This post contains affiliate or associate links with several businesses (which means if you shop through the links, I earn a small commission). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.Here are some ideas to use this Lent.Watch The Chosen.Yes, watch a television show, about Jesus.As a former competitive athlete and former coach, I suggest a warm-up before we … [Read more...] about Catholic Lent Ideas for Busy Christians
Would You Rather: Lent Edition
This post contains affiliate or associate links with several businesses (which means if you shop through the links, I earn a small commission). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.How's Lent going in your house? Whether you are doing great with making sacrifices or really never started, this dinner time discussion game is a great way to think about and … [Read more...] about Would You Rather: Lent Edition
A Long Lost Prayer; Almsgiving Ideas that Anyone Can Afford and an Overall Jolt to Your Lent
This post contains affiliate or associate links with several businesses (which means if you shop through the links, I earn a small commission). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Whether you are totally focused this Lent or Lent began and you weren't really ready or feeling it; I have a few ideas to help you jump in or recharge! Let's talk about how we can Pray - Fast - … [Read more...] about A Long Lost Prayer; Almsgiving Ideas that Anyone Can Afford and an Overall Jolt to Your Lent
Selective Lenting: I’m Guilty, Are You?
This post contains affiliate links. Please see my About Me page for more details. We've all heard of selective hearing, right? Well, selective Lenting, I think I made that up - because I found myself completely guilty of it. When I wrote about how I wasn't going to give up Wine for Lent- I stated that I would pray for 20 minutes a day. Which is a great goal - but what I forgot … [Read more...] about Selective Lenting: I’m Guilty, Are You?
Lenten Resources for the Whole Family
This post contains affiliate links. Please see my About Me page for more information. Women: Take Up and Read: Above All *I was given a copy of Above All in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. Whether you desire to spend time alone in the morning with the Lord and coffee, need a guide to help you pray during Eucharistic Adoration or you are searching for a devotional to … [Read more...] about Lenten Resources for the Whole Family
The Ultimate Lent Guide for Busy People
This article contains affiliate links. Please see disclosure policy on About Me page for more details. I have 9 month old twins, a five year old and for the past few days, my husband was sick. I need a shower. I need to clean my kitchen and the amount of laundry that needs to folded reminds me once again that we own way to many clothes. I also am trying to work from home. For me, … [Read more...] about The Ultimate Lent Guide for Busy People