children's books Archives - Prayer Wine Chocolate a spiritual journey to motherhood & beyond Wed, 15 Mar 2017 11:52:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 children's books Archives - Prayer Wine Chocolate 32 32 99893247 Prayer, Juice, and Skittles: Faith books for Littles Wed, 15 Mar 2017 11:52:19 +0000 Here are some books to share with your child during Lent or even in their Easter baskets!

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Lent is really a season that is more for adults than a child in preschool.  However, as I journey on in this holy season, I often find that my faith can feel refreshed when looking through the eyes of a child.  Although young children may not be able to grasp fully the Passion of Our Lord, they can certainly grasp loving God, being loved by Him and the concept of heaven.  Here are some books to share with your child during Lent or even in their Easter baskets!

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Prayer, Juice, Skittles- Faith Based Books for Littles

1. Heaven is For Real for Kids

I loved the adult version of this book!  I look forward to sharing Colton’s story with my son!

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2. Caleb’s Colt

My son picked this out of his school library.  I love the angle it takes to tell the story of Palm Sunday! He couldn’t sit through the whole book, but when he walked away I finished reading it myself!

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3. Paddy and the Wolves: A Story about Saint Patrick

This is a new book about Saint Patrick!  It’s about a boy that can’t sit still during prayers!  I know one of those quite well!

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4.  The Little Flower: A Parable of Saint Therese’

St. Therese’, as a young girl, wants to do things her big sisters and older people do in order to show how much they love God. Therese’ wants to do lots of things, but, unfortunately, she is just “not old enough”. Most children have had this desire and because of that they will immediately connect with the story. Read more about this book here: Beautiful Little Flowers: The Little Flower Book Review

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5. Dear Pope Francis: The Pope Answers Letters from Children Around the World

So cute and a great reference book!

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6. Why Am I Here?

This book was written by Matthew Kelly.  Since I can’t put down his book Resisting Happiness, and can’t help but recommend a child’s book by him as well!

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7. A Child’s Book of the Mass

I have just recently been introduced to the Catechisis of the Good Shepherd and I am so interested in it! I am hoping to get my son enrolled in a class around our home next year.  One of the pioneers of the Catechisis of the Good Shepherd in the Philadelphia area wrote this book!  I bought it for our son and recommend it!

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8. God’s Wisdom for Little Boys:Character Building Fun from the Proverbs

I love this new book – especially since it rhymes!  There is something about books that rhyme that catch my son’s attention more and have him wanting to hear it again and again!  There is also a volume for little girls: God’s Wisdom for Little Girls!

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9. The Littlest Angel

Although this is a Christmas book, it is still a great story!

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10. My First Taggies Book: Thank You Prayer

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11.  Only God Can Make a Kitten

My friend and fellow blogger, Brittany (Everyday Thoughts) recommends this book.  She reviewed it and since then has given it as gift!

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12. You Are Special

I have heard that everything by the author is great!

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13.  God is Good All the Time

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14. God Gave Us You

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15.  The Weight of a Mass: A Tale of Faith

A lovely fable recommended by a friend!

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16.  How Big is God?

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17.  The Clown of God

Another Christmas story, but highly recommended!

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18. Pete Feet and Fish to Eat

This one was recommended by a friend and I am already loving it!

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19. Hail Mary 

I love this board book!  Not only i it great for very young tots, but it is an awesome way to teach older children the Hail Mary!

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20.  The Princess and the Kiss: A Story of God’s Gift of Purity

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21. Saints on the Go

I keep meaning to order this for my son!

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Paddy and The Wolves: The Saint Patrick’s Day Book for Kids (Book Review) Fri, 03 Mar 2017 17:11:52 +0000 The first sentence of the book sold me!
"Paddy, you are too fidgety!"

The post Paddy and The Wolves: The Saint Patrick’s Day Book for Kids (Book Review) appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

I was given a copy of the book, Paddy and the Wolves by Gracewatch Media.  All thoughts and opinions are my own.  There are affiliate links in this article.

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The first sentence of the book sold me!

“Paddy, you are too fidgety!”

Our son is a typical 4 year-old boy.  He can’t be still at Mass, he can’t stand still for prayers before bed and he rarely stops moving while he is awake – and sometimes while he is asleep he is still moving!

I looked forward to reading this book to him because I felt he could relate to a little boy who wanted to please his mother, but just can’t be still!

Paddy and the Wolves is a colorful, unique story about Saint Patrick as a little boy.  Paddy gets sent to “go help Barra” (the Shepherd who is moving sheep to higher pasture that day).    Paddy’s mother prays “May Jesus go with you” and sends him on his way; hoping he will channel all that energy most boys have toward something good an helpful.

I love this book for three main reasons:

First, for the illustrations!


It’s no secret that I love Jen Norton’s work.  I listed her journal as one of the 10 Best Journals for Busy Women bought myself a copy. Her style is friendly, inviting, fun and colorful. I feel like no matter how much I praise her talent with words, I can not do it justice.  Here’s a glimpse of some of the book’s pictures (and by the way, there is also is a coloring book Paddy and the Wolves Coloring Book!!  If your child loves to color, this is a great gift to pair with the book!)

Second, I love the teaching moments this story provides!

The author, Steve Nagel, not only allows the readers to get a glimpse of St. Patrick’s childhood by revolving the story around shepherding, but also allows the child practice in sitting still!  The book is just long enough to catch my “almost 5” year olds attention, but challenges him to sit a little longer than those Step Into Reading Books he just loves. I read it to him once and he listened and went on his way.  Another time my husband read it to him and I heard our little boy ask, “what does obey mean?”  We often tell Xavier he needs to listen, or follow directions – but that word obey was new to him.  My husband was able to explain the meaning of that word, and explain how it is important for children to obey their parents.  Thank you Steve Nagel for that wonderful opportunity!

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Finally, the book provides extension activities and prayers!

The learning and discussion about Saint Patrick doesn’t end with the closing of the story.  There are several prayers in the back, facts about Saint Patrick, a game board on the back cover – and my favorite addition – a recipe to make oatcakes!  Oatcakes play a role in the story, and I am so excited to make them with Xavier!  He loves to bake and it will be another opportunity for me to teach him about Saint Patrick!

This book a great way to teach your children about Saint Patrick! Order yours today!  Click here: Paddy and the Wolves

Have a Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

An Old Irish Blessing

May the road rise up to meet you.

May the wind always be at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

and rains fall soft upon your fields.

And until we meet again,

May God hold you in the palm of His hand.


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A Prayer About Balance Thu, 25 Aug 2016 13:51:38 +0000 When someone asks me “What are you reading right now”?  I wonder if it would be appropriate to laugh out loud.  But then I realize, it’s a serious question, and many women are better at balancing their lives – and actually read books for their own pleasure. Affiliate links below will allow me to continue […]

The post A Prayer About Balance appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

When someone asks me “What are you reading right now”?  I wonder if it would be appropriate to laugh out loud.  But then I realize, it’s a serious question, and many women are better at balancing their lives – and actually read books for their own pleasure.


Affiliate links below will allow me to continue writing – I only link what I would recommend!  Thank you for your support and for reading my work!

My answer to What are you reading right now”?  would be . . . “well, I started My Sisters the Saints about two months ago and Say Goodbye to Survival Mode about 3 years ago.  I’m hoping to finish one of those books soon.”

Then I think, what I’m REALLY reading now is every Paw Patrol book we own; every Curious George story ever written; and whatever my son picks out before bedtime.

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Well, not WHATEVER he picks out.

A few nights ago I told my four year old to pick out a book.  He immediately picked Darth Vader and Son. . .

which I immediately took,

opened his bedroom door,

tossed it in the hallway and turned to him saying,

“pick another one”.

He asked, “Why”?  I answered, “because that’s a daddy book.”

Hey, I didn’t say what I was thinking – I hate that book, it only makes sense to daddy because he has every Star Wars movie memorized.  It’s great for a daddy/son bond.  

My innocent son then goes back to the book shelf and looks through the books saying, “What’s a lady book?  What’s a lady book?”

It cracks me up that he says “lady” and not girl, woman or mommy.  But anyway, I answered, “anything else“.

He then picked a book with Big Bird playing a drum on the cover.  It was great, because I had never seen that book before.  It was “new” for both of us.

I honestly don’t know what my favorite book was as a child.

I can tell you though, there is one book that I read to my son that has become of favorite of mine because it makes us laugh, and we quote it whenever we see the watermelons in the supermarket.  We don’t just love it because it gives us an inside joke when we are food shopping – he loves it because it’s Paw Patrol, I love it because it’s super short and easy to read.


This particular one is called “Chase’s Space Case“; but I really recommend these Step Into Reading books!  They are fun and are very helpful in teaching children how to read!  Our son also loves a Thomas the Train edition.

I wish I could say the reason why I need more balance is because I am constantly reading to my son instead of reading books that are more my reading level.

The truth is, what I’m reading now is . . . too much social media.  I spend way too much time looking at my phone and getting sucked into my computer.

I need to find a balance.

Today I pray:

Dear Lord,

Help me, when I look at my hands, to see

less of my phone, or a keyboard;

and more of

my son’s hand;

my husband’s hand;

my Rosary;

food for my family;


folded hands thanking You.

Help me to remember that I need You more than anyone or anything.

Help me to serve you through the family and friends you gave me.


I recently became a part of an incredible group of Catholic Bloggers.  These women are so inspirational, supportive and faithful.

So being on the phone, computer and social media isn’t always bad.  It can be uplifting and extremely helpful.

Together, we decided to start a group for mothers that are doing their best to parent; and most especially, raise faithful, compassionate, Christian children.


We want to invite you to join us.  We named the group the Zelie Group; because . . .
St. Zelie was the mother of St. Therese the Little Flower. Somehow, simple Zelie Martin raised a Doctor of the Church. It wasn’t because she was extraordinary– quite the contrary. She seems especially ordinary from what I’ve read. But she had faith. She was truly devoted and loving to her husband. She did her motherly duties with great love even in times of frustration.

St. Zelie has become an inspiration and a guide for me. I love how much she loved her husband.  I love that she raised such holy women; especially one of my favorite saints, the Little Flower. I love that her witness reminds us that not all saints tame dragons or start a new religious order. Some kiss boo-boos, cut peanut butter and jelly sandwiches into four triangles and read stories. I can pray with my kids and take them to Mass. I can cultivate my garden with patience, trusting that God will help my little flowers bloom in His time.

The Zelie Group is a place to share this journey of Catholic motherhood with others who are trying to raise saints in the modern world.

In order to get to know one another, we in the Zelie Group are beginning a weekly link up called “Just Enough Info.” It’s an interesting paradox that in a time when people overshare on social media (TMI!), many are struggling to fit in and connect. Perhaps it’s time to start sharing JEI: Just Enough Info.

I’d love to introduce you to the other members of The Zelie Group:


Kerry from Fishbowl Fortune

Alicia from Sweeping Up Joy
Kirby from Under Thy Roof
Jessica from Pinot Noir and Prayers
Please check out their websites and show them some love on Facebook and Instagram 🙂

Share with us!

1. What are you reading right now?

2. Which of your kids books do you wish would magically disappear? or Which of your kids books have you made magically disappear?

3. What was your favorite book when you were little
or If you wrote a book what would the title or genre be?

The post A Prayer About Balance appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

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