inspiration Archives - Prayer Wine Chocolate a spiritual journey to motherhood & beyond Sat, 07 Mar 2020 13:33:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 inspiration Archives - Prayer Wine Chocolate 32 32 99893247 A Long Lost Prayer; Almsgiving Ideas that Anyone Can Afford and an Overall Jolt to Your Lent Sat, 07 Mar 2020 13:33:09 +0000 This post contains affiliate or associate links with several businesses (which means if you shop through the links, I earn a small commission). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Whether you are totally focused this Lent or Lent began and you weren’t really ready or feeling it; I have a few ideas to help you jump in […]

The post A Long Lost Prayer; Almsgiving Ideas that Anyone Can Afford and an Overall Jolt to Your Lent appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.


This post contains affiliate or associate links with several businesses (which means if you shop through the links, I earn a small commission). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Whether you are totally focused this Lent or Lent began and you weren’t really ready or feeling it;
I have a few ideas to help you jump in or recharge!

Let’s talk about how we can Pray – Fast – Give today.

A Long Lost Prayer

Pray from your heart

I came across this prayer written by Saint Anselm and I LOVE IT!

O My God, teach my heart
where and how to seek you
where and how to find you
You are my God and you are my all
and I have never seen you
You have made me and remade me,
you have bestowed on me
all the good things I possess.
Still, I do not know you
I have not yet done that for which I was made
Teach me to seek you
I cannot seek you unless you teach me
or find you unless you show yourself to me.
Let me see you in my desire,
Let me desire you in my seeking,
Let me find you by loving you
Let me love you when I find you.

Written by Saint Anselm of Canterbury

You can purchase this print from Pink Salt Riot!

I love this prayer for a journal entry!  Want to learn how to prayer journal in less than 10 minutes?  Check out this video: Prayer Journaling
Why do it and how to start!

Almsgiving Ideas that Anyone Can Afford

Fast and Give

Lent calls us to pray, fast and give.

Sometimes we do one better than the other two. Often, we forget about that last one: give.

According to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

The foundational call of Christians to charity is a frequent theme of the Gospels.  During Lent, we are asked to focus more intently on “almsgiving,” which means donating money or goods to the poor and performing other acts of charity.

If we are truly fasting, we should have some extra resources to give.

I just went food shopping and saw almost 10 chocolate treats that I wanted to buy but didn’t.  If I did not give up chocolate for Lent, I would have spent at least 5 more dollars.

What am I doing with that 5 dollars?  I should probably give it to a good cause or ministry.

If you are concentrating on doing more good deeds, giving is doing a good deed.  And giving doesn’t always involve money.

You can give of your time.  You can give away some of your possessions.  You can give of your talent.

I wrote this article for Catholics Online and had so much fun finding unique ways to give!  One includes baby blankets, another Legos and another a kickstarter for a Catholic Comic Book!

7 Unique Ways to Give Alms This Lent

Donate a Be Yourself Journal!  You can donate one that I will give to a girl in need, OR you could purchase some and donate them to your parish or local Catholic School!!!

Need a Jolt to Your Lent?

Go to Confession. Especially if there is a voice in your head telling you not to. Haven’t been to Confession in quite some time?

I have this for you: Dear Catholic Who Hasn’t Been to Confession In . . .

Okay, let us know in the comments – which of these suggestions will you do TODAY!!?

We can help each other by sharing!

Don’t forget to pre-order your copy of my new book!

Daily Boutique Deals

The post A Long Lost Prayer; Almsgiving Ideas that Anyone Can Afford and an Overall Jolt to Your Lent appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

What Does God Want Me To Do? 5 Saintly Answers to that Burning Question Tue, 21 May 2019 14:35:45 +0000 This post contains affiliate links.  Please see my “About Me” page for more details. I recently saw a picture with the words “Lord please give me a sign on what I should do” on the top of it.  The picture was of a kitchen.  The sink was full of dishes and the sunlight was beaming […]

The post What Does God Want Me To Do? 5 Saintly Answers to that Burning Question appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.


This post contains affiliate links.  Please see my “About Me” page for more details.

I recently saw a picture with the words “Lord please give me a sign on what I should do” on the top of it.  The picture was of a kitchen.  The sink was full of dishes and the sunlight was beaming directly on the dirty dishes.

I laughed out loud and had to share.

I guess, yes, sometimes God does want us to do the dishes.

Seeing this “meme” was timed perfectly with the theme of a mini-retreat I was planning.

I often found the question, “What does God want me to do?” burning in my heart and mind when I was younger.  As a child, a teen and before I was married . . . I often wondered, what did God really want me to do.

Maybe our pride seeks bigger answers, but often God desires us to simply put love into all the little things.

As a part of a “mini-retreat” series I am running with a group of young girls, this question was the theme of our last meeting.  Each of the answers are found somewhere inside the Be Yourself Journal!

What does God want me to do?

Be kind to the person that annoys you.

(St. Therese’ of the Child Jesus)

People can be sooooo annoying!

I love how St. Therese’ confesses in her Story of a Soul how a fellow nun drove her nuts!!!

Okay, maybe those weren’t here exact words, but, in a letter she wrote to her sister Celine she reveals how there were many times where she didn’t want to practice virtue, but in those moments she gave a smile or a friendly word.

People can be annoying.  Even saints had to deal with this.  Be kind. Smile.  Truly love.


Never worry about numbers.  Help one person at a time and always start with the person nearest to you.

When I think back to the times I really agonized over the question, “What does God want me to do?” I can see now how I didn’t value how important the little things are . . .

So many times I wanted big answers – but that’s just it.  That’s what I wanted – not what God wanted.

This piece of advice from Mother Teresa (Saint Teresa of Calcutta) helps us realize God doesn’t call us to do the impossible.

Pray without ceasing.  In all circumstances, give thanks.

(Saint Paul in his first letter to the Thessalonians)

How many times do we start a personal prayer asking for Our Lord’s help without thanking him for something!?

I realized when I started prayer journaling how rude I had been to God!!!

I would start a letter to Jesus, Dear Jesus and think, well, I can’t just say hi can you do this for me – that’s so rude!

But that is what I had been doing . . .always diving right into what I hoped he would do for me.

We often see that quote, “pray without ceasing”; but that next sentence is so important.

God gave you that breath you just took.  God created the world we live in.  Thank God for all the things!

Check out glassden on Etsy for this product!


Make it your responsibility to know what acts are sinful and avoid them.

(Inspired by the life of Saint Maria Goretti)

St. Maria Goretti by Kristyn Brown

When reading about Saint Maria Goretti, I was quite impressed with how she was taught by her mother to avoid sin at all cost.

Assunta [Maria’s mother] was Maria’s teacher. She could neither read nor write, but she understood her religion and she taught Maria what she knew; to love god, to die rather than offend Him. In her summation: “I taught her the fear of god and God did the rest.”

read more here: Saint Maria Goretti, Martyr of Purity

This lesson could have served me well in my teenage years.  I think it’s human nature to say, “well I think I’m not sinning” and accept that.  Nope.  Not okay.  Find out and get to work on avoiding sin like it’s important.

Never give up on hope.

(Advice from Saint John Paul II)

We might have to give up our goals to both become President of the United States and the highest paid professional athlete in the world – but we should never, ever give up on hope.

Pope (now Saint) John Paul II words of advice were:

I plead with you, never ever give up on hope.  Never doubt, never tire and never become discouraged.  Be not afraid.

There are certainly times where we are tempted to give up all hope, but that voice or thought does NOT come from God.  God wants us to hope!!!!

Check out MeyerMarketDesigns for beautiful, inspiring products! Click here!



Saints really do give us such real, practical advice!  Want more?  Check out:

5 Lessons I Learned from the Daughter of a Saint

Saint Francis De Sales’ 5 Practical Tips for a Better Day

Two Words That Will Make a Good Day Better (Inspired by Joan of Arc)

3 Ways St. Gianna Leads Us Closer to Jesus

Let’s stay connected!  Subscribe here: Subscribe to

Saint Therese’ Sacrifice Bracelet from – Click photo to shop!

The post What Does God Want Me To Do? 5 Saintly Answers to that Burning Question appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

5 Ways to Rejuvenate Your Faith This Year Tue, 15 Jan 2019 04:01:31 +0000 This article contains affiliate links.  Please see more information on my “About Me” page for details. Let’s take a moment to refresh our souls this week, month and year. As I ask myself, “how can I “rejuvenate my prayer life” this year while twin toddlers are crawling on me and my six year old still […]

The post 5 Ways to Rejuvenate Your Faith This Year appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.


This article contains affiliate links.  Please see more information on my “About Me” page for details.

Let’s take a moment to refresh our souls this week, month and year.

As I ask myself, “how can I “rejuvenate my prayer life” this year while twin toddlers are crawling on me

and my six year old still needs to learn how to tie his shoes . . .

I’ve come up with ways that can work in my busy life without requiring any drastic changes.

1. First, recognize that God is “among the pots and pans”.

The quote:

God walks among the pots and pans”

is attributed to St. Teresa of Avila.

I’m so glad I came across those words of wisdom – probably while scrolling through Facebook or Instagram.  What a beautiful reminder to stop, take a breath and know that even in mundane tasks, we are serving the Lord and loving our families.  Just recognizing and thinking about that truth refreshes and relieves me.  I hope it does the same for you.

2. Take comfort that a prayer is the “leap from your heart”.  Prayers can be short but powerful!

If you would like 11 Quick, but Powerful, Prayers, subscribe to and enjoy a free printable.  The short prayers are typed and spaced in a way that you can simply cut out the prayers and put them on your mirror, in your car, in a lunch box and other places that will remind you to pray while you rush from here to there.

3. Add an additional prayer to your daily routine

Do you say “Grace Before Meals”?  Do you pray before you go to sleep at night?

Even though I am in constant survival mode, I pray three prayers consistently every day.

Grace Before Meals, A Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and the Spiritual Adoption Prayer.

I am a hot mess, so if I can do this – so can you!

You can get a free printable of all three of these prayers for free, from me!  (Click here for free prayer printables!) I feel compelled to grow in faith with you.  One of these printables was created by the very talented Meg Florkowski and the other is a more simpler document created by me.  Both are for you as a thank you for subscribing to the prayer wine chocolate newsletter!

4. Go to Eucharistic Adoration

Okay, the first two were fairly easy.  This one requires us to make a bigger move.

I’m not sure when or how I will get to Adoration this week – but I’m determined to try and think of times I can make it happen.  It’s been on my heart lately and I recently read an article that made me think about a post I wrote awhile back – Five Presents You Can Open in His Presence.

The article, titled “Why Adoration is Essential for the Soul and Body”,

sites and stresses how Adoration isn’t just good for our soul, but our physical health as well:

according to a study by Dr. Herbert Benson of the Harvard Medical School, people who pray enter a “relaxation response”. The body’s metabolism decreases, the heart rate slows, blood pressure goes down, and our breath becomes calmer and more regular. Our body responds to the state of our soul in the presence of God.

We’re so used to doing. When we’re with him in his presence, we need only be. He simply asks us to just exist before him. We don’t have to pray a certain way. We don’t have to say the right, holy thing. We just need to be, and he will take care of the rest. Are you in need of that rest?”

Read the whole article here: Why Adoration is Essential for the Soul and Body

I know you’re busy.  I know I’m busy.  But, I know I need to be the best version of myself.  Adoration – and certainly spending time with Our Lord – helps us to be the best version of ourselves.

Adoration can be a place we pray by sitting in silence.  It can be a place where we bring a prayer journal.  It can even be a place you bring your colored pencils and an inspirational coloring page.  So much healing, growing and renewal can happen in that little chapel. Let’s go – whether it’s for 10 minutes or an hour, let’s just do it.

And yes, you can go with children!  Check out this amazing article from Sara over at ToJesusSincerely! Why (And How) to Bring Your Kids to Adoration

5.  Embrace the Sacraments of Penance and Holy Eucharist

I still don’t want to go to confession.

But, at the same time, I do want to go.  I look at it like a “grace vitamin”.  Sure, I am not perfect and have sins to confess – but I always remember my mom telling me, “the Pope goes every day”.  I don’t know if the Pope really went to confession every day – but, I still recall my Mom telling me that.  I remember thinking, well he’s not sinning that much and he’s still going frequently.

Since I have an aversion to it, thinking about how it is a way to receive God’s grace in a special way draws me to it.

The act of going is an act of humility.  The grace I receive is real and beautiful.  The way it makes me look at my relationship with Jesus is illuminative.

When I asked a close friend, “how can you “rejuvenate” his or her faith”? She responded Adoration.

I said, I already have that one – got another answer?

She said, “daily Mass”.

I thought, that’s a great answer.  So is simply:

“Go to Mass.”

I’m certain some people have falling out of the habit of going to Mass on Sundays and, we are creatures of habit.  If you are one of those people, I urge you to go to Mass this Sunday.  I encourage you to go to Confession first so that you can receive Jesus in the Eucharist.

Jesus truly thirsts for you in this way.  Trust Him.  He has a plan for you and our faith is rooted in His Real Presence in the Eucharist.

Every Gospel speaks of it.

He is the Bread of Life!

Let us all run to Him!

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3 Ways to “UnPlug” in 2019 Mon, 07 Jan 2019 15:03:09 +0000 This article contains affiliate links.  Please see my “About Me” page for more details. I feel like I might need to look into the 12 step program considering the amount of times I check my phone every day. One of the millions of times I looked at my phone the past month I was reminded […]

The post 3 Ways to “UnPlug” in 2019 appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.


This article contains affiliate links.  Please see my “About Me” page for more details.

I feel like I might need to look into the 12 step program considering the amount of times I check my phone every day.

One of the millions of times I looked at my phone the past month I was reminded that Jennifer Fulwiler created a “word of the year” generator website. I, being curious, went to the website and had it pick my “word of the year”.

The word it picked was “unplug”.

Now, I don’t have to have a word for the year.  Also, I could have a word for the year that is totally different.  I could go back to that website and have it pick another for me.  Or, imagine this, I could think of a word to focus on all year by myself – without the help of an computer.

But, when this word came up I re-called the many times I noticed that I look at my phone more than I’d like to admit.

I know it distracts me and takes time away that I don’t have to spare.

I decided to mull over this word, at least for a couple of weeks.

I thought about what ways I could unplug without giving up trying to make it in the social media/blogging world.  After all, Jen’s One Beautiful Dream (great book is you haven’t read it) allowed me to realize that it is okay to do something I love that brings me joy and energy.

So I’ve been thinking of ways to actively “unplug”.  I’ve come up with 3 ideas

  1. Fast.

Fast from your phone.

I told myself I could not write this idea if I didn’t do it myself.  So, I will tell you, I have not looked at my phone in 24 hours!  I’m calling this “phone fasting” and I’m offering it up for the holy souls in purgatory.  But, I’m also doing it because I think I need to.

I don’t want my kids remembering me looking at a little rectangle more than their faces.

This is something I hope to do more often this year.  Maybe not entire days, but a few hours at a time and maybe setting a time at night to put it down and stop scrolling.  Who’s with me?

2. Pray the Rosary more.

Yes, I do know there is an app for that!!!!!!

But I also know there is a new-er collection of books out that I am extremely fond of, and I just love the idea of not looking at a screen if I don’t need to.  The books I’m referring to are the

The Complete Illuminated Rosary: An Illustrated Rosary Book for Kids and Their Families 2nd Revised ed. Edition.

In full disclosure, I was given the softcover books to review.  The following views are all my own.

I used it once with my small prayer group and the other moms were very interested in getting their own copies.

I used it again with my husband and son during a family Rosary and although it was made to help children focus more during prayer, I was very insistent on holding it myself so that I could see the illustrations different artists created about the mystery on which we were reciting.

I also found another use for this collection when a reader reached out to me asking if I knew of any good illustrated Bibles. 

He explained that his special needs daughter really enjoyed looking at the pictures, but got visibly upset if the images had blood or someone hurt in them.

I suggested getting The Joyful Mysteries Volume, and the Glorious and the Luminous Volume for his child.  In fact, I sent him one of those because I was so moved by his story.  And why not?  The Rosary is a Bible on a rope, right?  Actually, the quote is string not rope, but you get what I’m saying . . . I hope.

On top of these books decreasing my drifting thoughts during the Rosary, I also appreciated the Apostles Creed and the prayer after the Rosary being in front of me, as well as the short, clear mediations given before the beginning of each Mystery.

You can get a great glimpse of this resource in this video: A hand-bound edition of the Illuminated Rosary

3. Start (or join) a faith based book club.

I strongly recommend the Stay Connected Journals created by Allison Gingras.

The Stay Connected series of journals helps Catholic women build a closer relationship with Jesus. Each Stay Connected journal explores a different path to spiritual growth in short, easy-to-complete chapters—perfect for busy, on-the-go individuals or small faith-sharing groups!

When Allison, one of my colleagues over at launched her books, I bought 3 of the first volume, then asked the publisher if I could have a copy of the second volume to review.  I ended up convincing about 8 other women to choose the Exploring the Catholics Classics by Tiffany Walsh as our Advent prayer guide, and we are continuing to meet on Sunday nights to finish the book together.

We are truly “Staying Connected” to the Lord and one another.  I love it!

One of the reasons why I love this book is because it gives room to write about what is on my heart before each chapter.

It gives me wisdom in a way that I can understand “big important ideas” and then it provides a Scripture journal/study section.

Since I am one who “drifts” or “daydreams” a lot during prayers, this hands on activity really helps me feel like I am retaining the lessons in Scripture and writings from the Saints.

I was really feeling anxious the other night and my phone needed to be charged.  So, I put the phone away and took out my Stay Connected Journal.  I wrote what was on my heart and within 2 pages I read something that I wrote on the opposite page!  I soaked in the wisdom of St. Therese’ and appreciated the author’s commentary about certain passages of her autobiography.  Then I asked my husband to hand me the Bible when he walked by it and I read and took notes from each passage.

My mind was taken away from what was causing me worry and my spirits were lifted.  I love that is just the beginning.

Next Sunday night I’ll bring that book to a friend’s house where we will answer the group discussions together -while drinking wine and snacking.

I’ll have a place to share what I got out of that chapter and learn from others while I listen to what they gleaned from it.

As a mother with younger children I especially look forward to these nights.  The wisdom and advice I get from these women help me be a better wife, homemaker and mother.


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Dear Beautiful 13 Year Old Me . . . Wed, 21 Mar 2018 14:18:46 +0000   This post contains affiliate links.  Please see my About Me page for more details. Not to long ago, Lindsay Trezza from Just Love Prints posed a question on Facebook.  She asked, What advice would you give your middle school self?  I thought, well, I wrote a whole book to answer that one.  But I […]

The post Dear Beautiful 13 Year Old Me . . . appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.


This post contains affiliate links.  Please see my About Me page for more details.

Not to long ago, Lindsay Trezza from Just Love Prints posed a question on Facebook.  She asked,

What advice would you give your middle school self? 

I thought, well, I wrote a whole book to answer that one.  But I thought, maybe I should seriously consider this question, shorten my answer from 100 pages … and give the world a peak into the Be Yourself Journal and the motivation behind it.

Being 11, 12, 13 and beyond is etched into my memory and heart in all sorts of ways.  It is and was and will always be a difficult age.  Some of us struggle more than others, but most of us do not realize how much our peers are experiencing the same growing pains.  We tend to learn years later how we had more in common with our peers than not.

But at the same time, there is a beautiful innocence at this age.  I remember the questions I had, the music and colors I was attracted to and the dreams I dreamt.  As a teacher, I truly enjoyed teaching 9th grade the best.  So much hope, purity and joy can be found in most children that age.  I have a special place for them in my heart.  The Be Yourself Journal is a gift to young girls that age.  A tool to help them see the joy and light in their own life and a manual to help them navigate their growing relationship with the Lord. Plus, there are lots of added elements that make it fun and enjoyable.

If I could speak to my middle school self, I would say:

I know you don’t think you are beautiful, but, you are beautiful.

How many times have you heard, “you look just like your mom”?  For some reason, you hate hearing it – because you don’t see it.  But the truth is, other people do see it.  And when you look at your mom, you see a beautiful woman.  You might be jealous that her teeth are straighter than yours, but please – minor detail.  You’ll get braces, chill with that.  Every woman sees flaws in themselves.  Happy women don’t focus on them. No matter how gorgeous a woman is, she loses her sight of that beauty when she begins to compare.  Models bring themselves down by comparison.  Not feeling pretty enough because of envying others will never bring joy and happiness.  Know that you are “wonderfully made” and radiate a beauty only you can radiate.


Be grateful for all the little things.

I know you wish for things and pray for things and don’t see the answers you long for, BUT -that breath you just took – that was a gift from God.  Thank Him for it. That beautiful Japanese Maple outside on your front lawn, thank God for it. When you’re walking to school and it’s not raining, that God for the nice weather and the time to just “be”.  Take those moments to truly thank God for His creation.  It doesn’t take much time to say, “Thank you God for ________”.  Give God that time and attention.  When you are grateful for the little things, joy becomes more common in life.  Breathe and thank God he gave you life. I know you think it could be better – but a grateful heart focuses on the good.  Gratitude will open the door for joy, peace and happiness.

The Be Yourself Journal includes a mini gratitude journal!

The only thing you need to worry about is how much you are loving the people closest to you

A page from Be Yourself: A Journal for Catholic Girls (Love Section)

You worry about a lot of things. Padre Pio, a great saint, stated simply, “Pray, hope, and don’t worry.”  The Lord wants you to love – and that simply means, be kind and patient.  Be kind and patient with your parents, your siblings, your teammates and your classmates.  Mother Teresa once said if we want to bring peace to the world, we should go home and love our families. Give compliments every day. Tell your mom what food you enjoyed at dinner and tell her she did a great job making it! Find something to praise in each of your family members daily. For now, that is your God given mission – to love the people He has placed around you. All the other things that worry you – tell Jesus in a simple prayer.  Say, “Dear Jesus I am upset and worried about ______” and then try your best to leave it in His hands.  It’s not easy, but do your best.  The Lord does not want you to occupy your mind with worries.

Speaking of loving your family, go color with your sister.

First of all, you have a sister – what a beautiful gift to be grateful for!  She is a love and she’s six – I bet she has a coloring book.  Ask her to color with you.  Spend time with her and spend time coloring.   Not only will you make your sister happy, you’ll learn to relax a little. Maybe.  Try not to abort mission when she asks you to play a board game you hate.  Remember, kind and patient – repeat that, “kind and patient”.

One of the twenty coloring pages in the Be Yourself Journal (Saint John Paul II quote)

Don’t give up.

As your future self, I am happy to say, you do not need me to tell you this.  Your perseverance in continuing to play sports when it seemed like “it wasn’t your bag”, your constant dreaming of life getting better and the way you hold onto your faith enables you to flourish, excel and achieve great things.  You did this right.  Encourage others to do the same.

Be generous with forgiveness

Courtesy of

People are going to hurt your feelings.  Some of those people are family members.  Others are the “popular” students in school and athletes and teammates.  Forgive them – even if they are not sorry.  There will be times in life when you won’t have to be forgiving someone new or for a new thing every single day.  Unfortunately, this time period of your life will make you feel like this is expected often.  It’s not fair, but it is what it is.  Forgiveness is not just your duty as  a Christian, it is also a gift that frees up space in your heart for more joy.  Grudges are heavy burdens- don’t carry them. Remember, Jesus forgave those who crucified Him . Ask Him for help when it is difficult. And be generous with forgiving yourself as well.

The Be Yourself has a number of “Saint Spotlights” (modeled after Senior Spotlights in some Yearbooks). These pages have a letter from the saint with advice and encouragement. Other saints featured include Saint Therese’, Mother Teresa, Saint Elizabeth of Hungry, Saint Katharine Drexel and Saint Catherine of Siena.

God made you on purpose and for a purpose.

You were created to fulfill a mission only you can fulfill.  Every time you trust the Lord – even when you don’t understand “why???” – you get closer to seeing it.  You have no idea right now how important, powerful and influential your example and witness to your faith is – it would blow your mind.  Trust me, your effort to do God’s will and be the best version of yourself is not in vain.

When thinking about your life and how to “be yourself” remember: everyone is called to holiness, but our roads look different. We do not all go by the same path.  We are called to love.  We are called to bring God’s peacefulness to the world.

Dream about your future with hope and keep your heart open.”

Taken from the Saint Spotlight page featuring Saint Katharine Drexel

 in the Be Yourself Journal

One day you will look back and see just how your blind obedience was the hand of God:

My Stupid Talent Was a Great Blessing

It’s okay to enjoy life!  Embrace imagination, creativity and the talent of others!

Right now you probably have a few favorite songs, a celebrity crush and some dreams and goals.  That is great!  As long as those things don’t lead you to sin, enjoy!  Smiling can be contagious, embrace the talent of others!  The people that write the songs you enjoy, the tv shows that make you laugh and the clothes that you’d love to wear are using the talents that God has given them – celebrate it with them.  There is more to life than that boy you want to have a crush on you.  There is way more to life than feeling popular.  Don’t let what you don’t have be a distraction to all that brings joy, peace and inspiration.

A page from Be Yourself: A Journal for Catholic Girls (Prayer Section)

This page is followed by two pages with a bare bones illustration of a room. Girls are encouraged to have some fun with room design while thinking about how they prefer to pray.


Need a letter for your daughter to read, consider Dear Beautiful Girl Trying to Find Herself

Not sure your daughter would journal, here’s some tips: How to Get Your Tech Loving Teen to Prayer Journal

The Be Yourself Journal and Relics by Rose necklace

Would you like to view the entire journal?  Check it out at Be Yourself: A Journal for Catholic Girls ( scroll down and watch the video at the bottom of the page).

Consider giving the Be Yourself Journal as an Easter gift!  Pair it with some fun and inspiring journal supplies.  These products from DaySpring are a perfect addition!

Illustrates Faith Journal Supplies from DaySpring

The post Dear Beautiful 13 Year Old Me . . . appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

Catholic Speakers for Retreats, Days of Reflection, and Parish or School Events Mon, 31 Jul 2017 03:16:42 +0000 Amy Brooks Philadelphia, PA and surrounding areas Presentation Topics: The Power of Prayer in the Pro-life Movement (the Spiritual Adoption Prayer); Prayer Journaling*; Considering Adoption to grow your family? What you need to know to get started. Finding Yourself and Your Mission through Your Interests and Talents. **How to “Be Yourself”; Who you are meant […]

The post Catholic Speakers for Retreats, Days of Reflection, and Parish or School Events appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.


Amy Brooks

Screen Shot 2017-07-29 at 12.18.29 PM

Philadelphia, PA and surrounding areas

Presentation Topics:

The Power of Prayer in the Pro-life Movement (the Spiritual Adoption Prayer);

Prayer Journaling*;

Considering Adoption to grow your family? What you need to know to get started.

Finding Yourself and Your Mission through Your Interests and Talents.

**How to “Be Yourself”; Who you are meant to be and why you are so important!

*Prayer Journaling is in the form of a hands on workshop!  This is a fun faith and fellowship event!

**This topic is geared toward Middle Schoolers and can also be presented to high school students.


Parish Communities,

School Students;

Teachers on Retreat or Days of Reflection:

High School and College Pro-life groups;

Women’s Prayer Groups;

and couples interested in pursuing adoption.

Contact info: 

Email Amy at

Website: Prayer Wine Chocolate

Amy Cattapan


Chicago, Illinois

Presentation Topics:

  • For students in grades 4 and up—“Be Not Afraid! God Has a Plan for Your Life, Too!” (an author talk at schools about how God called me to be a writer)
  • For students in grades 4 and up—“How to Pack a Punch in the Plot of Your Story” (a 40-minute writing workshop)
  • For writers and artists—“How to Tap Into Your God-Given Creativity” (a 90-minute workshop and presentation)
  •  For teachers, catechists, and youth ministers -“Instagram for Education and Evangelization”
  • For teachers, catechists, and youth ministers—“Pinterest for Planning: A Gold Mine of Info”
  • For writers—“Author Newsletters: Your Direct Marketing Plan”

Depends on topic, see above.


Website link:

Kimberly Cook

Profile PicVirginia (VA/DC/MD)

Presentation Topics:
Femininity, Motherhood, Postpartum Depression,
Natural Family Planning (from a mental health and theological perspective),
The Church and Morality.
women, faith groups

Jeanie Egolf


Columbus, Ohio

Presentation Topics:

First Communion pep talk The Real Presence and Molly McBride;

2. Vocations awareness,

3. Putting your faith to work: life as a Catholic author/illustrator.

Audiences: Grade school students.



Molly McBride and the Purple Habit

Michelle Gelineau

20216994_1806546519362114_1237042423_nMinneapolis, Minnesota Willing to travel in the U.S.

Presentation Topics:

Knowing Jesus Christ in a powerful, life-changing and personal relationship;
Learning about Christ’s love for you, the barriers that come between your relationship together,

Personal reflection, guided prayer with worship music


Michele Faehnle & Emily Jaminet

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Columbus, Ohio but will travel anywhere

Presentation Topics: 

  • Divine Mercy for Moms: Sharing the Lessons of St. Faustina
  • Our Friend Faustina: Lessons of Mercy for a Woman’s Life
  • Families of Mercy: Living out the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy in family life
  • A Day Hemmed in Prayer: Our Faith Journey as Catholic Women
  • The Friendship Project: Deepening and Developing our Relationships
  • Preparing Our Hearts for Christmas: Allowing Advent to Draw Us Closer To Jesus
  • Balancing Technology and Family Life
Idea audience:
Women but also do mixed groups for all presentations
Michele Faehnle –

Allison Gingras

Massachusetts.  Will travel anywhere.


Presentation Topics: 

Forgiveness and the Peace of Forgiving

Faith in the Every Day, Ordinary of Life

The Hope of Trusting in God

Seeking JOY!

Prayer and The Rosary for the Busy and Unfocused

Audience:  Women of any age.

Contact Information:

Call or Text: 508-243-1133

Website: Allison Gingras: Reconciled to You

Julia Harrell

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Washington, DC metro area; willing to travel pretty much wherever if travel expenses are covered. I do require some lead time for significant travel. 

Presentation Topics:
Virtue education and it’s role and place in the larger topic of character education.
More specific topics include virtue and storytelling, the role of literature in moral/ethical formation, and the role of virtue in a diverse and pluralistic culture.
Ideal Audience:
Kids/teens AND parents/teachers/catechists. Obviously, the approach and details of the content differ depending on the age of my audience. When speaking with a younger audience, I love to talk about what virtue is, why it’s the key to an exciting and fulfilling life, and how to “train” like a saint. I’m also excited about speaking to adults to work with children and teens about the ways they can form them in virtue, and why that’s so important.
Contact Info:

Christine Henderson


Kansas City area and willing to travel within an hour radius of this metro area.

Topics: Every presentation includes a captivating story about one of the glorious saints. The saint’s story is then applied to whatever topic I am asked to speak upon. Prayer life as a busy mom (Saint Zelie Martin), First Communion/Honesty (Blessed Imelda Lambertini), and Forgiveness (Saint Maria Goretti) are just some of the many topics I can present to your group. I speak to adults and/or children. Interested in a family talk/activity? How about an “Evening with the Saints” where I will tell a few saint stories the whole family will enjoy and also have a couple of fun saint activities to do?

Please contact me via email at:

My website is:

Sterling Jaquith


Boise, ID – willing to travel to the continental U.S. and maybe Canada

Presentation Topics:
I teach women very practical ways to strive for sainthood.  I have a talk about overcoming spiritual dryness. I also have several talks about Catholic minimalism. I often tailor these talks or create custom ones for Catholic homeschoolers.
Ideal audience:
Catholic women who are interested in personal development
Contact info/Website:

Ginny Kochis


Northern Virginia/DC Metro area; willing to travel within a one hour radius of Springfield, VA.


Gifted and Twice Exceptional Homeschooling; Homeschooling; Catholic Homeschooling: Catholic/Christian Womanhood;

Motherhood; Building Connections through Family Literacy;

Writing Workshops and classes.

Ideal audience:
Homeschool groups, Women’s groups,
Catholic/Christian writers’ groups.

Not So Formulaic

Virginia Lieto


Harrisburg, NC (willing to travel across US)

Morality (virtues my specialty);
Prayer and Spirituality
Ideal audience:
Catholic Adults looking to learn more about their faith
Contact info:
Website link:

Melody Lyons


Northeast Ohio; willing to travel.

Presentation Topics:

Restoring Joy to Your Homeschool
Homeschooling During Difficult Times
Becoming the Healer in Your Home
Self-Care in a Life of Christian Service
My Conversion Story
Blogging for Christ: Monetizing Without Selling Your Soul
God’s Design for Our Bodies: A Natural Approach to Family Wellness
Ideal Audience:

My ideal audience is anyone open to the healing power of Jesus Christ in their lives… and perhaps even those who have never considered the possibility of Christ as Healer. My message resonates strongly with women who are struggling in the midst of the married vocation; but I have found that men are also extremely receptive for themselves, their families, and their wives.

One surprisingly receptive audience is young adults who have not yet discerned their vocation. Many are already experiencing a spiritual, physical, and emotional need for healing and deeply desire to enter into a life of service as healthy and joyful people.
Contact Information
I welcome speaker inquiries at or through the contact form on my website here:

Carmela Martino

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Chicago; will travel up to 3 hours driving distance from Chicago.

Presentation Topics/Audiences:

Writing and the research process (students in grades 4 – 12)

What it takes to be a published author (Adults interested in learning about writing)

Contact information:


Jeanette Marie Pascua


Jeanette is a Creighton FertilityCare Practitioner

Riverside, California and am willing to travel a 3 hour radius for now.

Presentation Topics: NFP (the science and morality aspects); Theology of the Body; Sexual Morality.I also present a “10 practical ways to be Pro-life” talk.

Audiences: RCIA groups, Pre-Cana couples, Youth groups, Young adults and Marriage ministers.
Best way to contact me for now is through my website:

Samantha Povlock


Located: Chicago, open to travel anywhere in the U.S.

Presentation Topics:

Catholic feminism and ProLife feminsim

Ideal Audience: Young women (teens to young adults)

Contact me at

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Katie Sciba

Omaha, NE but travels nationwide for talks and retreats


Vulnerability, overcoming brokenness, finding bravery by God’s grace,
why prayer in marriage and as an individual is necessary for personal strength and happiness,
having a personal relationship with Jesus and the saints,
marriage and money (more topics are listed on my site:
Ideal audience:
adult women with the occasional mixed audience

Adrienne Thorne


San Diego area, willing to travel to Los Angeles area, possibly farther with travel compensation.

Presentation Topics

Catholic media literacy

Being a Catholic/Christian artist

Finding God in movies/TV,

Chastity in dating/marriage

Ideal Audience

Catholic young adults, but open to speaking to other audiences as well.


Website link:

Lindsey West


Northern California and willing to travel anywhere in the United States.

Presentation Topics:

For middle schoolers and high schoolers, I present on prayer, living the faith practically for middle schoolers and teens, apologetic topics as a re-vert to the Catholic faith, and Theology of the Body and relationships.

For Youth Ministry, Faith Formation, and other Parish Leaders, I present

Going deeper with middle schoolers, best practices in retreats, partnering with parents in ministry, ecclesial integration of disability communities, and autism inclusion.

Audiences: Middle school and high school youth groups and retreatants. The second audience(s) include primarily Youth Ministers and their Core Teams, Faith Formation Coordinators and their Catechists, as well as parish staff (particularly for the ecclesial integration and autism inclusion pieces).

Website link: autism and disability blog – or personal, broad ministry interest –

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Wise Women: Catholic Social Media Influencers Volume 8 Thu, 29 Jun 2017 15:28:50 +0000 Catholic Social Media Influencers  are men and women who write, own businesses, create and inspire.  They love to hear from you, pray for you and celebrate the gift of life with you!  Please sign up for their newsletters, like them on Facebook, and follow them on Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram! This article contains affiliate links.  We […]

The post Wise Women: Catholic Social Media Influencers Volume 8 appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

Wise Women- Catholic Social Media Influencers Volume 8.png

Catholic Social Media Influencers  are men and women who write, own businesses, create and inspire.  They love to hear from you, pray for you and celebrate the gift of life with you!  Please sign up for their newsletters, like them on Facebook, and follow them on Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram!

This article contains affiliate links.  We make a small percentage from any purchases you make.  Thank you for your support!

Samantha Stempky


I’m a wife and mom of one young son, and I have a “bleeding heart” for women and Catholicism. Have you ever heard people say they think Catholic teachings are anti-woman? I like to befriend them. I help women explore and understand their femininity and what the Church actually teaches about women, so they can be empowered to more freely and authentically be themselves and offer their feminine strengths to the world (the world is starving for it!) My day job working in finance in downtown Chicago fuels my passion to further advocate for mothers in the workplace and society generally.

Where can you be found on social media?


Facebook: @femcatholic

Instagram: @femcatholic

Twitter: @femcatholic

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What type of wine is your favorite?

I love a good Rose wine! (“Three buck chuck” from Trader Joe’s is a fav… shhhh!)


What is your favorite chocolate?

All chocolate! Ok… if I have to pick – mint chocolate, like Andes Candies! I could honestly eat those for breakfast, lunch, dinner… gotta stay minty fresh, right? J


What is your favorite prayer and/or quote?

“Come to terms with Him to be at peace; in this shall good come to you.” – Job 22:21

On feminism:

Feminism isn’t about making women stronger. Women are already strong. It’s about changing the way the world perceives that strength.

— G.D. Anderson


What services do you provide?

I write freelance posts and speak (in person or podcast) – usually on feminism, catholic women’s issues, marriage, pro-life feminism and being a working mom. Rates are dependent on your specific needs.

Contact info or Facebook message me!

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Chloe Langr


My name is Chloe Langr and I’m a Catholic stay-at-home wife and blogger. I love all things old fashioned (except you won’t find me ordering an old fashioned at the bar, since bitters aren’t my thing.) Jane Austen, hand written letters, and museum visits make me think I was born in the wrong era. But my pixie cut, frequent Dunkin’ Donut runs and addiction to social media give me an identity crisis. Maybe I’m more modern than I think!

I blog about modern and vintage topics over at my blog, Old Fashioned Girl. There you’ll find that I’m a bibliophile who loves a good book review. I also recently started a podcast called ‘Letters to Women – Exploring the Feminine Genius,’ where I get a chance to have heart-to-heart discussions with women about how they passionately live out the feminine genius in their own lives. You can find my writing on Aleteia, Epic Pew, and Project Illuminate as well!


Where can you be found on social media?

You can find me on my blog at!


Instagram: chloe.langr


What type of wine is your favorite?

I’m new to wine drinking (usually I’m more of a stout beer drinker). But if I had to choose, I’d go with a pink moscato. You’ll also find me sipping’ on a ridiculous amount of vanilla lattes and cold brew coffees.

What is your favorite chocolate?

I’m a huge coffee addict so my favorite kind of chocolate is chocolate-covered espresso beans – especially when they’re covered in milk chocolate!


What is your favorite prayer and/or quote?

My favorite quote is Saint John Paul II’s

‘Be Not Afraid’

I first fell in love with the quote during college and now those words are engraved on my husband and I’s wedding rings. It is such a powerful reminder that God calls us out of fear and into His plan for our lives.

What services do you provide?

You can contact me for sponsored book and merchandise reviews, conference talks and speaking engagements, and podcast interview requests!

Contact info

The easiest way to get ahold of me is via e-mail:

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Catholic Social Media Influencers: Volume 1

Catholic Social Media Influencers: Volume 2

Frameable Faith Affiliate Box.png

Catholic Social Media Influencers: Volume 3

From California to London: Catholic Social Media Influencers, Volume 4 

Inspiring Ministries for Everyday Catholics: Catholic Social Media Influencers, Volume 5


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Finding Faith and Hope on Your Device this Summer: Catholic Social Media Influencers, Volume 6 Tue, 13 Jun 2017 18:53:34 +0000 This post has affiliate links.  Please see my “About” Page for more details. Catholic Social Media Influencers began as a Facebook group where Catholics who write, create, publish and simply inspire support one another.  You can now follow Catholic Social Media Influencers on Pinterest!  Follow here: Catholic Social Media Influencers Annie Deddens I’m a Catholic wife […]

The post Finding Faith and Hope on Your Device this Summer: Catholic Social Media Influencers, Volume 6 appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

Finding Faith and Hope on Your Device this Summer-

This post has affiliate links.  Please see my “About” Page for more details.

Catholic Social Media Influencers began as a Facebook group where Catholics who write, create, publish and simply inspire support one another.  You can now follow Catholic Social Media Influencers on Pinterest!  Follow here: Catholic Social Media Influencers

Annie Deddens

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I’m a Catholic wife & writer — and I very much identify with being a producer. I used to work in broadcast journalism for years as a reporter & producer, and now I’m using those same skills to find some of the best Catholic reads out there about living an authentic Catholic life as a woman, and sharing those things on my blog. I also run a prayer ministry with my husband, called Pray More Novenas. We’ve been doing that for nearly six years (wow!), we’ve been married for almost five (I can’t believe it!), and it’s still just the two of us (for now), living in Dayton, Ohio, my husband’s hometown.

Where can you be found on social media?

On Facebook here:

On Instagram here:

And on Pinterest here:

What is your favorite prayer and/or quote?

This is constantly changing… Right now, it’s this from St. Francis de Sales:

The same everlasting Father

who cares for you today, will care for you tomorrow

and every day.

Either He will shield you from suffering

or give you unfailing strength to bear it.

Be at peace and then and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginings.”

And my current favorite prayer is the super short & simple, “Jesus, I trust in You.”

What services do you provide?

Through our prayer ministry, my blog and social media, I provide encouragement, particularly for women, to strive to lead a holy life — in our every day lives, doing the small & ordinary things.

I’m available to write for faith-based websites about marriage, our Faith, and the lives of the saints — and what we can learn from them. I’m also available to write sponsored posts. Please contact me for my rates!

Tell us what freelance opportunities you hope to provide:
Sponsored posts and writing faith-based content about marriage and the lives of the saints.

Contact info

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 Kirby Hoberg

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I’m a Texan girl who just transplanted from the SF Bay Area to the Twin Cities. By day I am home with the kids, by night I dance ballet and act in theater productions.
I love coffee, Anthropology, Country music, and British television, plus I have the drinking taste of an old man. I’m a 2nd generation homeschooler, semi-crunchy mom, who can’t seem to run out of depths to delve in Catholicism.

Where can you be found on social media?



What is your favorite prayer and/or quote?

New favorite quote:

“Take care of our body as if you were going to live forever; and take care of your soul as if you were going to die tomorrow.”

– St. Augustine.

The two things I see that moms are tempted to sacrifice are their physical care and prayer time. This quote calls me out when I feel like slipping in those areas!

What services do you provide?

On the Under Thy Roof blog, and on my social media, I seek to share about Catholic family life in our domestic home our big Church home. It has also turned into encouraging healthier attitudes about self-care for moms and women in general. As my motherhood has developed into a wider creative experience with theater and dance thrown into the mix, I hope to widen assumptions about what it means to be an at-home parent and what it means to be a young Catholic woman living in the world.
I am available to write for faith-based or motherhood websites, and do sponsored posts. Rates are available upon request.

I am currently on a maternity leave of sorts from theater and dance production until after this baby is born in late September, but I will be returning to the audition circuit in the Winter or Spring!

What is your contact info?

My blog can be found at and I can always be reached by email at
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Pam Spano

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I’m a convert to the Catholic faith.  Though my mother was raised Catholic and my father was Lutheran, neither of my parents practiced their faith and left it up to me to decide how I wanted to worship (or not worship at all).  It was difficult growing up like that.  God revealed himself to me over the years, but I didn’t know how to worship Him.  I attended many different kinds of churches, including the Catholic Church, but nothing was resonating with me during my childhood, teen years or up to my mid-twenties.
I met my husband on a blind date.  Neither of us was really interested in meeting the other, but we agreed to go out.  As we dated, I was intrigued by this man who still went to church every Sunday and actually followed his faith.  At one point, I sarcastically said to him, “I suppose if we were to get married, you would want me to convert?”  He thought for a moment, and said, “Well, I am worried about your soul.”  To this day his cousin claims that is the best pick-up line ever!
After 35 years of marriage and three children, I find myself writing a Catholic blog.  Our God is indeed a God of surprises!

Where can you be found on Social Media?


Facebook: Being Catholic. Really

Favorite Prayer and/or quote:

In my early years as a convert, it was:
 1 Corinthians 2:9, 

       But as it is written:

“What eye has not seen, and ear has not heard,

and what has not entered the human heart,

what God has prepared for those who love him.

That’s my spiritual journey in one verse!  It still speaks to me after all these years.

What services do you provide?

My blog came out of wanting to share my faith journey and encourage others in theirs.  What happened was I was being taught my faith by those who read my words and shared their stories.  It seems surreal even now.
Right now I am accepting freelance writing opportunities!  Please contact me for my rates!
*** Additional note from Amy:  Pam posts often combine faith and humor!  She is sure to make you chuckle once in awhile!
For example, you may see something like this on your Facebook feed:
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Contact info:

Want to follow more inspiring Catholics on Social Media?  Check out these earlier posts!

Catholic Social Media Influencers: Volume 1

Catholic Social Media Influencers: Volume 2

Catholic Social Media Influencers: Volume 3

From California to London: Catholic Social Media Influencers, Volume 4 

Inspiring Ministries for Everyday Catholics: Catholic Social Media Influencers, Volume 5

Click here to purchase! This color is “Heather Deep Teal”
Click here to purchase! Heather Prism Mint (this is a size Small)


The post Finding Faith and Hope on Your Device this Summer: Catholic Social Media Influencers, Volume 6 appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

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5 Ways to Connect With God and Recharge Your Spirit Today Wed, 17 May 2017 19:50:35 +0000 Do you have a to do list? I do, and it seems to be endless!  I wish I had endless energy and time! God makes the days longer.” Dr. Monique Ruberu, MD Not long ago I was listening to Dr. Ruberu give a talk to our adoption group (The Rose Garden) and I asked her, […]

The post 5 Ways to Connect With God and Recharge Your Spirit Today appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

Screen Shot 2017-05-17 at 3.42.52 PM.pngDo you have a to do list?

I do, and it seems to be endless!  I wish I had endless energy and time!

God makes the days longer.”

Dr. Monique Ruberu, MD

Not long ago I was listening to Dr. Ruberu give a talk to our adoption group (The Rose Garden) and I asked her, “how do you have time to do all the things you do!?”.  She said quite plainly,  “God makes the days longer”.

Dr. Ruberu is a mother of 3 young children, a working Physician and an active Pro-life activist who just recently finished writing a book.  Somehow she found the time to come talk to our adoption group about the importance of nourishing our marriages in the midst of infertility.  Her talk was filled with stories of how she nourishes her faith and stays connected to Our Lord.  To say the least, I was awed and inspired.

I often find myself busy to a fault.  Dr. Ruberu reminded me that we are to give everything to God – including our time.  What we give to God, he gives back to us in complete and total abundance!  He really does make the day long enough to serve Him, our families and others.

Here are five ways you can reconnect with God and recharge your spirit!  

Attend Daily Mass

Daily Masses tend to be only about 30 minutes in length if you get up for the early ones! If your schedule is jam packed, this may be the way to go.  Get up early and go to Mass. Hear God’s word, praise Him, talk to Him and listen.  Receive Him.

Go for a Nature Walk

God created everything for you, but you in turn were created to serve and love God and to offer all creation back to Him.

(Catechism of the Catholic Church, #358)

naturewalk.jpegGod created everything for us to enjoy!  I love going for a hike and enjoying the views of nature.  As a city girl, there is an extreme amount of peace that fills me when I gaze upon an open field. Turning off the cell phone and being away from a screen and out in the fresh air can provide an opportunity to enjoy God’s creation and feel at peace. Depending on your mood you could always talk to Jesus as if He is walking with you, say a Rosary or some formal prayers or simply, count your blessings.

Sip and Color!

Here is a free printable coloring page for you!

 Love is kind, love is patient coloring page

If you wake up early you can go to Mass or you can enjoy a cup of coffee and relax with colored pencils and an inspirational coloring page!  You may only have 10 minutes a day or week to do this, but eventually it will get done and you will have a picture to frame or glue into your prayer journal!  Adult coloring is popular for a reason – it’s meditative and relaxing.  There are many Devotional Coloring Books available on Amazon!  Coloring a Scripture passage or prayer is a great way to contemplate God’s love for us and really can recharge your soul! It’s also fun to do with a glass of wine!

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Pray a Rosary

Meditation is an exercise that relieves stress and increases overall physical health. Our Lady is a faithful friend who is happy to go to Jesus and pray for our intentions.  And lately, “fidget spinners” are known as stress relieving toys.  Why not go to the original “fidget spinner” and hold a One Decade Rosary Ring!

Listen to Praise Music

Crank up radio stations like K-Love or “I Can Only Imagine” on Pandora.  The melody and the lyrics are uplifting and encouraging. Whether you are driving, cleaning, working or simply just sitting; music has a way to raise your spirits. As we listen to the words being sung we are reminded of God’s love for us and it sparks joy in the heart and hope in our life.  Turn it on and turn it up!

The post 5 Ways to Connect With God and Recharge Your Spirit Today appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

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From California to London: Catholic Social Media Influencers, Volume 4 Tue, 16 May 2017 02:45:53 +0000 This amazing community of both men and women write, own businesses, create products and truly embrace God’s will in their lives. Each of them inspire, educate and genuinely care for their readers.

The post From California to London: Catholic Social Media Influencers, Volume 4 appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

From California to London- Catholic Social Media Influencers, Volume 4.pngCatholic Social Media Influencers is a group I created and manage on Facebook.  This amazing community of both men and women write, own businesses, create products and truly embrace God’s will in their lives.  Each of them inspire, educate and genuinely care for their readers.

Do you Pin?  Follow all the Catholic Social Media Influencers on Pinterest here:

Catholic Social Media Influencers Board on Pinterest

Today I am sharing two interviews.  The first is with a young blogger currently residing in California, and the second is from a Mom “across the pond”; an Italian living in London.

Caitlyn Anderson

Blogger at Mrs. Andy: Anchored by Faith

Tell us about yourself!

My name is Caitlyn Anderson, but I am also known as “Mrs. Andy”- a nickname that my husband’s coworkers gave me the first time we met that has stuck ever since! I’m a blogger, fur-mama, Navy wife, and Catholic: in reverse order.

I have been happily married to my husband Jacob for two years. We are currently living in Southern California with our beloved fur-child Remington. The three of us enjoy eating pizza, binge watching classic movies, and going to the beach. We also enjoy growing in the faith and finding ways to incorporate our Catholic beliefs into everyday activities.

I started the Mrs.Andy, Anchored By Faith blog as a way to share my Catholic beliefs and how they helped me navigate life as a military spouse. As I continued to share my experiences, this blog grew into a place for me to link everything about my life- mind, body, and soul- back to my faith in God and my relationship with Jesus Christ. I hope that by sharing how the faith keeps me anchored in my crazy life as a young adult and military spouse, I can inspire others to anchor themselves in faith and face their temporal and spiritual storms knowing God is by their side.

Where can you be found on social media?




What type of wine is your favorite?

I only turned 21 a few months ago, so I haven’t had a whole lot of time to explore the wine world… but so far I am a fan of Merlot! I’ll update you later on if this changes.

What is your favorite chocolate?

I love me some dark chocolate! Unless it is a Dove Milk Chocolate Square… but anything white “chocolate” is a no-go for me.

What is your favorite prayer and/or quote?

I love praying the Holy Rosary. I am a total mama’s girl, so being able to ask the Blessed Mother for her intercessions has always been very special and reassuring to me. Never underestimate the power of the rosary!!!

As far as quotes go… It would have to be a tie between Hebrews 6:19 (the verse that inspired my blog title) and “Welcome to the military, where everything is set in jello!” I think both of those sum up my life pretty nicely. It is a combination of faith and humor that get me through the day!

What services do you provide?

Through social media and the Mrs. Andy, Anchored By Faith blog, I provide support and encouragement for women of all vocations. Being a 21-year-old Catholic Navy wife, I am able to provide a unique perspective of Christian living in a modern world, offer faith-based advice for young adults navigating relationships (platonic, romantic, or spiritual), and shed light on the different challenges married people face with a focus on military life.

I am available to write for faith-based websites and do sponsored posts. Please contact me for my rates!

Contact info

Feel free to contact me on any social media sites (especially Facebook and Instagram) or email me at   

Chiara Finaldi

Founder of Catholic Mothers group on Facebook, blogger at The Pearl of Great Price


Tell us about yourself!

My name is Chiara (37) Italian living in London UK where I moved 18 years ago after marrying my teenage sweetheart, Pierpaolo (40). We have six children (17yrs-10months) and with the help of God we try to live our life to the fullest, fighting together for the Truth. We are fruits of Pope Saint John Paul II’s Papacy. We blog as part of our apostolate and run the ‘Catholic Mothers’ Facebook Page. Eating good food and drinking good wine is part of our Mediterranean culture, I have fun cooking and I am not afraid of feeding an infinite number of people. I enjoy painting Icons, creating elaborate Christmas crèches and making pretty things. I love dancing flamenco, listening to my husband’s beautiful baritone voice and singing with my musical family. My mum used to call me a ‘volcano’ when I was younger because I was constantly erupting with ideas and grand projects … things have not really changed, so watch this space!

I blog at ‘The Pearl of Great Price’ . The name is taken from a passage from the Gospel of Matthew (13:45-46) ‘Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it.’

Where can you be found on social media?

You can find me on twitter at @CFinaldi

On Instagram as Chiara.fin

Or you can join us on Catholic Mothers

There you will discover a beautiful virtual community of mothers sharing, praying and walking together on this journey of faith.

What type of wine is your favorite?

I have really expensive tastes but no money and that goes for wine too…For this reason I am even more grateful to be Catholic…Though to fast or to make sacrifices (whether because of lack of money or because of the liturgical season) can, at times, be hard… we are asked really to make an effort around important feasts and to celebrate them to the full.

To mark important liturgical festivities (especially Christmas and Easter) we stock up usually with full bodied reds like Amarone, Barolo, Chateauneuf Du Pape or Brunello di Montalcino.

Out of the ones I have just mentioned I would say Brunello di Montalcino is definitely one of my favourite wine. Exquisite red, delicate, gentle on the palate and yet full of flavour, a wonderful companion to a good English roast or a fine steak.

When summer comes I really enjoy accompanying a nice salad with a big cold glass of Retsina, a white, resinated unsophisticated Greek wine with a very singular taste and very refreshing. It reminds me of our honeymoon in the Peloponnese!

 What is your favorite chocolate?

Green and Blacks is my favourite English brand of chocolate. The company was founded in 1991 and produces a beautiful range of high quality chocolate bars. Among the large selection offered my favorite one is the organic dark chocolate with crystallised ginger pieces. It gives me the right boost to face the school pick up and I really enjoy it in the evening with Pierpaolo (and his mint chocolate) accompanied by a nice cup of tea and the well-earned silence of hardworking household. 

What is your favorite prayer and/or quote?

The Prayer of the Heart, ‘Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’ is one of my favourite prayers. It is nice and concise. I recite it on a loop at any point of the day especially when feeling discouraged, during stressful moments or when upset and about to lose my patience.

What services do you provide?

I’ve written for the Everyday Ediths blog, Regina magazine and have some writing projects in the pipeline. I’m planning a series of interviews with Catholic Mothers who have other extraordinary stories to tell. Beginning with pro-life speaker and novelist Fiorella Nash.

I run the Catholic Mothers Facebook group, which I founded in 2015 as a reaction to a secular Mother’s group I was part of. Within that group I encountered a microcosm of all the things I disliked and went against my Catholic faith.

It was a group for mothers but that somehow hated motherhood and was constantly trying to reinvent it. It was a group for women who despised the very fact they were women and their attributes, were disrespectful to their husbands, partners or any male figure in their life.

Catholic Mothers is an apostolate where women are encouraged to live their femininity to the full and to embrace their vocation with God as their leader and Christ before them to show them the way!

Though based in the UK, Catholic Mothers is an International community that is constantly growing. Moved by the wonderful American spirit and ‘can do’ attitude, we have many projects lined up to support us in our calling and in the passing on the faith to our children.

A Catholic Mothers’ planner will be available for sale soon, children’s books will be published in December and we hope to organize the first Catholic Mothers Conference in London. We have started a little Youtube channel so that our Mothers from across the pond can participate and we can walk together on this journey towards the Father’s house.

You can join us here

Support here: Catholic Mothers Fundraiser

Contact info

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Catholic Social Media Influencers: Volume 3

Catholic Social Media Influencers: Volume 2

Catholic Social Media Influencers: Volume 1

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