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How’s Lent going in your house?
Whether you are doing great with making sacrifices or really never started, this dinner time discussion game is a great way to think about and encourage your family to keep this season of the year in mind as well as prayer, fasting and almsgiving.
This list was written by a college friend and she assured and encouraged me to share with all of you! Kristi – the writer of this awesome game – asked that you share more ideas in the comments!
We suggest you cut up these questions and pass them around the dinner table in a bowl.
****Want a downloadable/printable copy? Click here:*****
Would You Rather Lent Edition Printable

New challenge for 2025! 40 Truth or Dare Challenges for Lent!
WOULD YOU RATHER – 2021 Lenten Edition
Questions inspired by the daily readings from the first ten days and the Sundays of Lent
- Play a trumpet in front of a crowd or give money away in secret?
- Wear sackcloth and ashes or eat bread with a stranger?
- Spend 40 days on the ark in the flood, or spend 40 days in a desert alone?
- Be a keeper of sheep, or a keeper of keys?
- Be broken-hearted or fearful?
- Be eaten by a whale or by lions?
- Rejoice with one friend or 100 strangers?
- Meet Abraham or Moses?
- Sell doves or oxen?
- Be blind or a beggar?
- Be raised from the dead or see someone else be raised from the dead?
- Be in a parade with friends or eat a special meal with friends?

Would you rather FAST FROM…
- Sweets or the internet?
- Cars or airplanes?
- Video calls or texting?
- Funny movies or action movies?
- Talking or walking?
- Hugs or high fives?
- Reading or music?
Would you rather GIVE…
- To a person you know or a charity group
- To a stranger or a friend
- To a homeless shelter or a school
- A hundred dollars to ten people or a thousand dollars to one person
- Money or food?
- Your time or money?
- Bread or fish?
Would you rather PRAY…
- Alone or in a group?
- With your own words or a recited prayer?
- An old prayer from memory or read a new one?
- In English or a different language?
- The rosary or in silence?
- In a church or in nature?
- From the Bible every day, or never open the Bible again?
Does your family like this type of game? Do you have a child between the ages of 9 and 14? If yes, be sure to get him or her a Be Yourself Journal!
More activities for kids in here: Boy’s Bible Study

Girls’ Journal Club now available! Find out more here!
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Read my other blog here! More Lent ideas!
Honoring the Year of Saint Joseph? Check out this post filled with great Saint Joseph gifts! Over 25 Catholic Gifts Inspired by Saint Joseph
What a cool idea! Amy, you never cease to amaze me with you creativity. I can’t wait to try these questions out on my family tonight.