This is the second part of the 40 Prayer Journal Prompts for Lent series, click here to see the first part: 40 Prayer Journal Prompts for Lent (Part 1)
In the Part 1; 25 journal prompts were given to help you either jump start your prayer journaling or increase your time writing during the season of Lent. I hope and pray you found the prompts inspiring and are excited to continue growing closer to Christ in this form of prayer!
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Here is a list of more journal prompts, as well as a printable for you to use throughout Lent!
- Write a prayer in an acrostic style like this one: A Chocolate Prayer (Use any word you desire! Need ideas? Lent, Love, Fasting, Almsgiving, Faith . . .)
- Use Open Journey on Etsy to spark some creativity!
3. Cut out song lyrics that Praise the Lord. Play the song using youtube while you glue the lyrics to a page. Draw music notes around the page and write what you feel inspired to write around the lyrics or under them. One of my favorite songs is by MercyMe . . 4. Dedicate a page for holy cards by gluing an envelope (or two) to the page. Glue the front of the envelope so that the side that faces you opens and you can keep holy cards in that envelope. Katie at Look to Him be Radiant had this idea too. Check out this page to see what it looks like and get a ton of more fun ideas!!! Look to Him and Be Radiant Smash Journal Ideas
5. Write out the Act of Contrition. Really pray it with your whole heart.
6. Ask the Lord to fill you with the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Color a Fruits of the Spirit page and glue it under your prayer. You can find the one below on my Pinterest board: Prayer Journal Ideas Pinterest Board
7. Write a quote attributed to a Saint that really inspires you. Decorate the page.
8. Dollar Store page! Go to the dollar store and find some inspiration – a religious greeting card, stickers, a faith book . . . find something that you feel attracted to and decorate the page around that piece!
9. Dedicate a page for the Serenity Prayer.
10. Write a prayer to Our Eternal Father asking Him to bless, heal and help people in your life who are struggling or who you feel are in great need of prayers.
11. Choose a Fatima Prayer. Copy the prayer and find an Fatima image to color or holy image to paste on the page (or a picture of a Rosary).
12. Cut out a prayer from a faith devotional or magazine. Copy the prayer and decorate the page.
13. Take a picture of your church, a statue, stained glass window, or religious art hung up in your parish. Print out the picture and write what made you choose that image. What about that image moves your heart towards God?
14. Praise the Lord for all He has created and all that He has done out of love for you. Do this in a letter, a poem with pictures or any way you feel compelled to acknowledge His Glory and Love for you and all of humanity.
15. Write out the Prayer of Saint Francis (aka the Universal Prayer for Peace). Pray for peace in our world, nation as well as your family, home and community.
Would you like a free printable?
Click here: Prayer Wine Chocolate Lenten Journal Prompts
Wondering when to journal? Check out: When DO Real Women Find Time To Journal?
Need more inspiration? Check out this find! Bread and Wine: Readings for Lent and Easter
I hope to give you encouragement throughout Lent! Check out my Facebook page: Prayer Wine Chocolate and my Youtube channel Amy Brooks on Youtube for upcoming videos!!
Share some pictures of your journal entries on social media with the hashtag #prayerwinechocolate #PrayerJournal
May the Lord bless you this Lent and always!
Want more? Here is an eBook of 40 MORE JOURNAL PROMPTS!
I am always impressed with the imaginative ways you are able to come up with prayer journaling! These are all fun ideas, and absolutely great to work through – for almost any age! (I think the “choose a picture in your church of stained glass, etc. would also work for small children by having them explain why they liked the picture they chose…)
Thank you for compiling these ideas!
Anni – thank you so much! I try to have fun with it and it makes me happy that you see that!! I always love your comments and feedback :)!!!!
thanks so much for this Amy. I am trying to journal more, but often find myself staring at a bland page for a long time.
I really like the idea of using song lyrics to inspire thought and journaling. For my recent mission trip, I made my dad and sister journals to document and capture their feelings throughout our experience. I wrote quotes from the bible, from Saints and other inspirational things about travel and service to others. I think it really helped them focus their journaling and give them a point to focus on each day.
That’s awesome!!!
Oh I just love all of these but I especially love the suggestion to cut out lyrics from Praise Music !!!!!!
Thank you Aleesa!!!
I like the printable–I can slip it in my prayer journal for easy reference.
We are adding this to our Religion and Art classes today here at “Egolf University,” lol! Thanks for these cool ideas, Amy.
Woohoo! Yay, enjoy
Post pictures if you are comfortable – I would LOVE to see them!