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A NaPro Doctor is closer than you think – and 3 other Facts You Knew Regarding NaPro Technology
Today I want to introduce you to Dr. Monique Ruberu.
Dr. Monique Ruberu, author of Rising With Roses: A Story of Renewal and Lessons Learned and a very good friend of mine.
Believe me when I tell you this, Dr. Monique Ruberu is someone that will inspire you to love God and others more.
She is a true servant of Christ. A kind soul. A fantastic doctor and one living example of how God will provide the time you need to serve Him and live a joyful life as a Christian.
We spoke on Facebook Live the other week (although I made a technical mistake, so only some of our conversation went live smh). You can view and or listen to that conversation here: Prayer Wine Chocolate Presents: Dr. Monique Ruberu
Follow Dr. Monique Ruberu on YouTube!
You don’t have to live near a NaPro doctor to get NaPro care.
Thanks to telemedicine and coaching options, you can live miles away from the nearest NaPro physician, and still receive treatment.
Almost 10 years ago, I could not find one NaPro doctor in my area – which is a city that has uncountable hospitals and universities.
When I needed a doctor that believed in NFP and NaPro – I literally had to drive on a dirt road ( okay, gravel, but still) to get there.
Now, there are more choices in the Philadelphia area – and thanks to technology, if you are still not within driving distance to a NaPro physician, you can still get the care and guidance needed for your health and fertility that was not readily available 10 years ago.
Coaching Sessions provide a unique opportunity for patients outside the Pennsylvania area to have a private internet based consultation with Dr Ruberu. (National and International Appointments available)
She will listen to your concerns and provide a detailed consult summary including possible treatment strategies that you can present to your local provider or pursue independently.
1. NFP and NaPro Medicine offer so much more than avoiding or achieving pregnancy
If you are dealing with abnormal bleeding,
irregular cycles, PMS symptoms, PCOS, infertility,
vaginal infections or any other concern please reach out to a NaPro physician, and if you are not sure who to turn to, I strongly suggest Dr. Monique Ruberu – you can connect with her at NaturalWomensHealth.com

2. NaPro Doctors provide treatment for Postpartum Depression, PMS, recurring miscarriages and more.
I know, it sounds like the first fact I shared. But it’s important to realize this is not just gynecological care – this is general and overall quality of life healthcare.
PMS is real. Symptoms that effect your mood and therefore closest relationships might just need treatment.
It’s extremely important to get your blood work done and a NaPro physician can help you navigate that process.
Many women think taking Vitex or progesterone supplements are the solution, but without getting blood work analyzed by a NaPro physician, there is not a way to get effective, accurate and reliable treatment.
Taking care of your health can also help your marriage.
Your mental health and emotional well-being could be causing other problems in your life that could be solved and healed by having a NaPro physician examine your blood work and provide some advice.
It’s worth looking into.
You can email Drruberumd@gmail.com
3. There is a NaPro alternative to Planned Parenthood – check out Natural Women’s Health
Dr. Monique Ruberu is a true advocate for life. Her desire is to provide life affirming gynecologic care for women at high risk for abortion.
I’ve heard it said before that when a woman is out of work or is simply uninsured, Planned Parenthood provides care they need in those difficult times.
Dr. Ruberu wants to give these women a life affirming option. A place to go where they smell aromatherapy candles and hear comforting Christian music, rather than a place that often makes women feel like the walls are closing in on them.
You can help support this dream by supporting the Ladies Love Life organization. One way is to purchase a cute sweatshirt or mug
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2. Contact Dr. Monique Ruberu and set up a coaching session!
3. Buy a Ladies Love Life product and support a great cause!
4. Read Rising With Roses and be inspired!
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Check out the latest video where Sara from To Jesus Sincerely attempts to convince me to HOMESCHOOL!