discover that she is unique and unrepeatable and she is called to be a joyful saint.

*reassure her that her prayers are heard and matter.

*be encouraged to talk to God more frequently in prayer.

Retreat Materials
What you will need:
Be Yourself Journals (1 for each retreat attendee)

Journal for tweens and teens

A basket of holy cards

You may have a stash of these – ask around, many people have them and may not mind donating them!

Catholic Stickers

Scrapbooking paper

DaySpring has a great line with Paper Pads

The Delight in His Day Paper Pad includes 24 patterned sheets (solid color on reverse side) that are great for this. Also 8 by 8 scrapbooking paper will also work.

Glue and Scissors
Inspirational quotes/stickers

Gel Pens!
Phone/speaker to play Christian music in the background

(And materials for optional wrap up activity – the Just for fun Scavenger Hunt would be – individually wrapped gum; yarn or bracelet making thread; a box of band-aids; a bag of hard candy; leftover stickers)

To keep this retreat “Covid safe”; you can create a Retreat package for each attendee. Give extra supplies so each girl will have a choice with what she will use and what she will not use. For example, have a few sheets of scrapbooking paper – she will only need one; 3 or 4 holy cards – she can pick which one she will use, etc.

This retreat can be done using social distancing!!!

Retreat schedule/agenda:

Gathering and Opening Prayer

Start off by giving each young lady her book and supplies. Allow them to peruse the book and other fun craft items.

When everyone has settled into their seats, begin with a prayer.

Suggested Prayer:

Prayer to Know God’s Will

Lord grant that I may always allow myself to be guided by You, always follow your plans, and perfectly accomplish your holy will.  Grant that in all things, great and small, today and all the days of my life, I may do whatever You may desire of me.  Help me to respond to the slightest promptings of your grace, so that I may be your trustworthy instrument.  May your will be done in time and eternity, by me, in me, and through me.  Amen.

 -St. Therese of Lisieux

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.

O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Christ Our Lord,



FIRST: The Leaders of the Retreat . . . introduce yourself!!!!

Talk a little bit about how your faith has helped you in your life!

Tell the girls what you like to do,

how you prefer to pray and

who your favorite saint is!

Direct the girls to look at and fill out the ” Your Beauty Basics” page. Encourage them to also fill out the God’s Creation page.

Play some music in the background.

After about 5 minutes, ask the girls to share some or all of the responses they wrote in their journal.

Then, tell the girls to turn the page of the journal back to see:

God created you body and soul.

God created everything for you but you in turn were created to serve and love God and to offer all creation back to Him.

As a fun way for the girls to get to know one other better, encourage them to fill out God’s Creation and You and the Would You Rather Game.

Go over the “Would You Rather” Game as a group and encourage them to make some additional “Would You Rather” nature fun questions.

Craft/Scrapbooking Activity

Share with the girls that each one of them is unique and unrepeatable. God calls each one to be holy but we all have different paths and our roads will look different.

It’s extremely important to pray every day and receive the Blessed Sacrament at least once a week. Right now, God wants us to love Him first, avoid sin and, as Saint Katharine Drexel once said:

“Peacefully do at each moment what needs to be done.”

If we are looking for more guidance in our life, Scripture and the Saints have a ton of advice. We also can call on Saints to pray for us!

Direct the girls attention to their packet of supplies and the back of the book.

Let the girls know that they will start by picking a background design paper.

Explain they are going to create a scrapbook collage to be the back cover design.

The design should be all done on the background paper, then at the very end, the whole design on the scrapbooking paper and can be glued or washi-taped to the back cover.


Step One – Pick your background

Step Two – Choose a Holy Card for the center of the design.

Step Three- Choose a Scripture Quote or Saint Quote

Step Four- find stickers/images of things that make them feel grateful. Prayer should always include giving thanks. Stick on the images that fill their hearts with gratitude.

Step Five- finish the design with washi-tape, their own writing, a photo of themselves or however else they want to decorate it!

Closing Activity and Prayer:

Direct the girls’ attention to the back pages titled:




These pages are very brief but are really helpful.

Have the girls volunteer to read parts and ask them if they have any questions. Allow a guided group discussion. Remind them that faith and life is a journey and we learn something new everyday. Our relationship with God is like other relationships – the more we spend time with Him the more we will get to know Him.

Last activity:

The “Just For Fun Scavenger Hunt”

This is a simple activity to build self-esteem and friendship. Depending on what time allows, you can include it or omit it!

This can be the beginning of a series of group meetings – or a great way to jump start a personal prayer journaling habit for each young girl in attendance!

Since each young lady will be going home with a journal, you will be providing a resource she can turn to when she is worried, scared, confused or just simply in need of prayer time.

Want more ideas for Catholic tweens, Catholic gifts and simply be reassured God loves you and hears your prayers? If yes,

subscribe to PrayerWineChocolate’s newsletter!!!

The post The Perfect Catholic Mini-Retreat for Tween Girls appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.
