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I love buying and giving gifts at Christmas – but, I also love receiving them!
I wanted to share with you what is on my wish list this year!

I have to be honest, this year I don’t want a whole lot because I’m dreaming of a new home. We are feeling crowded in this one and I keep thinking, “in my next house I would love to have . . .”
So, I will share some of those ideas here too.
(I share some favorites on this post too: Spiritual Stocking Stuffers: Catholic Edition definitely check that out!!)
My Catholic Christmas Wish List
Another Catholic Mother’s Planner!
I have been using the Catholic Mother’s Planner all year and I love it! It hasn’t fallen apart like others I have purchased in the past and it is filled with prayers and quotes that really inspire me.
I’d love to use one of these again!
Gifts for the Home
A Visual Grace Face of Jesus Rosary Holder
I love this artist and her depiction of the Face of Jesus.

Visual Grace
I also love that she put this art work on a Rosary hanger!
I wrote another post recently titled Catholic Home Goods that are Beautiful, check that out for more home decor!
Gifts for the Homebody in Me
Warm and cozy slippers (I have officially become my mother)
We used to make fun of my mom for asking for slippers every year. Now I totally get it.
I have told my husband that I want slippers several times already!
I LOVE comfortable clothing! New pajamas (love Simply Vera brand and Lauren Conrad sold at Kohl’s).
Love super soft socks and throw blankets, mugs that have prayers on them and hold at least 15 oz. of coffee! I have some listed in my Spiritual Stocking Stuffer post!
Clothes and Fashion
Confession, I sometimes indulge in a Stitch Fix!
I love the idea that a stylist is picking out clothes for me – and that she even looks at what I Pinned on Pinterest to see what I like and what I want in my wardrobe.

I would love a gift card for Stitch Fix for Christmas (and great news, if you sign up – I get $25 shopping credit to use and YOU GET $25 CREDIT TOO!!!)
Want to try it? Yes, sign up for a Stitch Fix!!!
I also saw a cute sweater that was on Annie Dedden’s gift guide this year (Catholic Wife, Catholic Life). I never knew there was something called a “Funnel neck” sweater. I love it. I’ll take one in light grey or navy please lol!
This year I discovered back pack purses. I love them because they don’t slide off my arms and make it so much easier to help my children. I bought one but the strap broke :(. Would love another and maybe a new wallet to match.
This one from Macy’s is super cute!

Catholic Jewelry
I love Telos Design. I think it would be lovely to receive a Trove Box or even a subscription box from this awesome shop!
A new jewelry box
This wooden jewelry box I found on Etsy looks like a great one. Now that I found a love for earrings and Miraculous Medal necklaces, I need an upgrade from the one I got over 20 years ago!
Honestly, I LOVE earrings and Miraculous Medal necklaces (small, dainty and simple).
Beauty and Accessories
New Curling Iron- I’ve asked hair dressers for recommendations and the two that were recommended were the BaByliss and Hot Tools
Honestly, fill a stocking for me – put in a zipper pouch from Meadowcress boutique, lip gloss, stickers from Just Love Prints, MrsTorrescreates, phone accessories from Pink Salt Riot, socks from Sock Religious and whatever I put on this list you can fit in there! Hey, it’s a wish list right?
Gift Cards
Gift Card to a Hair Dresser – one of my favorite guilty pleasures is getting my hair blow dried and curled by someone else.
Gift cards to a Hair Salon, Target, Kohl’s, TJ Maxx, Home Goods, Hobby Lobby, Ulta . . . are great ideas
I’d love a gift card to Corda Candles since they are sold out for the year!
Want more gift ideas? Check out Spiritual Stocking Stuffers: Christmas Edition; Award Winning Catholic Gifts AND The Ultimate Catholic Gift Guide (free download)!