Give Drink to the Thirsty.
The second corporal work of mercy makes me think of the word “simple”. Simple, because I am lucky enough to not live in a third world country. I only need to walk ten steps to get to clean, running water. I know it’s 10 steps, because I just counted.
Meanwhile, in Guatemala, women like Edelmira, walk twenty minutes from their houses to a community tank where there is water – but not necessarily clean water. Giving drink to the thirsty can be done for these women and their families through many organizations. My husband and I give to Unbound.
I would like to talk more about Unbound . . . but first, more about drinking.
When I hear “give drink to the thirsty”, I think about how many circumstances and situations where people “have a drink” together. How giving someone a drink is usually paired with enjoying a drink with that person (or group of people).
Someone comes to visit: “Can I get you something to drink”?
You haven’t seen a close friend in a while: “Hey, let’s me up for a cup of coffee!”
A cute guy sees a cute girl and asks: “Can I buy you a drink?”
You want to celebrate an achievement: “Let’s go out for a drink!”
Having a drink with someone usually means you have, or want to have, a relationship with him or her.
For this work of mercy, I can not get the story of the Samaritan Woman from the Gospel of John (chapter 4) out of my head.
John 4:7-10
A woman of Samaria came to draw water. Jesus said to her, “Give me a drink.” His disciples had gone into the town to buy food. The Samaritan woman said to him, “How can you, a Jew, ask me, a Samaritan woman, for a drink?” (For Jews use nothing in common with Samaritans.) Jesus answered and said to her, “If you knew the gift of God and who is saying to you, ‘Give me a drink”, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.“
Jesus wants to have a relationship with us. Jesus wants to have a relationship with all of us. As Christians, we are called to be a light in the darkness in this world. We show that light in our relationships. I believe, in this Gospel story, Jesus is reminding us that we can have relationships with people even if we disagree on fundamental beliefs. It is through a relationship that we demonstrate God’s love. It is through relationships that God will show His Mercy to others. As long as we keep our relationship with Our Lord our first priority, all other relationships can be a chance to not only share a drink to quench a physical thirst, but an opportunity to share eternal life.
This idea of having and building relationships is one of the reasons why I love giving to Unbound. We were able to choose a person to sponsor. When we were standing in front of all the different people we could choose to sponsor, I couldn’t help but think, “we can’t afford this”. And like a blink of an eye, the woman next to me says, “We first did this years ago. I really felt we couldn’t afford it, but I said to God, ‘God, if I do this, you have to make sure we have enough money to pay our bills’. And you know what, we always had enough.”
I was reassured that the Lord will provide. We chose a young girl by the name of Angela. And so far, the Lord has continued to provide for us. We give a monthly donation and we get the opportunity to know Angela through letters and pictures. Our donation provides Angela with food to eat, water to drink and many other necessities that I take for granted. Getting letters from Angela brightens my day, and I love writing back to her. I look forward to her next letter with anticipation. I can’t wait to get to know more about her and watch her grow up and see the woman she will become.
Perhaps another way I can “give drink to the thirsty” is to ask you, if you’re reading this, to check out Unbound’s website, and consider “giving drink to the thirsty” and developing a relationship with a child, young adult or elder that you can choose to sponsor. Remember, God will provide!
Lastly, enjoy a cup of coffee or any beverage you love today – and thank the Lord for it! Consider paying it forward at a restaurant. Consider offering to get a drink for your spouse who’s comfortable on the couch. Consider sponsoring a person who has to leave his or her home to get water. May the Lord bless you today, this week and always!
Love and hugs – and cheers!
So true! Love your mug!
That’s my friend Jennifer Donnelly’s mug – and she took that picture
She posted it over a year ago and I always remembered it – so I asked her if I could use it for the post. It is awesome!
This is great. All of it. Love hearing about new AWESOME agencies like unbound. I love your mug and the idea of God’s call to build relationships.
Thank you!
Thank you so much! Not my mug – wish it was
I loved your parallel between Jesus building a relationship with the women at the well when she asked for water and how we build relationships with one another over drinks. I’d never made that connection before, but for me, but it brings the story a little more alive for me. When we aren’t building strong relationships, we can’t show Christ to others.
Thank you so much Amy!
“As long as we keep our relationship with Our Lord our first priority, all other relationships can be a chance to not only share a drink to quench a physical thirst, but an opportunity to share eternal life.” – This is one of my favorite lines from your post. I never thought of how often I ask others, “May I get you something to drink?” I never thought of the connection between that question and building relationships. In fact, I asked this question earlier today. I checked out the Unbound website and bookmarked it for future reference. Currently, my husband and I, along with our Bible Fellowship class, are regularly sending money to Uganda to help a pastor there support a small community. Later on, we might consider sponsoring a child through Unbound or another agency. Thank you for this beautiful plea for these children and for informing us about Unbound.
I’m so glad you bookmarked Unbound and enjoyed this post! What an awesome service you do for that community in Uganda! So happy to connect with you!
I really love your take on this very common thing. You express it so correctly in a very unique and interesting way! I also donate to a couple little girls, wish we could help more. But every little bit helps, right? Good photos, too! And, lovely blog
Thank you Kimberly! Yes, I totally believe every little bit helps – more than we realize! This post was the first time I used stock photos – but the mug that says Don’t Forget to be Awesome was a photo my friend took!
What an amazing concept to expound upon. Never really thought about how drinking is a way for us to build relationship. Thank you so much for sharing and opening up about this amazing organization!
Thanks Tessa! It’s all the Holy Spirit – I’m just the instrument!