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Can you imagine being awaken by an angel, and this angel telling you to follow her because the Blessed Mother wants to speak with you? I wonder at that moment if St. Catherine Laboure, being half asleep, thought she was just dreaming.
I think it’s important to recall the humility of Catherine when we consider wearing the Miraculous Medal. It’s not a charm meant to show off holiness or perform magic, but a message from heaven. Our Lady is calling upon us to remember her Son and our purpose in this life – to love and serve Him. As someone who has visited the Miraculous Medal Shrine in Philadelphia during every “urgent need” of my life, I didn’t start wearing one until this year!
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Here are five reasons why I wear a Miraculous Medal:
I am being reminded daily to “listen to my Mother”
– As a mommy of a three and a half year old boy, I’ve been hearing the word “no” a lot. Me: “Xavier, go to the potty” Xavier: No Me: “Don’t say no to me, just do it” Xavier: “No!”. This happens countless times a day. As you can imagine, this can be extremely frustrating. I wonder if Mary gets frustrated with us. Almost 200 years ago Our Blessed Mother instructed Saint Catherine Laboure to “have a medal struck upon this model. Those who wear it will receive great graces, especially if they wear it around their neck.” Our Blessed Mother also told Catherine, “Now it must be given to the whole world and to every person.” For almost two hundred years this message has been available to us, yet I still do not have one around my neck. I wonder if Mary feels how I feel after a 30 minute debate with a three year old on why he has to at least try to pee.
It’s known as the “Miraculous Medal” for a reason, and I love a miracle!
When the medal first came into being, it was called the Medal of the Immaculate Conception. In less than ten years it became known at the Miraculous Medal because of the many graces and wonders that quickly became associated with wearing it. According to one source, between 1930 and 1950, more than 750,000 favors were granted and registered in just the city of Philadelphia alone. Our Blessed Mother wants us to ask her for prayers. Our Lord wants us to go to Him and tell him what is on our minds and in our hearts. Having this medal around our necks at all times is a constant reminder to pray. And as Mary promised, those who wear it will receive great graces.
Heroic men and women have worn it and encouraged others to wear it.
Two particular individuals come to mind: St. Maximillian Kolbe and Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Before St. Maximillian courageously gave his life for another man, he started a movement and an organization, known in English as the Knights of the Immaculata. He made the Miraculous Medal the insignia of the group and had each member wear the medal. He said it was a “silver bullet” against evil. Mother Teresa of Calcutta, known for her charitable work throughout the world, called it a “medal of charity” and gave it out by the hand full. She said that the medal is a sign that God loves each and every individual at each and every moment of our lives.
It’s a reminder to ASK for help!
****** I absolutely LOVE this Miraculous Medal from Pink Salt Riot: Miraculous Medal Stack Necklace********
The images on the medal were designed by the Blessed Mother and spoken to St. Catherine Laboure. Our Blessed Mother said that the rays coming from some of her fingers demonstrate the graces God gives through her to those who ask and are open. There are some fingers where no rays are shown. Mary said that is to demonstrate the graces that are not given because they were not requested of her. Just another reminder of Matthew 7:7; “Ask and it shall be given to you”.
It’s a symbol of what is most important.
As I write this, my Facebook profile picture includes an opaque flag of France to show my support and prayers for those who have suffered a great tragedy. There is a U.S. flag hung outside the front door of our home to demonstrate patriotism. We often wear colors to support those effected by different diseases and when we are cheering for our favorite sports team, we wear the appropriate jersey. All of these have some importance in our lives. But what is most important? For me, it is my faith. If signs and symbols are important for the lesser things, why not show my enthusiasm for the greatest blessing of all – faith in Our Lord and the love of our Mother.
You can get a FREE Miraculous Medal! The Central Association of the Miraculous Medal‘s (which is celebrating it’s 100th anniversary this year!) primary mission is “to render honor to Mary Immaculate and to encourage the use of her Miraculous Medal with prayers and devotions to her”, offers a free Miraculous Medal to anyone living in the United States. Click here to get a free Miraculous Medal. *Since writing this article I have been told that they don’t mail out free medals anymore :(.
But, I have found these beautiful ones from Pink Salt Riot!
This medal from Pink Salt Riot is beautiful!

I also love and own this one!

First of all, I’d love the men’s one for myself .
My answers: a) Hard to decide on who will get a miraculous medal. I’d probably give the woman’s one to either my wife or another relative. b) a statue of Our Lady of Fatima
I’m glad you like that Man’s Medal and would wear it yourself. It’s hard for me to judge what a man would like and would not – thank you for making me feel relieved!
I would love these for my husband and I for Chistmas!
They are a great husband/wife combo! Best of luck to you!
I would love these for myself and my husband. My husband has a great devotion to Mary as she is responsible for his conversion in his late teens.
I was thinking when I chose these two for this giveaway that they would be a great husband/wife set – I’m glad you think the same! Such a wonderful blessing to have a husband devoted to Mary! Thanks for entering the contest – best of luck!
If I win, I’m going to give the Men’s Miraculous medal to my Husband for Christmas!
He’s lucky to have you as a wife 🙂 Best of luck!
I would give the men’s medal to my husband for Christmas.
I am going to give inspirational Catholics books as gifts this Christmas.
Awesome – can you recommend any inspirational Catholic books to me? I’d love to hear your suggestions!
A. I’d give the woman’s one to one of my daughters and the men’s one to my husband. B. I’m giving my children books on the saints and the Blessed Mother for Christmas, and the littlest one is getting a St. Padre Pio Shining Light Doll.
I need to google this Padre Pio Shining light doll! Thanks for sharing Karen! I’m also impressed that you know what gifts people are getting already – I need to get on that!
Congratulations Karen!! You won! I sent you an email 🙂 Email me back so I can get these beautiful medals to you right away!!
I would give the women’s medal to my daughter & the men’s to my oldest son. Although they are only 7 & 9 years old, I feel they are old enough to appreciate the medals & care for them.
And they will never grow out of them! Great idea!
I would love to keep the women’s one for myself and give the men’s to my husband! One holy gift I am giving this Christmas is actually a miraculous medal. A tiny, beautiful one for my seven year old who will receive her First Reconciliation this Advent.
It’s a Miraculous Medal Christmas! Awesome! Best of Luck!
I love St. Catherine Laboure! She is my Confirmation saint 🙂 I have a beautiful Miraculous Medal that I wore on my wedding day that I still wear today. I’d love to give one to my 4 year old daughter J. She is really becoming interested in the stories of the saints. And of course, she loves Mary! (She has a plastic statue she sleeps with every night 🙂 She is also very girly girl so she loves jewelry, and she absolutely loves to match me. This would be a perfect thing to bring together everything she loves while teaching her about the beautiful Catholic Faith we share.
For St Nicholas Day (so not really a “Christmas” gift), we’re giving our kids some extra characters to add to their Little People Nativity. And for Christmas, we’re giving them the animated CCC movie about St. Francis Xavier. I just love all their saint movies!
Thanks for sharing this wonderful giveaway, Amy! God bless you!
Jess, Sweet Little Ones
The CCC movies are wonderful. We bought these as gifts for our children, and I later used them in my pre-school/pre-k classroom.
Great idea for St. Nicholas day gifts – that way they have them for a few weeks before Christmas! When I first read this I didn’t write back because I wanted to take a picture of that St. Francis Xavier movie – we have it! My son’s name is Xavier so I bought it for him as a baby. I should put it on for him tomorrow! I think I still have the VHS tape about Our Lady of Fatima. I should look into getting more 🙂 Thank you so much for sharing Jess! God Bless YOU too 🙂 xo
If I win I would love to give this to my grandmother, she would treasure this amazing medal.
What a beautiful idea to give it to Grandmom! Best of luck to you Susan!
I would give one to my 14 year old daughter and one to my mother. I am giving my daughter a blessed scapular for Christmas.
Awesome – your daughter and mom are lucky to have you Jen!! 🙂
I hadn’t planned on giving any holy items as gifts for Christmas per say but we’re definitely going to do the advent calendar and attend church as a family.
I will be attempting an advent calendar with my 3 1/2 year old this year – any tips? I would love for him to enjoy it!
Great blog Amy!!! the miraculous medal is so beautiful! and Mary is so faithful!! well written!! <3
a. I would give it to my mom!
b. i plan on giving a handmade rosary for Christmas!
Thank you Natasha! You’re such a sweetie! xoxo
Hi friend! I saw your post in The Rose Garden. I would love to win these for me and my husband as we pray about our fertility as well as growing our family through fostering/adoption! You have been such an inspiration and encouragement to me through the Rose Garden group!
Awww Laura thank you so much!!!!! I hope and pray the Lord sends you many little blessings!! xoxoxo
I am a Director of Religious Education at a local parish. I would love to give both of these medals to 2 of my catachists. Regardless, I am giving them Christmas cards that have a pewter ornament attached that can be used as a center piece.
What a fantastic, generous idea for you to think of your catachists! Definitely stay tuned for the next giveaway too Stefanie 🙂 !
I would give the Miraculous amedal to my daughter-in-law Jenni who is expecting our first grandchild in June.
Congratulations!!! What a wonderful gift to give to a daughter-in-law! And how exciting it must be to have the first grandchild on the way! Merry Christmas Grandmom!!
If I win, I will keep the women’s medal for myself, and I will give the men’s medal to my boyfriend.
That sounds like a great plan 🙂 I’m glad you like the women’s one – it’s one of my favorites too!
If I won these, I would give the other one to my husband for Christmas. This will be our first Christmas being married and our last Christmas before our baby is here. I’m trying to help him convert to Catholicism and having a difficult time because his father tells him he is damned if he changes from being a baptist. Such beautiful pieces.
First, congrats on the baby and your first Christmas as a married couple! Is it weird if I say “be patient” when talking about your hubby’s conversion? It’ll happen, in God’s time. Until then, just celebrate all of your blessings! I’ll pray for both of you and his father 🙂
I don’t know if this is considered *really* holy, but I am giving my 2nd grader a subscription to “MagnifiKids!” It’s a Sunday magazine/missal for kids from the publishers of Magnificat, which I love and use. I have gotten it for all my kids as they prepare for their first holy communion, and it has been a great tool for helping them to really pay attention to mass and follow all the parts.
Love that! And I have never heard of it so I am glad you told us all about it! 🙂
This week, my mother told me that she never wanted me and if Roe v. Wade had been legal, she would have aborted me. She told me that she hated me and the only reason she had me was to keep my father around. I have been trying to wrap my head around such wretchedness, but I have the Blessed Mother. She’s the mother I turn to. The medal would be a wonderful gift for myself. I gave my blessed Miraculous Medal to my eldest daughter last month when she was confirmed. I plan on giving my daughter a relic of St. Gemma for Christmas.
Betsy, I am so sorry that this week brought such sadness. I hope you find comfort in our Blessed Mother’s love. I’m intrigued about the St. Gemma relic – what a treasure to have and to give to a daughter. I wish you comfort and hope in this rough time. May the Lord give you strength and may this weekend be one with many happy moments.
I am planning to get my husband a necklace/medal patron saint, St. Anthony of Padua for Christmas!
My husband would get the men’s miraculous medal! I’m giving him an icon of St. Joseph holding the baby Jesus for Christmas this year.
We love St. Joseph over here! Merry Christmas to you both :)!
If I won I would probably make a necklace with the little gold medal for my daughters first communion in the spring. And find a veteran at the VA Dom to give the men’s medal to.
For Christmas I always try and give as many religious gifts as I can. I always give our God children religious presents, necklaces or rosaries. And this year I plan of give the Sisters of Mary of Kakamega a rosary hanger for their chaple!
The gold one includes a gold necklace 🙂 That’s awesome that you are thinking of giving one to a veteran! God Bless you Aleesa – you seem so generous!
If I won, these would be a Christmas gift for my husband and me. Neither of us has one.
Sounds like a great plan! I’m asking for one from Santa, I should probably get Santa to bring my husband one too!
My husband and daughter would love them!
Awesome 🙂 ! Best of luck to you K!
If I win, it will be going to one of my dear friends who was my sponsor coming into the church in 2008! I am giving my husband a cd of Gregorian chant – he expressed interest a long time ago and loves anything in Latin. Thanks for your blog – I just happened upon it today!
Awesome Laura! Come back and visit again 🙂 Also, welcome home!
The Miraculous Medal has been on my heart a lot lately too! In fact, I kept thinking about it and thinking I needed to put one around my neck and just 3 weeks ago at my grandma’s funeral, a Missionary of Charity Sister gave me one! I took it as a sign I needed to start wearing one immediately! I would love to give one to my husband and/or sister for Christmas to start wearing as well!
Wow, cool! Thank you so much for sharing that story! That is divine intervention for sure!
I am giving some Catholic books to my daughter. I would give her the Miraculous Medal too! 🙂
She’s a lucky girl 🙂 Glad you entered – best of luck!
The holiest gift I plan on giving this Christmas is offering up a holy hour for my Godson. I would love to give him the miraculous medal as well.
That is such an awesome, thoughtful gift! I hope you don’t mind if I follow your example for my God daughter!
I would give one to my husband- and likely keep the other myself as I don’t have one either and after reading your post feel I need one too!
Thanks Kristen! Best of luck! If you don’t win this one – there’s going to be another one in the next giveaway!
If I win I will give the second medal to my husband. He’s a recent convert and though I know he might not wear it right away I have faith that Our Mother will open his heart to accept Her love.
I’m glad that you wrote about the Miraculous Medal. I wrote all about the history and many amazing miracles in my book “The Miraculous Medal: Stories, Prayers, and Devotions” which you can learn more about at my website:
God bless!
Donna – I went to my Mom’s club meeting last week and our leader gave me your book and said she contacted you! I thought, I think this is the Donna I just wrote too! Such a small world – Angela speaks so highly of you – I better get reading! Thank you so much for visiting!!
God is always full of surprises, Amy! I hope you enjoy the book! My warm regards to Angela. ❤️ God bless!
My daughter and I wear our Miraculous Medals everyday. I checked out the shop that you linked, some of the medals are beautiful.
I try to get there as many Mondays as I can, usually for the Novena and often for confession. The shrine is a wonderfully peaceful place.
I have been wanting to get there again soon on a Monday! Who knows, maybe I will see you there!
So, I am trying to get into the habit of wearing the Scapular, and another medal for the Confraternity of Angelic Warfare. If I were to wear all the medals, I don’t know if I’d be able to hold my neck up! That said, do you also wear the Scapular? Just curious, since I am trying to figure out what to wear, versus which ones to only wear from afar…
Hi Anni! I actually don’t wear a Scapular. Up until last year (or maybe it was more than a year now) I actually didn’t wear anything. I’m not really a jewelry person . . .but I did have a Miraculous Medal keychain. When I read that Mary promised more graces to those who wore it around their necks, I decided that I wanted to wear one. I like the idea of wearing a little jewelry and I love that it is a gift from the Blessed Mother herself.
I feel a special connection to the Blessed Mother. I pray to her often. I wear my Miraculous Medal often and my ring every day. There’s just something about praying to her that gives me such comfort.
She is truly a wonderful Mother!