Diabetes Archives - Prayer Wine Chocolate https://prayerwinechocolate.com/tag/diabetes/ a spiritual journey to motherhood & beyond Thu, 24 Mar 2016 11:38:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://prayerwinechocolate.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cropped-editwine-32x32.jpg Diabetes Archives - Prayer Wine Chocolate https://prayerwinechocolate.com/tag/diabetes/ 32 32 99893247 Men and Diabetics like Easter Baskets Too! https://prayerwinechocolate.com/men-and-diabetics-like-easter-baskets-too-even-they-may-not-admit-it/ https://prayerwinechocolate.com/men-and-diabetics-like-easter-baskets-too-even-they-may-not-admit-it/#comments Fri, 18 Mar 2016 01:29:34 +0000 https://www.prayerwinechocolate.com/?p=2448 All things in moderation of course - but these treats put a huge smile on his face and that makes me happy :)!

The post Men and Diabetics like Easter Baskets Too! appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

Like many Americans, my husband has diabetes.  He has to give himself four needles a day and he only eats food that has sugar as a first ingredient when he is experiencing a “low”. In my opinion, he is very compliant – but he is also a “foodie”.  Having this illness is a difficult cross for him to carry.  My heart goes out to any one with the disease – or with a loved one who has it.MensEasterbasket.jpg

Even though my husband Matt has diabetes, I still put together an Easter Basket for him. Maybe it’s because we were married without children for so long, it seemed to make the house happier – or maybe we are just huge dorks that like to pretend to be the Easter Bunny once a year.  Either way, we have fun with it!  Luckily, there is an awesome candy store – Stutz Candy – that has a huge selection of sugar free candy.  Now, all things in moderation of course – but these treats put a huge smile on his face and that makes me happy :)!

What I’m putting in my husband’s Easter Basket (or have in the past):

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Sugar-free CandysugarfreecandyEaster1.jpg

  1. A box of assorted chocolates
  2. Milk Chocolate Peanut Butter Eggs
  3. A Sugar Free Chocolate Bunny – I could not find a link to that on Stutz’ website, but I did find this awesome bundle on Amazon!
  4. Sugar Free Gummi Bears 

Beer and Beer related stuffEasterBeer.jpg

  1. Brew Like a Monk
  2. Assorted beers from a craft beer store
  3. A Chimay glass

Random Gifts that are not “unhealthy”

  1. Men’s Health Magazine
  2. A Miraculous Medal
  3. Lottery Tickets!


  1. Mystic Monk Coffee – So good – and they have k-cups!!
  2. Star Wars Mug
  3. Star Wars Lightsaber Mugs – they light up when you pour hot coffee in them!! – can you tell how excited I am about this find?  I know my husband will LOVE these!  I will happily get rid of mugs in our cabinet so he can enjoy his morning a little more with coffee in his new favorite mugs 🙂


  1. A fun T-Shirt – Last year I went with a Bazinga Tee (if you watch The Big Bang Theory you probably can picture the Sheldon shirt); this year, I found this – and it’s HILARIOUS!
  2. Brian Regan CD – This is my favorite comedian.  This CD will have you laughing so much that if you are driving, you might have to pull over!

Do you put an Easter Basket together for a grown-up you love?  I would love to hear what you put in it!

The post Men and Diabetics like Easter Baskets Too! appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

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