preschool Archives - Prayer Wine Chocolate a spiritual journey to motherhood & beyond Fri, 03 Mar 2017 17:11:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 preschool Archives - Prayer Wine Chocolate 32 32 99893247 Paddy and The Wolves: The Saint Patrick’s Day Book for Kids (Book Review) Fri, 03 Mar 2017 17:11:52 +0000 The first sentence of the book sold me!
"Paddy, you are too fidgety!"

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I was given a copy of the book, Paddy and the Wolves by Gracewatch Media.  All thoughts and opinions are my own.  There are affiliate links in this article.

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The first sentence of the book sold me!

“Paddy, you are too fidgety!”

Our son is a typical 4 year-old boy.  He can’t be still at Mass, he can’t stand still for prayers before bed and he rarely stops moving while he is awake – and sometimes while he is asleep he is still moving!

I looked forward to reading this book to him because I felt he could relate to a little boy who wanted to please his mother, but just can’t be still!

Paddy and the Wolves is a colorful, unique story about Saint Patrick as a little boy.  Paddy gets sent to “go help Barra” (the Shepherd who is moving sheep to higher pasture that day).    Paddy’s mother prays “May Jesus go with you” and sends him on his way; hoping he will channel all that energy most boys have toward something good an helpful.

I love this book for three main reasons:

First, for the illustrations!


It’s no secret that I love Jen Norton’s work.  I listed her journal as one of the 10 Best Journals for Busy Women bought myself a copy. Her style is friendly, inviting, fun and colorful. I feel like no matter how much I praise her talent with words, I can not do it justice.  Here’s a glimpse of some of the book’s pictures (and by the way, there is also is a coloring book Paddy and the Wolves Coloring Book!!  If your child loves to color, this is a great gift to pair with the book!)

Second, I love the teaching moments this story provides!

The author, Steve Nagel, not only allows the readers to get a glimpse of St. Patrick’s childhood by revolving the story around shepherding, but also allows the child practice in sitting still!  The book is just long enough to catch my “almost 5” year olds attention, but challenges him to sit a little longer than those Step Into Reading Books he just loves. I read it to him once and he listened and went on his way.  Another time my husband read it to him and I heard our little boy ask, “what does obey mean?”  We often tell Xavier he needs to listen, or follow directions – but that word obey was new to him.  My husband was able to explain the meaning of that word, and explain how it is important for children to obey their parents.  Thank you Steve Nagel for that wonderful opportunity!

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Finally, the book provides extension activities and prayers!

The learning and discussion about Saint Patrick doesn’t end with the closing of the story.  There are several prayers in the back, facts about Saint Patrick, a game board on the back cover – and my favorite addition – a recipe to make oatcakes!  Oatcakes play a role in the story, and I am so excited to make them with Xavier!  He loves to bake and it will be another opportunity for me to teach him about Saint Patrick!

This book a great way to teach your children about Saint Patrick! Order yours today!  Click here: Paddy and the Wolves

Have a Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

An Old Irish Blessing

May the road rise up to meet you.

May the wind always be at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

and rains fall soft upon your fields.

And until we meet again,

May God hold you in the palm of His hand.


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4 Toys for 4-year-old Boys! Wed, 07 Sep 2016 20:53:51 +0000 Whether you are shopping for a nephew, grandson or one of the dozen birthday parties you have on the calendar this month – I figured I would offer some insight from my vertically challenged, adorably bright, teacher I spend a lot of time with 😉 Plus, Santa needs to be conservative this year.  When I […]

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toys-958693_1280Whether you are shopping for a nephew, grandson or one of the dozen birthday parties you have on the calendar this month – I figured I would offer some insight from my vertically challenged, adorably bright, teacher I spend a lot of time with 😉

Plus, Santa needs to be conservative this year.  When I finally start Christmas shopping, or when someone asks, what should we get for X . . . I want to make sure my response is NOT, “I had ideas, but now I forget them all”!

I hope these suggestions help you in your shopping!  The best part about this list is you can shop right from it – and not have to leave your home or enter a toy store!

The links below are affiliate links.  If you click on them and decide to make a purchase, I make a small percentage.  Thank you for supporting prayerwinechocolate!

Our son LOVES playing with a flashlight.  He enjoys being read to as well, and we want to keep that love of reading in his heart!  So my first idea is to get at least one of the Shine-A-Light Books!

Shine-A-Light Books


On the Space Station ( A Shine-A-Light book)

On the Train (A Shine-A-Light Book)

On the Plane (Shine-Light-Book)


Our son picks up random objects (like paper towel rolls) and looks through them, pretending that it is something that is helping him see better, so I am thinking . . .


The Shock Proof 8×21 Kids Binoculars Set looks perfect and has incredible reviews!


Matchbox Cars and Sets

My friend’s son left matchbox cars here . . . and my son loves them!  We have cars, and a pre-school track, but I think it is time to upgrade!  Amazon suggested other tracks that were “more affordable”, but honestly, I think he will love and play with this one the best! Matchbox 4-level Garage Playset


Let’s not forget the cars and the Matchbox 72 Car-Case.  This gift is for mom just as much as it is for that adorable little boy!  We need a place to call “away”!


A Game that is NOT Chutes and Ladders or Candyland

Not that there is anything wrong with those games . . . except that mommy and daddy would appreciate something different.  We also have a Paw Patrol game that my son LOVES . . .but, it’s CandyLand and Chutes and Ladders together so . . . it’s like we play those games all.the.time!  Here are two games that are fun and a nice break from the traditional.

Thinkfun Zingo and Spot It

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Do you have a suggestion for an awesome gift?  What does your four year old love to play with!?


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Adoption Books My Son Loves Sat, 02 Jul 2016 01:12:51 +0000 Talking to our son about how he came into our family can be complicated.  Talking to our son about why he can’t eat freeze pops and ice cream for dinner is complicated.  He, like most toddlers and pre-schoolers, desires to know and understand the world around him. The easiest way to discuss anything and everything is […]

The post Adoption Books My Son Loves appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

Talking to our son about how he came into our family can be complicated.  Talking to our son about why he can’t eat freeze pops and ice cream for dinner is complicated.  He, like most toddlers and pre-schoolers, desires to know and understand the world around him. The easiest way to discuss anything and everything is by using books.


And not just by playing, “let’s balance these on our heads”.

Reading a book about adoption is an awesome spring board and conversation starter.

Reading a book about adoption allows me to stop and say, “We are so happy and grateful we adopted you” without it sounding random and alien to him.

I noticed that he likes some books more than others.  I am constantly on the search for more resources and choices that will broaden our discussion and help our son realize that although the way he came to our family is not the traditional way; we wouldn’t have it any other way.

Here is a list of books we have and our son loves:

Below are a list of affiliate links.

Tell Me Again About the Night I Was Born

Written by Jaime Lee Curtis

Illustrations by Laura Cornell

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My son LOVES this book.  When I tell him to pick a book he often comes back with this one.  I find myself telling him how different his adoption was than this story (which interrupts the telling of it quite a few times from beginning to end), but he doesn’t seem to mind.  Something about this book intrigues him.

A Mother for Choco

Written by Keiko Kasza

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This is another favorite of his and mine.  It is written much like the classic, “Are You My Mother” by Philp D. Eastman.  Not only does the book talk about adoption, but it discusses not looking like your mom the way other children do AND it gives me an opportunity to hug and kiss my little love as I am reading the book.  This is a huge hit in our house – and has been since Xavier was about 2 years old.  I definitely recommend it.

Yes, I’m Adopted!

Written by Sharlie Zinninger

Illustrations by Tiffany Cunliffe

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This book is extremely simple and our little boy has been a fan since he was about 2 years old.  The pictures are fun, bright and clear.  The book rhymes and talks about looking different.  I also think my son just loves the page where their is a picture of the planet earth and the author says how parents meet their children by car, train or even an airplane.  He’s mesmerized.  It’s simple and full of love.  He always asks me to read it again and he even likes when I read the “About the Authors” page.  I’m not kidding.

The next two books are a little to lengthy for his attention span right now, BUT, I love having them on his bookshelf.  Even if he never prefers them over the Star Wars and Paw Patrol books, I love that he will see the titles.

I Wished For You

Written by Marianne Richmond

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God Found Us You

Written By: Lisa Tawn Bergren

Illustrations by: Laura J. Bryant

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Another book we like is not about adoption per se, but is about how people from different backgrounds look the same in some ways, but different in others.

We’re Different, We’re the Same

Written by Bobbi Kates

Illustrations by Joe Mathieu

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The next two books are not about adoption at all – but they are super fun :).

This Book Just Ate My Dog

Written and illustrated by: Richard Byrne

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My brother and his wife bought this book for our son. My husband just read it to my and son and me.  We were all cracking up together!  I had to share!

Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes

Written by Eric Litwin; Illustrations by the Creator of Pete the Cat: James Dean

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This is read in a way that sounds like a song . . . it is so catchy.  Beware – it will stay in your head.  The good news is – it is so catchy!!!  Such a happy book – we love it!

Do you have an adoption book you would recommend?  Please share!

The post Adoption Books My Son Loves appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

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