Make the Catholic Faith Relevant and Alive for Adolescent Boys with these 7 lesson plans. This collection of classroom activities is meant to be paired with the book Be Yourself: a Journal for Catholic Boys but could be adapted without the students having their own copy of the journal.
Written by author and experienced educator, Amy Brooks, these methods have been used in a youth group setting and not only allow the boys to get up and move, but encourage them to do so.
While the lessons begin with topics that interest boys in the 6th through 8th grades (like cars, video games, outdoor adventures, pop culture and even warfare and friendship) – they quickly transform into discussions and experiences that each student can relate to and even feel drawn deeper into implementation and contemplation.
Help boys see where God is currently leading each of them in a way that is incredible, exciting and personal.
Katie Bogner –
With a distinct masculine tone and a definite pulse on the interests of middle grade boys, this seven part Bible study would be easy to implement by teachers, youth ministers, or parents to help encourage time in Scripture, prayer, and discussion. It’s a perfect way to apply the boys’ Be Yourself journal in a group setting and shows understanding of the needs and interests of this age group. Active, prayerful, and intentional, this unit plan will save a lot of planning time and could be applied in a classroom, parish youth group, after school club, or homeschool group.