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There are times when life is so busy, we almost feel like we are in survival mode.
There are other times when our heart has been hurt, and we just don’t have the joy or energy to pray.
In times like these, we need quick, but powerful, prayers!
1. Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.
I am sure Jesus could have looked at the man nailing Him to the cross and thought, “he knows perfectly well what he is doing!” We don’t know why people hurt us, but boy, they do sometimes, don’t they? This prayer is often not easy to say, but Our Lord showed us the way.
2. Lord, help me.
Sometimes, that is all we can muster up. It’s still a prayer, especially when we feel it deep on our heart. God hears you, ask Him for help.
3. Lord, open all the right doors and close all the wrong ones.
I got this one from Joel Olsteen. My husband and I prayed this prayer when we were discerning our adoption path (domestic v. international). The Lord slammed shut international doors and we chose domestic. I am still so thankful I heard this prayer suggested by him!
4. God, help me be who You want me to be and set the world on fire!
St. Catherine of Siena is credited with saying, “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire!” I have turned that quote into a prayer . . . a prayer I really love to say!
5. Mary, Mother of Jesus, please be a mother to me now.
Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta said that whenever you feel distressed during the day, pray this prayer. She said that this prayer had never failed her. Her wisdom and life are a great example so it certainly can not hurt to take her advice!
6. Lord, make me an instrument of Your Peace.
Sure, there is a longer version of this prayer, but this statement itself is quite a powerful petition. There are many times when we can feel ourselves reacting . . . that is the perfect time to stop and pray this prayer. This pray and others are coloring pages! You can grab yours here!
7. In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Catholic Exchange has a great article on the sign of the cross, in it the author notes:
” ‘. . . the sign is itself a prayer. If prayer, at its core, is “an uprising of the mind to God,” as St. John Damscene put it, then the Sign of the Cross assuredly qualifies. “No empty gesture, the sign of the cross is a potent prayer that engages the Holy Spirit as the divine advocate and agent of our successful Christian living,'”
See the whole article here: Catholic Exchange
Color your prayers! Get 20 coloring pages here!!!
8. Thank you God for every breath I take.
Last summer I listened to Gianna Emmanuela talk about her faith as well as the faith of her mother, her father. I was blown away with the constant expression of gratitude she said her father had, even after the death of his wife and child. I thought, how can one always be so grateful??? When I asked Gianna Emanuela about that she simply, but firmly responded, “I thank God for every breath I take!” Read more about this incredible experience here: 5 Lessons I Learned from The Daughter of a Saint
9. Jesus, I love You.
I have a difficult time shutting my mind off and trying to listen. Today in adoration I prayed this short prayer over and over again in the hopes that I would quiet my mind and allow Our Lord to “rearrange some furniture in my brain”. I’ll let you know how that worked
10. “Dear Loving God, I am very sorry for sinning” or “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”
Saint Therese’ said that for her, prayer as a “burst from my heart . . .” If you feel sorrow for a sin, tell the Lord simply. This is a great prayer! As Catholics, we have the opportunity and gift of the Sacrament of Reconciliation which gives us a grace that no prayer alone can give, but until you get there, this prayer is a wonderful “burst of the heart”!
11. Come Holy Spirit, fill my heart with wisdom.
Knowing God’s will is not always easy or obvious. This prayer can lead us in the right direction.
I love all these quick little prayers!!!
I love these. Thank you!
You are most welcome!