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As the priest explained how the magnificent statue he bought for our parish church cost about $50,000, my heart sunk.
All that money could have fed so many hungry people. I probably shook my head – not being able to contain my disgust. I wondered, why?
Why did he buy that statue? How did the other faithful Catholics sitting in the Church feel? Were they as disgusted as me? Were they confused? Were they proud?
I wasn’t proud. In that moment, I had questions.
I’ve been there. I’ve questioned my faith.
I think most people do.
I kept going to Mass on Sundays – but I understood why others may have stopped.
This was a time in my life where I had no idea what road God wanted me to take. I found the time to go to daily Mass at another local church. My experience there was much more pleasant.
Father Shelly reminded me of my grandfather. When Father Shelly preached, he just kept stressing with his words and his heart, how much God loved me. He reminded all of us sitting in that small chapel (because not many go to daily Mass) that:
Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, what God has ready for those who love them.
I don’t know why you stopped going to Church.
I just feel compelled to tell you . . . God misses you so deeply. He thirsts for your return. And in a weird way, so do I.
I’ve heard it so many times . .. what’s the line?
“I think lightening will strike the church if I walk in it.” or
“The church will burst in flames if I walk in”.
Whether you are one to say these things or not, the truth is:
I tell you . . . there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance.
Luke 15:7
When I first heard this I didn’t really understand it. I probably thought of that poor brother in the the Prodigal Son story.
But now, I totally get it.
When a friend of mine returns to weekly Mass or the Sacraments or prayer . . . I feel joy in my heart. There is a reunion of a lost friendship.
Think of a married couple who greets one another every day after work. They give each other a kiss and ask how each other’s day was . . . it’s nice.
Now picture a soldier who has been deployed for a year . . . who finally sees his wife again.
Which picture gives you more joy?
But your situation is unique.
You have a personal reason why you stopped. You have a list of why you don’t go back . . . but at the same time you are looking towards heaven and asking God questions.
You might be asking Him, “Why did you allow this?”
You might be asking Him, “What is Your will?”
His answer is the same. He wants you to come to Him like a little child!
Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 18:3
The Kingdom of Heaven is a real place, yes. But we also have a glimpse of that kingdom when we feel content and at peace right here and now.
Think of a 5 year old.
My 5 year old is happy to “do the dishes”. He’s joyful because he doesn’t think like an adult.
A 5 year old does not care that your Aunt is a know it all, or that your cousin is a hypocrite, or your neighbor is a jerk. The 5 year old just enjoys the moment. If you aunt or cousin or neighbor tells a joke – the 5 year old laughs. He’s not burdened with all the thoughts an adult is having about that person’s presence.
Some people don’t go to church because a lot of that parish or church community are a lot like that aunt, cousin and neighbor I just described.
A 5 year old wouldn’t let those people stop them from enjoying the presence of Jesus.
God wants you to be as happy as a 5 year old!
And if going to another parish or local church makes you that happy – or at least less uncomfortable – go there!
We live in a universal church. As Catholics, we are lucky. Our churches are found more often than many other Christian denominations.
Going to Mass at a local parish that makes you feel comfortable enough to talk to God is important. Going to confession at a parish that makes you feel comfortable is important.
When my husband and I went house hunting, one of the things I loved about our home was it was in Father Shelly’s parish! So eventually, that became my parish.
You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Pope Francis recently stated:
“‘There is an urgent need to see once again that faith is a light, for once the flame of faith dies out, all other lights begin to dim.’”
I share this with you, because holding onto my faith during dark times has allowed me to experience joy, peace and hope for the future.
I know I haven’t carried crosses as big or heavy as others. I don’t know why God has allowed some people to carry certain crosses.
But I see some people carrying crosses with faith and hope . . . and they inspire me.
Lately, I have seen amazing blessings in my own life that I believe can only be explained through the power of prayer and faith.
I want you to see those graces in your life.
I, too, want you to be as happy as my 5 year old!
You may not see it happen overnight.
But how many things that our worth it, are easy?
Heaven is worth it. The greatest love we can ever experience – the love of God – is worth it.
Come back. There are many people like me that will be so happy to see you!
With sincere love and prayers,
Love this appeal! You are so correct – we don’t know why some stop attending (sometimes they don’t even know – but, I, too, would love to see them come back!
I think too many times, we have a tendency to overlook church being a collection of sinners… that it is a hospital for sinners, not a gathering place for perfection. Which includes those leading, too.
I will join you in praying “for the beautiful woman who stopped going to church.”
Thank you Anni! Your prayers are such a wonderful gift!!!
Thank you. This means more than you know.
I was truly hoping you would like it. HUGE HUG!!!!!! You relayed a message to me from above – thank you so much!
Beautiful article. The scene where you describe shaking your head at sacred art reminds me of how disgusted Judas Iscariot was when expensive perfume was “wasted” on the glory of the Lord. What did he say? It should have been sold and the money given to the poor? Meanwhile, he was stealing from the common purse. So here’s what I took away – with your attitude, you were a Judas (like most of us are, in one way or another.) But the difference is, you decided to stay with Jesus. We know what happened when Judas left the Last Supper. Many people get to that point where they consider leaving the last supper, the Eucharist. Stay. Even if you are “bad.” Jesus wanted to share his life with the biggest sinner who ever lived.
I do have an appreciation for sacred art now more than before. I also do feel that my home was not in that parish, but in the one I live in now. We are all called to the same mission, but we are also called to take different roads. Thank you for reading and for your comment. God bless you!
I wish this had been around when I fell away from the faith <3
But, on a positive note… If I had not gone through everything I went through, I wouldn't have met my husband and neither one of us would be the people we are today!!
God blesses the broken road, doesn’t He??? (That was my husband and I’s wedding song!!)
Love the 5 year old analogy! I have a friend who stopped going to church because she had a disagreement with her pastor and it made me so sad.
And I love that pic–the Shrine of the Miraculous Medal is a gorgeous church! I try to get there most every Monday.
Beautifully done, Amy! I think so many people can relate to this, including several of my own relatives 💕
Yes I needed this. We have lapsed from mass, although I still do my prayers and the rosary. We need to get back to it.
That is so awesome that you pray the rosary. Yes, please, come back!!! <3
I was gone for 38 years and I know that if just one person said they had missed me, it probably would have broken a few walls. I don’t know if I would have come back sooner but it would have made me think of being missed more often.
Wow. That is a powerful statement. Thank you for sharing and I am so gad you are back! Great to hear from you Alicia – I always appreciate your comments!!
I stopped going because I got busy with work and life. I thought God was for when I was old- and had MORE TIME for Him. There were also many teachings I misunderstood or disliked (mostly cuz I misunderstood them) Finally, I could not see the connection between Church and my everyday life…I am so grateful for all the ways the Lord wooed me back!!
Thank you so much for sharing Allison!!!
I think we need to be very careful about judging anyone for leaving the church, or to stop some devotions for a while, and not assume that they will never be back. And honestly, to compare this woman’s reaction to the priest buying a 50,000 dollar statue to Judas Iscariot, is just ridiculous and heartless! And also shows the person who wrote this does not have a full grasp on the meaning of the story in the gospel. There is an old son and an old poem which contains the line, “walk a mile in my shoes” I have been on the peaks of spirituality, blessed with consolations from our good Lord. I have also walked the barren valleys when life doesn’t make sense, and at times God doesn’t make sense. Sometimes the “dark night” is not just in the soul. As you said Amy some people are quite blessed, and cannot understand this woman’s reaction. Myself, before I left the church, I would have asked the priest why he spent 50 grand on a statue. I guess some would say that would make me like Judas! You want to help those who struggle with faith? Stop judging and get on your knees and pray for them.
Prayer and love are the best. May God bless you Richard.
I am a cradle catholic. I got disgusted by all of the gold, the Italian marble, the extravagant fixtures, and the expensive decorations in the churches. They are neither humble nor simple. The child in me understands service, simplicity, and humility that I do not find among others in our church. Jesus never wore expensive robes nor traveled expensively. He walked or rode on a donkey. He was a simple man of great faith and virtue. Material things were not if great import. That was His example.
You sound very passionate – perhaps you are called to be a missionary or support the missions in some way! That fire in you could sure help many people in need that Catholics and Christians serve in our country and abroad!
I’m thirsty for their return, too.