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Take Up and Read: Above All
*I was given a copy of Above All in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
Whether you desire to spend time alone in the morning with the Lord and coffee, need a guide to help you pray during Eucharistic Adoration or you are searching for a devotional to share with a group of women throughout Lent, Above All is the perfect selection. Above All is a Lenten devotional journal from Take Up and Read that includes daily Scripture passages (set in context with enlightening historical notes to deepen your understanding), as well as devotional essays, room to journal, and space to organize your time. There is a simple prompt for the ancient prayer form of Lectio Divina each day, as well as a separate page for the fifth stage, Actio, where the reader is encouraged to examine her conscience and offer forgiveness to herself and to others.
Manual for Spiritual Warfare
The Catholic Hipster Handbook
Drinking with the Saints
although this book may not exactly sound “holy”, I found it to be fascinating. It has information about saints for each day of the year and the background given that connects the drink to the saint is truly eye opening. It’s a great resource – even if you’re not a drinker!
The Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Tweens and Young Teens:
Be Yourself: A Journal for Catholic Girls
MISSION:CHRISTIAN February-March: A Journal for Catholic Kids on a Mission (Volume 7)
I HIGHLY recommend these journal pens from DaySpring Illustrated Faith Journal Pens
for anyone who enjoys prayer journaling!
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Parents and Children:
As mentioned in The Ultimate Lent Guide for Busy People, reading books based on faith to children can be beneficial to both the adult and child.
Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it.”
Matthew 18:17
Here are some books to bring into your nightly routine during Lent:
Molly McBride and the Party Invitation
(newest in the Molly McBride series – Molly McBride and the Purple Habit and Molly McBride and the Plaid Jumper can also be purchased on Amazon)!
If You Had Five Minutes . . . What Would You Do?
This is a wonderful practice my husband does with our son. Each night before bed, he reads him a story and he reads about one Saint. Often, my husband will come down after tucking our 5 year old in and tell me the Saint he read about and what he found interesting about him or her!
The Story of Saint John Paul II: A Boy Who Became Pope
although All Saints Day is in November, this is a great deal on Amazon right now, and talks about several Saints in the school setting.
The Little Flower: A Parable About Saint Therese
the illustrations and message in this book are beautiful!
Paddy and the Wolves:A Story about Saint Patrick When He Was a Boy
since Saint Patrick’s Day falls within Lent, it’s the perfect time of year to read about this legendary saint. This book imagines Saint Patrick as a young boy, weaving a story that uses the saint’s childhood adventures to foreshadow events in Saint Patrick’s adult life. It used the prayer of St. Patrick (Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me . . .) as part of the journey young St. Patrick takes with his adult shepherd friend.
Another Saint Patrick book: The Secret of the Shamrock
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These two were recommended: The Read and Learn Bible and the Catholic Book of Bible Stories
Mary and the Little Shepherds of Fatima
Saintly Rhymes for Modern Times
There’s something about a book that rhymes!
Adventures of Faith, Hope, and Charity: Finding Patience (Volume 1)
Meet the Risen Jesus with an amazing bunny―and his amazing tale―in this beautifully illustrated hardcover children’s book
Amon’s Adventure: A Family Story for Easter
In simple rhyme accompanied by Scripture verses and sweet, expressive illustrations, I Can Be Happy, Too teaches children that while we can’t control the bad things that happen to us, we can control how we respond to disappointment and adversity.
Here’s a fun activity to try with your child or children! I got this idea because my son gets a “math calendar” from school each month. Whenever we complete one of the challenges, he LOVES to check off that box. Here is a chart of the books suggested (and some say faith book you already own or book from the library). Let your child check off each reading and then leave the completed chart for the Easter Bunny (for an extra special treat of course)! The printable is free – you just have to give your email address which will put you on my email list!
Children’s Book Checklist
For Holy Week:
Sara from To Jesus, Sincerely has created a beautiful journal that focuses solely on Holy Week. Purchase it at her Etsy shop: ToJesusSincerely
Molly made it! What an honor to be featured in this piece, Amy! I am truly blessed by all the wonderful response to this latest volume. Thanks for including “Party Invitation” here.
What wonderful resources for Lent!
Very cool. So much info!
These are awesome Amy. I’ve never heard of Take Up and Read until all of the CSMI-ers have been mentioning it this season. I’ll have to take a look!