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“I just want her to go to Mass with me”.
This was what the kind woman at the Post Office admitted to me one year when we were engaged in small talk about Mother’s Day.
What she wanted most from her daughter on Mother’s Day was her to go to Church with her.
And that mother is not alone in that desire.
You may know that my blog is called “Prayer Wine Chocolate “, but you may not know my blog’s tagline…
“a spiritual journey to motherhood and beyond “.
Motherhood is known to be physically demanding, but it can be spiritually demanding too
I know when I longed to be a mother, I found great comfort in saying that intention out loud with friends before we prayed a Rosary. It gave me greater hope when I shared that prayer and hope with others.
Our Moms pray for us more than anyone we ever know.
And when we do become mothers…
our children drive us to our knees because the love we have for them is so intense.

How Can We Make Mother’s Day Special for Catholic Moms?
The simple answer – add real prayer time.
What are real, practical ways we can do this when life is so busy?
having a Mass said for a mother who is deceased;
praying a Rosary for a woman who longs to be a mother;
creating a spiritual bouquet for our own mother and mother-in-law (love this printable one from Sweet Little Ones!!!)
arranging a Mass date with a Mom or Grandmom
light a candle and dedicate some prayer time for a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy or a woman who placed a child with an adoptive family.
planning a prayer centered get together with a group of Mom friends (or friends longing to be moms).
This is a great treat for you and/or other Moms you love! Use the How to Plan Your Own Prayer Wine Chocolate Retreat guidebook to help you plan!
A Prayer for All Catholic Moms
Let us pray:
Please Lord God,
help all mothers plant and nurture the seed of faith in young hearts and help them see that faith bloom.
Dear Holy Spirit, please guide all moms to parent in a holy way.
Dear Lord Jesus, please be our childrens’ best friend and send Your dearest friends to our children.
Mother’s Day Gift Ideas that Include Prayer
A Morning Offering Mug from The Little Rose Shop
Plan a special Moms Retreat with the Prayer Wine Chocolate Retreat Guidebook (on sale for Mother’s Day gifts!!!)
Call your parish or local religious community and ask to have a Mass said for your Mother, Godmother or Mother-in-law
Create a Spiritual Bouquet for a few women – include one that longs to be a mother.
Moms need prayers too
Let us be intentional this Mother’s Day to not take for granted all the prayers our mothers have said for us. Let’s really pray for our moms. Moms need prayers too.
Let’s stay connected! Subscribe to the Prayer Wine Chocolate newsletter!

It’s such a good reminder to keep mothers in our prayers, especially groups of mothers who may be forgotten. Thanks for the loving reminder that prayer is a beautiful and treasured gift!
Thank you Gina! I hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day! <3