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I had other title ideas for this post, like:
The Question I’m Not Asking Myself Enough
Dear 2021, Saint Vincent de Paul called – it was a WAKE UP call
Saint Vincent de Paul. . . I know this Saint’s name mainly from the charity I pick at the Green Drop when I’m giving away old clothes and toys my kids’ have grown to old for . . .
But this past week, I did some digging on this man who lived a few hundred years ago. I was immediately moved by quotes attributed to him.
I also learned that this Saint became a holy man gradually.
(So for those of us who are “stumbling toward Sainthood, there is hope!)
Here are some of the quotes that impressed me:
“If we make poor use of God’s graces by neglecting our primary duties, God will take these graces from us.” Saint Vincent de Paul
“We should spend as much time in thanking God for his benefits as we do in asking him for them.” Saint Vincent de Paul
And there were more . . .
But what this Saint was all about in his life as he grew in holiness was giving.
Want to Grow Closer To God, ask yourself this question . . .
If I learned anything from Saint Vincent de Paul this week, it was that I need to ask myself this question many times a day:
“What can I GIVE in this moment?”
What is God asking me to GIVE in this moment?
Saint Vincent de Paul said:
“Humility is nothing but truth, and pride is nothing but lying.” -Vincent de Paul.
My favorite quote about humility is from C.S. Lewis:
“Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.”
― CS Lewis
When we stop and think, “what can I give?” our mind has to shift from what we are not getting.
For example, from my own head:
“I’m not getting enough help.”
I’m not getting enough attention.”
“I’m not getting enough time to myself”

Now, if I shift my focus, and ask “what can I give”?
How can I give more help?
Who can I give my attention to right now?
How can I serve and give to others or God in this moment?
“What can I GIVE in this moment?”

Saint Vincent de Paul’s wisdom assures us that there is always something we can give . . .
Can I give a person the benefit of the doubt?
“Make it a practice to judge persons and things in the most favorable light at all times and under all circumstances.” Saint Vincent de Paul
Can I give money, extra clothes, toys, food or anything to the poor?]
Charity is the cement which binds Communities to God and persons to one another . . .
Oh this one. How much do we need more unity! Here is our answer – charity! Give to the poor! Give to one another!
Can I give thanks to God?
“We should spend as much time in thanking God for his benefits as we do in asking him for them.”
There is always something to be thankful for! Sometimes we just have to thank God for that last breath we took!
Can I give praise to someone else – God or another person?
“If you do not see any good in these persons, then say nothing, but if you do see some, speak about it to honor God in them because all good proceeds from Him.”
Can I give love to my spouse, children or to whoever is the closest to me in some way? Can I give more effort to a job or role I said yes to either through a Sacrament or a contract?
“If we make poor use of God’s graces by neglecting our primary duties, God will take these graces from us.” Saint Vincent de Paul
Can I give someone more time?
Even Saint Vincent de Paul turned from self-centeredness to a life of service to God and others gradually.
I was particularly moved by these words of Saint Vincent de Paul:
“Even convicts, with whom I have spent some time, are not won over in any other way. Whenever I happened to speak sharply to them, I spoiled everything; on the contrary, when I praised them for their resignation and sympathized with them in their sufferings; when I told them they were fortunate to have their purgatory in this world, when I kissed their chains, showed compassion for their distress, and expressed sorrow for their misfortune, it was then that they listened to me, gave glory to God, and opened themselves to salvation.“
This is not being a weak Christian!
Saint Vincent de Paul once met Saint Francis de Sales – and that Saint asked him to be the spiritual director of Saint Jane de Chantal.
Saint Vincent de Paul is one of the few Saints whose body is still incorrupt.
Surely his holiness is an example of loving God first and serving Him most.
Most importantly, we can give nothing without God. We must give God our attention, our moments, our silence, our praise.
It is through God that we give and that we are able to give anything at all.
Saint Vincent DePaul, pray for us!

This is excellent, I need to write that down on my hand daily (well maybe not in ink). With my little time of giving mostly taken up by my mother I feel like I am not doing enough. Not for her, or hubby or well the parish and then neighbours. That small question can pull one’s attention to that very moment. Thank you!
Thank you so much Alicia! I’m thinking of posting that question on my fridge! May God Bless You Abundantly! I always appreciate that you read my posts and comment on them too!