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Middle school is hard.
Questions about who you are, who you will become are natural thoughts and wonders.
Prayer becomes more personal.
Social life shifts from having playmates to developing authentic friendships.
The temptations to be popular and liked by all become intense.
When I wrote the Be Yourself Journal, I modeled it off an activity that I remember bringing me joy in a time in my life where there were many tears.
I made some pages that could be shared and discussed with others on purpose.
The Middle School girl is a social being. Her world revolves around friends. This social tendency can be a great motivator – and is not always a bad thing.
The Be Yourself Journal embraces and celebrates the natural inclination for middle school girls to seek group membership and explore and discover talents and interests outside the family and in a larger community.
I want teen and tween girls to pick up the Be Yourself Journal and use it when they feel lonely, down and worried. But, I’m not naive. I know they may need a jump start. Using the journal in a group setting is the perfect way to help a girl develop ownership and pride of herself and this book.
The following activities in the Be Yourself Journal are great for the group setting:
The Back Cover:
This is meant to be a fun scrapbook activity. Girls are encouraged to design the cover that reflects her as an individual. Photos, quotes they love, a saint that inspires them as well as interests and activities they are involved in can be displayed in a way a mother would describe her child’s life in a scrapbook. Cute, artsy, fun and social – a way each girl can express her uniqueness in a supportive group setting. (I love that the Be Yourself Journal provides a Christian alternative to a “smashbook birthday party )

The ideal Be Yourself Journal Kit includes lots of supplies for this activity:
A calligraphy pen set (these buttons inspiring quotes from Annunciation Design can be written and glued to the back cover!)
Perfect for making the back page look awesome and also can be used on the collage page inside the book!
Inspirational stickers by Pink Salt Riot – great quotes and easy to use
A holy card – A St. Gianna holy card is included in this giveaway
Washi Tape – perfect for borders, frames and added dimensions
A zipper pouch to keep the holy cards, stickers and other supplies safe
You can also purchase a ton of cool “bible journaling supplies from DaySpring“!!!
Pages like “Would You Rather”, “Feeling at Peace”, “Time Out: Let’s Talk Favorites”, and “Let’s Talk Favorites (part 2)
All of these pages ask fun questions girls would enjoy doing in the group setting. Tools that will make this extra fun are:
Pastel Saint and Bible Verse Pencils from The Little Catholic Box
A pencil case with an inspiring quote: like this one from Pink Salt Riot
The Design Your Own Prayer Room Two Page Spread
Room design can be fun and sharing ideas with others can really be neat in this activity. The girls might need some prompting, so try these to help:
Assorted scrapbooking stickers that are tables, chairs, plants, furniture, etc.
Scrapbooking stickers that show interests: (dance, cheerleading, soccer, music, etc.)
Washi Tape for wallpaper
Jesus stickers, Faith stickers, and Prayer stickers
Need more inspiration? Follow Catholics Online’s Prayer Room Board on Pinterest!

The 20 Inspirational Coloring Pages
Middle school girls LOVE inspiring quotes and this book is full of them! You can even order all the coloring pages as an instant download (or get a few for free if you subscribe to prayer wine chocolate!!!) . Coloring is fun and relaxing and could be used during a youth group meeting or a religious education class!
Having these supplies available will make the girls excited to make a quote jump off the page!
Fine tip markers for outlining
Colored pencils (traditional)
Colored Pencils (water color)
And of course, we need a bag in which to keep the journal all of these supplies!
The winner of the giveaway will win this bag from Small Things Great Love :
I’m really hoping the young girl in your life grows to love the Lord and prayer journaling through using the Be Yourself Journal.
To help her continue her prayer life through journaling, Monica from Equipping Catholic Families has also decided to contribute to the giveaway with more journal prompts!
How will this journal and kit make middle school “easier” for a young girl?
- It will assure her that her feelings and stresses are normal, and provide ways to think and pray about those feelings and stresses.
- It will assure her that God has created her on purpose for a purpose – even when she doubts that fact.
- It will give her ways to relieve stress.
- It will help her navigate hurt feelings and forgiveness.
- It will provide realistic examples of how to do God’s will and be an instrument of His peace.
- If used in a group setting, it will provide a foundation that her faith can be supported in a community that values Christian principles and prayer.
Enter to win a prayer journal kit!!!
The kit you could win includes:
giveaway open to U.S. residents only because of shipping costs
A Be Yourself Journal

An Inspirational Catholic Button Set from Annunciation Designs
Pencils and a zipper pouch from The Little Catholic Box
A pencil case, circle evangelization stickers and a pocket mirror from Pink Salt Riot
A tote bag and Rosary from Small Things. Great Love.
Colored Pencils
Gel Pens
Washi Tape
Scrapbooking Stickers
A beautiful bracelet from MaryWithYou on Etsy
More prayer journal prompts from Arma Dei: Equipping Catholic Families
These looks like amazing resources for girls!
Oh my goodness, what a great giveaway!!
What an incredible group of fun and faith-filled items for girls!! The winner and her teen will have a blast, learn about themselves, grow in Christ, and enjoy time together!
What a great giveaway for a streaaful time in a young lady’s life!!
My 12 year old daughter would adore this. She is in confirmation faith formation classes and loves taking notes and doodling.