spiritual growth Archives - Prayer Wine Chocolate https://prayerwinechocolate.com/tag/spiritual-growth/ a spiritual journey to motherhood & beyond Fri, 27 Jul 2018 02:40:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://prayerwinechocolate.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/cropped-editwine-32x32.jpg spiritual growth Archives - Prayer Wine Chocolate https://prayerwinechocolate.com/tag/spiritual-growth/ 32 32 99893247 Building Your Own Prayer Journal Kit https://prayerwinechocolate.com/building-your-own-prayer-journal-kit/ https://prayerwinechocolate.com/building-your-own-prayer-journal-kit/#comments Tue, 27 Sep 2016 12:48:17 +0000 https://www.prayerwinechocolate.com/?p=8667 Do you always feel busy? Lately I certainly do!  Since all of our relationships need nourishment – our relationship with the Lord is no exception.  I really need the reminder to spend some time with Him – no matter how much is on the “to-do” list. Speaking of a “to-do” list – I often find myself […]

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Do you always feel busy? Lately I certainly do!  Since all of our relationships need nourishment – our relationship with the Lord is no exception.  I really need the reminder to spend some time with Him – no matter how much is on the “to-do” list.


Speaking of a “to-do” list – I often find myself feeling more productive and focused when I write one!  Our prayer life can feel more productive and fruitful when we write as well.

This post contains affiliate links.  Any purchases through these links will help me continue to write!

Writing can be such a stress relieving activity.  When we do things to relieve stress, we are making ourselves healthier and strengthening our immune system.

For these reasons – improving our spiritual life and our physical well-being – I feel called to encourage you to keep a prayer journal.

The biggest challenge I face is in finding the time to write in my prayer journal.  I have found that I have to schedule it.  It either goes on my “to-do” list, or on my social calendar, and now it is even a part of my service calendar.  I volunteer at pregnancy centers and offer the women there guidance and time to pray using a journal. Once we get started, I join them!

If you are interested on how to host your own prayer journaling party, check out this post: How to Host a ‘Sip and Script’ Party: Prayer Journaling with Friends

Prayer Journaling can be something you do in the morning with your coffee, a way to reflect during Eucharistic Adoration, or a way to “color” with the kids.  Since time is not a luxury, I suggest you keep all your prayer journaling supplies in a bag and in a place that is accessible – so when you have ten minutes, it’s all right there waiting for you!

What You Need for Your Prayer Journal Kit:

1. A Bag to Keep it All Together!
Everlasting Light – Canvas Tote Bag
Everlasting Light - Canvas Tote Bag
2. A Journal

It can be as simple as a plain notebook, like this one on Amazon: Mead Composition Book

Or a more elegant one like these from DaySpring:

Dear God – Christian Journal – $9.99
from: DaySpring Cards Inc

Dear God – Christian Journal – $9.99

from: DaySpring Cards Inc
Created to Be Beautiful – Christian Journal

Illustrated Faith – Praise Book
Illustrated Faith - Praise Book
If you prefer a more guided journal, check out this list of AWESOME journals! 10 Best Journals for Busy Women

3. Colored Pencils and Other Fun Stationary


  • Prismacolor Premier Colored Pencils – these colored pencils are THE BEST!  Let your adult self enjoy the step up from Crayola and Rose Art – and enjoy the quality these pencils offer!
  • Glue Sticks and Scissors – I love to glue holy cards and coloring pages inside my journal.  When I was teaching my last prayer journaling class, one of the women there asked if I had the scrapbooking scissors – I didn’t, but thought – what a great idea!  So I added them to my list 🙂
  • Holy Prayer Cards – I love to write out the prayer on the one side in my journal and glue the image side to the page.  You may have some of these in your home laying around.  Another way to add these to your prayer journaling kit is by asking others if people will give them to you.  Some people feel bad throwing them out, but honestly have no idea what to do with them – ask and you shall receive!  You can also purchase Holy Cards on Amazon believe it or not!  Check out these: Set of 10 and these Pack of 54!
  • Stickers!!! Stickers are so much fun and personally, just make me smile!  It’s so nice to look at a prayer page and like the look of it!  Here are some stickers that will really bring you some sunshine!
  • Letters Stickers – in watercolor!
  • Diary/Planner Stickers
    Illustrated Faith – 23-Piece Go & Tell Stickers
    Illustrated Faith - 23-Piece Go & Tell Stickers

4. An Oversized Pencil Case

The stationary will need to be kept organized.  Most pencil cases I have found to be to small. Cosmetic bags, like this one on Amazon: Follow Your Heart Canvas Bag  or this Mini-Tablet Pouch on Dayspring will help you keep your supplies together and give you a smile 🙂
God Does Extraordinary Things – Mini-Tablet Pouch
God Does Extraordinary Things - Mini-Tablet Pouch

5. A I Got This – 2-Pocket Folder” target=”_blank”>Folder to hold free printables!!!

I Got This – 2-Pocket Folder” target=”_blank”>”I Got This” – God 2 pocket folder
I Got This - 2-Pocket Folder

Katie at Look to Him and Be Radiant offers free printables all the time and they are perfect for prayer journaling!  Also, follow my Pinterest board for more ideas and links for free coloring pages!


Having a kit built and ready to use will allow you to get your prayer going quicker.  I know there is so little time in the day – but remember, we need to choose how we use our time.  We need to choose spending time in prayer, and making sure we don’t burn out.  We can’t afford to burn out as spouses, parents and I am sure you could name ten more important hats you wear!  Take care of your soul, your spirit and your health!

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10 Best Journals for Busy Women https://prayerwinechocolate.com/10-best-journals-for-busy-women-and-giveaway/ https://prayerwinechocolate.com/10-best-journals-for-busy-women-and-giveaway/#comments Tue, 26 Apr 2016 15:29:17 +0000 https://www.prayerwinechocolate.com/?p=3380 Here are the journals I think you would enjoy using and allow you to grow closer to the Lord, achieve goals you have only dreamed of and see the beauty that is already in your life!

The post 10 Best Journals for Busy Women appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

This post contains affiliate links.  Please see my About Me page for more details.

How do you relieve stress, pray, and allow yourself time to be creative?  For me, I can do all of those things through writing in a journal. Recently, I went on a search for journals I would use and recommend.  After looking at MANY, I found some gems!  Here are the journals I think you would enjoy using and allow you to grow closer to the Lord, achieve goals you have only dreamed of and see the beauty that is already in your life!

Need a journal for a young woman?  Check out Be Yourself: A Journal for Catholic Girls


1. Gratitude: A Daily Journal

This journal is published by Jack Canfield, the creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul books and D.D. Watkins.  I ordered this journal in January of 2015 and used it almost daily.  I love how it gives every date of the year and a just few lines to write.  I loved using it so much that I bought it again this year.  It really helps place my head and heart in a state of gratitude and thanks at the end of each and every day; and it only takes me five minutes to complete.

2. Start Where You Are: A Journal for Self-Exploration

On my quest to find the best journals for busy women, I headed to Barnes and Nobles’ bookstore.  I did not go to the “journal” section at first.  I went to the “self-improvement” section.  It was here that I found START WHERE YOU ARE.  I love this journal.  It has all different fun prompts that are not to deep, but really fun.  It has inspirational quotes in fun works of art.  When I came home and looked it up, I found out it is an Amazon Best Seller.  Author Meera Lee Patel is a self-taught artist that uses bright, happy colors while encouraging the person who is using the journal to bring out their inner creator.

3. The 52 Lists Project: A Year of Weekly Journaling Inspirationjournalingpinkorange

I don’t know about you, but I LOVE writing lists.  I feel like it helps me have a plan and feel productive. This journal bases every entry on writing a list.  From listing your goals and dream to listing your favorite sweets and treats, this journal will have you looking at life  from all different perspectives.

4. Quieting Your Heart: 6-Month Prayer Journal

I love how simple and fun this journal is set up.  One space for a personal prayer, one space for prayer requests, a prompt that says, “Lord, teach me to . . .” and an inspirational quote.  These sections are asking me to get my colored pencils out and decorate the page and color the cute picture.  I love it.

5.  Hail Mary Catholic Journalphilomenajournal1

I was going to include a plain notebook in this list, and that same day I saw this show up on my Facebook newsfeed.  I love a blank canvas that allows me to paste inspiration from a devotional or even song lyrics.  I like the idea that I can use this space to write a letter to Jesus or the words of a novena prayer.  Having a journal with this stunning image on the cover gives it an added sense of prayer. I also recommend having a ton of fun making the inside of your blank journal pop with your creativity.  I found these cute writing prompts and thought they would be fun to paste in a journal entry.  Check them out here: 31 die cut faith prompts. Also, you can get really creative with this kit from Dayspring: Illustrated Faith Art Kit

6.  Travel Journal

I use this Ellie Claire travel journal for all my blog/writing ideas.  Life is a journey – so even though I haven’t been on a plane in ten years, this journal suits me.  I love the cover style.  It looks classic on the book shelf.  I love how the inside pages have an “old map” color and inspirational quotes (from Scripture and historical figures). Another bonus to this journal is the folder pocket in the back – which is barely noticeable, but a great place to put holy cards and other inspirational papers.TravelJournal

7. A Guided Devotional Journal

Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World is such an awesome guided journal.  Can’t we all relate to Mary and Martha!?? Everyday as a mother I struggle to decide if I am spending enough time just enjoying my son and am I spending enough time on my responsiblity as a homemaker? Like Mary, I long to sit at the Lord’s feet…but the daily demands of a busy world have me relating to.I found this journal on Amazon for $21.55 but Dayspring has it on sale for $17.99.  Here is my affiliate link for the better price! Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World Journal

8. Walk with the Saints Journal –

This journal has lined pages, saint quotes and illustrations. Most pages are blank, but I like that it also offers “how to” pages. How to pages include: St. Francis de Sales guide to Morning and Evening prayer; List of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit; and an Examination of Conscience.

9. A Coloring Book Journal coloredpencils.jpeg

I absolutely love this journal!  It not only includes coloring pages with inspirational quotes, but also bookmarks, greeting cards and gift tags! This journal is great alone and as a companion to a writing journal – I could see cutting out some of the bookmarks, etc and pasting them alongside my written prayers and reflections! There are other coloring book journals to peruse before you decide!  Here are some other lovely choices: Inspiring Words Coloring Book Journal and Whatever is Lovely

10. DaySpring Bible Journal

No matter how busy we are, we really should take time to pray and read the Bible.  Some people love Bible journaling – I have never done it, but I definitely think I would love to give it a try!  I chose this particular Bible journal because I love the cover and the extra-wide margins and there’s plenty of space for art journaling biblical truths! Also, for a limited time, DaySpring is offering $25 off any $75 purchase. Use code 25SAVE at checkout.

I had a blast writing this journal for young girls – if you are looking for a journal for a beautiful young lady, check out

Journal for tweens and teens

Be Yourself can be purchased here: Be Yourself: A Journal for Catholic Girls and on Amazon!

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