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Again, [amen,] I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything for which they are to pray, it shall be granted to them by my heavenly Father. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:19-20
Years ago, when I was in my 20’s, my life was not where I’d dreamt it would be. I was still single, hoping for a happier future, and often felt depressed and lost. A group of my friends and I started “rosary nights”. We would get together with food, our troubles and each other. We would pray the Rosary together.
We still do.

Rosary above from Small Things Great Love
Here are five reasons why we love our Rosary group – and highly recommend you start one too 
- Friend Therapy– Before praying the Rosary, we would each take a turn sharing our intentions. When we first started, most of us were having quite a hard time understanding “why” we were in certain situations and enduring certain heartaches. Saying our intentions out loud often led to great discussions among people who truly cared for one another. Lots of listening, advice giving and tears were shed. All of it was therapeutic. Bonds of trust and friendship were formed in ways only pray allows. It still provides a safe place for each of us to discuss our greatest challenges – and enables us to hand them over to Our Lord and His Blessed Mother.
Rosary from Della Madonna Rosaries (click photo) - The Promises of Our Lady to those who recite the Rosary – Ideally, I know I should pray the Rosary on my own, daily. Realistically, it doesn’t happen all that often. I know this is something in my life that needs work. But in the mean time, planning Rosary Group with friends gets me to pray the Rosary more than I would if this group didn’t exist. And Our Lady has made twelve promises to those who recite the Rosary in a devout way! Some of those promises include: receiving signal graces, help lifting our hearts to desire eternal things rather than worldly prizes, obtaining what we ask for, and receiving Our Lady’s special protection and greatest graces. You can see all twelve promises of the Holy Rosary by clicking here.
- Friend Therapy– Before praying the Rosary, we would each take a turn sharing our intentions. When we first started, most of us were having quite a hard time understanding “why” we were in certain situations and enduring certain heartaches. Saying our intentions out loud often led to great discussions among people who truly cared for one another. Lots of listening, advice giving and tears were shed. All of it was therapeutic. Bonds of trust and friendship were formed in ways only pray allows. It still provides a safe place for each of us to discuss our greatest challenges – and enables us to hand them over to Our Lord and His Blessed Mother.
3. You gain the merits of each person’s Rosary! – Saint Louis Marie de Montfort wrote a book titled The Secret of the Rosary. In this work, Saint Louis gives numerous reasons and benefits to praying the Rosary in a group. Saint Louis said it is better to pray the Rosary with a group than alone. One reason is simply because our minds are far more alert during public prayer than when we pray alone. Other reasons include that when we pray in a group, the prayer of each one belongs to all. “We make one great prayer together, so that if one person is not praying well, someone else in the same gathering who prays better may make up for his deficiency. In this way, those who are strong uphold the weak. Those who are fervent inspire the lukewarm. One who says his Rosary alone only gains the merit of that one Rosary. But if he says it together with others, he gains the merit of each Rosary. This is the law of public prayer.”(Saint Louis de Montfort) You can read more about Saint Louis and his wisdom of the Rosary at How to pray the rosary everyday. Gaining the merits of each Rosary helps me make-up for the days I didn’t get to saying it!
4. The Rosary is a form of meditation. The benefits of meditation extend to every aspect of our health – physical, mental and emotional. In other words, IT’S SO GOOD FOR YOU! The benefits of the Rosary extend from our spiritual health to our physical, mental and emotional well-being. Scientific studies have shown that those who meditate decrease stress, improve their immune systems and even achieve better academically. Meditation has even been effective in helping addicts overcome addiction. Meditation also helps those who have been diagnosed with ADHD. It lowers the risk of heart disease and improves blood pressure! There are studies upon studies that show the benefits of meditation. It’s a scientific fact that it’s good for you!
5 .It’s a BREAK from all of life’s WORK! Planning this time on the calendar is important. Since people you love – who are in need of prayers – are often requesting the group meet, the event gets a level of importance and prominence on the calendar. When one of the women in the group calls and says, “I need to pray”; you make arrangements to get there – with or without kids. When you plan for a “girls’ night”, and get the opportunity to “get away”, it really is a refreshing, re-charging evening. It’s an opportunity to reconnect with friends and enjoy adult company. And if there is no one to watch the children – bring them. It’s worth it.
I hope you ask some friends to start a Rosary group with you soon! I love to hear about it! God Bless You! Thanks for stopping by Cheers!

I really love this idea and have ever since I found out you have a prayer, wine and chocolate group. I meet with my bible study group this afternoon and I’m going to offer to host a wine and rosaries night over the summer. I’m excited to put some of your suggestions into practice. Thanks for your continued encouragement and inspiration.
I am excited with you! Post pics if you think of it!!! Thank you for being so positive!!!
I love this and I encourage you by God that all your effort put together in this web is acknowledged by Catholics in Nigeria and world over. Tnx so very much
What a lovely tradition. I will tuck this in my heart for when the opportunity arises. Also, what lovely statues of our Lady.
Thank you Alicia! Our Lady of Kibeho was given to me by one of Immaculee’s employees. The rest are borrowed from friends and family!
#PraytheRosary Former Heroin Addict
What a LOVELY idea! I am not sure how I could make this happen, but I am definitely going to start thinking about it and feeling out my friends about it. Thank you so much for sharing this!
Carol – the added ingredients of wine and chocolate help
Hi Amy, I love this site & thanks for the information on how to start my prayer group! I pray the rosary but its just me & my 10yr old Granddaughter. With the HOLY spirit & Mother Mary It will grow! P.S. My Granddaughter s name is Amy too
God Bless you & Stay Safe!
Alice Martinez
St Patrick’s Cathedral
El Paso, Texas
Alice, thank you so much! I’m excited for you – your group will grow! I hope to hear about when it does!! God Bless you and your Granddaughter, Amy!!
Hello Amy,
I happened to stumble upon your blog this morning, as I was looking at another Facebook group for Catholics. I LOVE the name of your blog…Prayer, Wine & Chocolate. It is so catchy and is what inspired me to look further! I do love wine and chocolate and my prayer life is in serious need to care! Is it coincidence that lead me here? No, I don’t think so, but most likely a God-cidence!
This blog, in particular, caught my attention regarding starting a rosary group. My husband and I have been going back and forth about starting a prayer group, as there are so many people in our small circle {family & friends} in need of God’s healing {ourselves included}. I really like the idea of praying the rosary. However, so many folks in that “circle” are either casual-practicing Catholics {go to church when convenient}, non-practicing Catholics and/or Catholics who left the Church altogether and attend a “mega” church. Sadly, we know of very few who truly practice their Catholic faith and would feel comfortable praying the rosary.
My husband’s original thought was to include some scripture readings and prayer {not necessarily the rosary}, along with everyone’s prayer intentions. Despite all of that, I like the formal aspect of the rosary, as opposed to a more general prayer group. Bottom line here is that we know too many people at varying levels of faith. Still, I have to believe that most of the people that we know could probably recall the Hail Mary and it wouldn’t take long for anyone to catch on if we could only get folks to attend.
All that being said, I am just wondering how often your group meets. Did you start out with only people who were Catholic and already praying the rosary, or at least, had the desire/interest to pray the rosary? Given the possible obstacles I mentioned, do you have any suggestions? Or can you name any obstacles you may have run into and how you came to a resolution?
I hope this all makes sense and I apologize for the length. I actually tried to keep it as brief as possible! Thank you for reading and I look forward to hearing from you AND reading more of your posts!
Hi Karen! So glad you stopped by and commented! I have a few ideas. One, maybe just ask some of your girlfriends. We started when we were going through a rough time – and the girls I prayed with I actually didn’t expect to be into it. We often just pray with 3 women. We sit around, say our intentions while sipping wine and it is quite therapeutic. I have written a couple articles about this. I think the best one that might help you brainstorm would be this one:
Thanks for your quick reply! Your articles are very encouraging. My husband and I want to host something together. I appreciate your suggestions…they will certainly help!
God bless you!
Let me know if that helps!!
I grew up going to rosary group with my mom and it’s how I learned all of my prayers. I’m praying about hosting a moms first friday rosary group!
A mom’s first Friday group sounds like a great idea!
I am so blessed to have found this awesome resource! I have been thinking about starting a rosary group, but have no clue where to start – and have actually never been in a rosary group, per say. Could you give me a bit of guidance as to how you structure your meeting time as a jumping-off point?
I think you have given me an idea for a whole new post! How to start a Rosary group! I’ll work on it!
Awesome! Thank you! There isn’t really anything out there that I’ve come across