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It’s the year of Saint Joseph and our family has loved this special saint for a long time.
Here are some great gifts to give the Joseph you love, the young man who has chosen Joseph as a Confirmation name or to the Catholic you know who simply asks this amazing Saint to pray for them all the time!
Saint Joseph Gifts
A ready to ship Saint Joseph Box
This Pillar and Pearl Box is awesome.
Zealous Defender: Saint Joseph Box
I love the elegant, classy and totally ready to ship right to the person you are giving this to look of this box!
Use coupon code AMY10 to get 10% off this gift box (or any boxes from Pillar and Pearl!)

Saint Joseph Bracelets
A Saint Joseph Bracelet made by Give Love and Blessings.
I’ve been a fan of Give Love and Blessings for years now. Raina (the owner and creator) has several beautiful Saint Joseph bracelets to choose from:
A Lenten Saint Joseph bracelet
A Jade Light Green Single Decade Rosary Bracelet
Saint Joseph Socks
I love these socks for a few reasons:
- People always need socks and these look dressy.
- There is a quote on the bottom that makes me giggle.
- They are an affordable gift – and not something that causes clutter in the home.
Saint Joseph Artwork by Kristyn Brown
This Holy Family Portrait is so endearing and so unique.
This Holy Family Portrait warms my heart!
And this picture of Saint Joseph and Jesus on this sticker I just LOVE!!!
Saint Joseph Shirts (and more)
I wrote another gift guide for CatholicsOnline.net, and I LOVE the gifts I found there, so be sure to go check that list out too (no need to re-invent the wheel here!). Here it is:
Over 25 Catholic Gifts Inspired by Saint Joseph
There are shirts for men, toys for children, gifts for the whole family, books, artwork and more over there. Definitely go and check it out!
Like gift guides inspired by Saints? Check out this one:
Gifts Inspired by Saint Gianna
If you want to receive future gift guides (like the one I am working on inspired by Saint Patrick) sign up for my newsletter here: