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Two Speakers in the Philadelphia Archdiocese are not just bringing refreshing, incredible talks to events, but also holy experiences.
You can find speakers all over the globe by going to Catholicinfluencers.com!
Kate Capato: Sacred Presentations that bring Truth Through Beauty
Book a presentation with Kate Capato, owner of Visual Grace, here!
Taking to heart the concept of leading with beauty, Kate Capato brings a unique event with original paintings and collaborates with husband with live music to share the truths of our faith. It is powerful to see the Holy Spirit working through beauty!

These are not your typical talks!
Kate’s talks include an immersive experience, an in depth explanation of the language of beauty, instruction about how God communicates with us and a total new way to pray using Visio Divna (a way of listening to God through art).
*** Book an event with Kate Capato here****
Each event is rooted in Church teaching and includes:
- time of Eucharistic focused prayer
- Live music
- original Sacred Art
Amy Brooks: Prayer Journaling Workshops, Confirmation Retreats and the Prayer Wine Chocolate Experience
“Amy’s contributions to the planning and execution of our Confirmation Candidate Retreat resulted in a spiritually enriching and very enjoyable Retreat Day for our seventh through ninth grade youth. Amy is gifted with creative genius and an energetic, joyful personality, which is captivating to both youth and adults.
I strongly recommend Amy as I am certain she will plan an excellent, unforgettable Retreat experience for you!“
–Sr. Kathleen Fitzpatrick, IHM
The Power of Prayer and Prayer Journaling: a talk and experience for Catholic Adults
When I hit rock bottom, prayer journaling saved me.
Well, it was one of the things that saved me. I felt so alone. So sad. I wondered if God heard me. Reaching out to Him on paper made His love, His “realness” more real to me.
When there is no one around – Our Lord is still there. Writing Jesus letters in a notebook made my relationship more tangible.
I share the power of prayer with others now. Years later I witnessed an absolute miracle. God showed me that He does indeed hear our prayers.
Starting with this Spiritual Adoption Miracle, I assure others that God does hear what we say to Him in the silence of our hearts, in our persistent prayers and in our daily lives.
When I was in my mid-twenties, I often felt like I had nothing to look forward too
Then, a few friends and I would get together on Thursday nights – and during our small gathering, we would pray a Rosary.
I now had something to look forward to. I not only had friends coming over to give my loneliness a retrieve, but our prayer intentions and group Rosary gave me HOPE!
Hope is an incredible gift. Praying with others is so powerful. It’s also incredibly comforting.
These gatherings were the origin of Prayer Wine Chocolate. I share that with anyone and everyone who will listen.
After I share stories of hope and faith – and even some laughs, I help people start their own prayer journals.
Book a call with me here!
We can discuss a Live event, a virtual one or I can help you plan your own event!

Confirmation Retreats with Amy Brooks
Whether you need a DIY Guide or your are looking for a Keynote Speaker, I can help!
Today, more than ever, our children are searching for their identity.
Each of us are made in the image of God. God made every person unique and unrepeatable.
His plans for every single soul are incredible, meaningful and spectacular.
My books, Be Yourself: a Journal for Catholic Girls and Be Yourself: a Journal for Catholic Boys are made for the age where your children are growing into adulthood. It’s a confusing time – it has always been a confusing stage of life. Our children are witnessing more confusion and mixed messages than we could have imagined.
Our Lord has a clear message to them and I am here simply to be His mic – maybe His bullhorn.
I would love to visit your parish and speak to both the students and their parents!
If you would like help planning a retreat – take a look at my digital guides:
From God’s Plan to Your Plan: a Bible Study for Boys
and the Be Yourself: Journal Club Guide
These guides give you the freedom and flexibility to plan more than one event – or the inspiration to choose activities and reflections for a one day retreat.
Where can I find more Catholic Speakers?
There are incredible Catholics sharing inspirational stories all over the U.S. and beyond.
Find Catholic Speakers and more over at catholicinfluencers.com