prayer journaling Archives - Prayer Wine Chocolate a spiritual journey to motherhood & beyond Tue, 13 Feb 2024 11:25:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 prayer journaling Archives - Prayer Wine Chocolate 32 32 99893247 What does a Catholic Psychologist Say about the Benefits of Prayer Journaling? Wed, 29 Mar 2023 13:30:11 +0000 How is prayer journaling different that just praying?

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photo of a girl writing the name of the post is written above it The Psychology of Prayer Journaling

This post contains affiliate or associate links with several businesses (which means if you shop through the links, I earn a small commission). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

What does a Catholic Psychologist Say about the Benefits of Prayer Journaling?

This article is based on a conversation I had with Dr. Matt Breuninger (author of Finding Freedom in Christ: Healing Life’s Hurts)

You can view and/or listen to the whole interview on YouTube here:

Why Prayer Journal?

Dr. Matt Breuninger discusses the Psychology of Prayer Journaling

For me, my habit of prayer journaling began during a depression. My heart was broken, I was lonely and I wanted to run to God with everything and I wondered if He could hear me. I wondered if He was disappointed in me. There were times of such sadness, sorrow and despair.

But, there were also moments of hope.

It wasn’t until many years after that depression that I began to write about prayer journaling and encourage others to try it.

5 Benefits of Prayer Journaling

The articles I have written previously are based on my experience; and although I can say I have a Bachelor of Science in Psychology – most of what I have written is not exactly academic.

Enter Dr. Matt Breuninger.

(author of Finding Freedom in Christ: Healing Life’s Hurts)

Dr. Matt Breuninger prayed the Rosary with ManyHailMarysataTime one morning and I felt compelled to reach out to him. I told him that I am an author of two prayer journals for kids and that I really feel that the act of prayer journaling is a great spiritual practice. I asked him if he’d be interested in shedding some light on the subject from the knowledge of a psychologist. He graciously agreed.

And wow, Dr. B (as he refers to himself on social media) really schooled me 🙂

Here are some of the lessons I learned from our discussion.

Photo of Be Yourself Journal on road with a rosary laying on top of it
Be Yourself: a Journal for Catholic Boys

The Benefits of Writing by Hand

The trend on college campuses that has led many student to stop taking notes by hand and start taking them on a lap top or other device has spawned a number of studies on the benefits of writing by hand.

These studies conclude that taking notes by hand is better for memory.

It has been found by scientific research that writing by hand activates regions of the brain that seem to access deeper learning and processing of the information being written.

When we write by hand laying down neural pathways associated with learning and memory.

According to Audrey van der Meer, a neuroscientist and professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) assures those that although writing by hand can seem more challenging than typing it is much better for our brain. In the article New Study Suggests Handwriting Engages the Brain More Than Typing she states:

“If we don’t challenge our brain, it can’t reach its full potential. “

Why does journaling help people who suffer from anxiety and depression?

How to Start a Prayer Journal in 3 Easy Steps

Patients who have anxiety and depression report having less intrusive thoughts when they journal.

Why is that?

The answer has to do with working memory.

Working Memory is helpful for life problems – from “how am I going to get dinner ready” to “how can I improve my marriage?”

If we don’t feel like we can solve the problem we often want to keep working on it and that can fee distracting, stressful and exhausting.

The act of writing something out allows our working memory to rest.

When we write something down (like in a journal) it gives us the sense that “I don’t have to be working on this problem 24/7.

Writing down what we are worried about or the problem we are trying to solve gives our brains a way to externally process the problem. It allows our brains and working memory to say “I can come back to that”. It signals the brain that it can be returned to.

Journaling gets intrusive thoughts out of our minds and onto paper.

When people do this, they report less intrusive thoughts.

photo of Be Yourself journal for girls with a flower and pens on it
Be Yourself: a Journal for Catholic Girls

5 Prayer Journal Prompts Inspired by Catholic Influencers

Prayer Journaling Reduces Avoidance and Increases Peace

Psychologists have concluded that journaling reduces the constant bombardment of thoughts that our brain is telling us are important and that we need to figure out immediately or at least soon.

We as people tend to build our lives around avoidance. Psychologists have discovered that when we avoid difficult thoughts or situations we get a short term benefit – we feel relieved . . .at first.

But, then that avoidance increases anxiety.

How does Prayer Journaling help us be more faithful?

Scott Hahn, author and speaker, and Dr. Matt Breuninger just had a recent conversation about a similar topic the week of this interview and Dr. B found that is was very timely.

He mentioned that Dr. Scott Hahn had verbalized in their private discussion that:

” part of what Jesus tries to teach us is how to not be so afraid of suffering . . .”

Prayer Journaling invites us to approach difficult and painful topics and reduce our avoidance.

How is prayer journaling different than just praying?

Prayer journaling allows us to:

  • create a space where we invite God in and ask Him for His safety and comfort
  • courageously approach dangerous topics

One statement made by Matt Breuninger in this talk was one he made after this point. He said:

Journaling really gives us the space to approach very difficult and painful material. It can reduce our avoidance. It can reduce our anxiety, our stress and our overwhelm. When we journal we are approaching instead of avoiding.

” A huge benefit to prayer journaling is we are cracking open those places and spaces in our heart that we don’t give ourself permission to go to that often.”

That can be scary and we may feel vulnerable.

Pretty quote graphic "When you prayer journal God's grace emerges from the page"

The Benefits of Prayer Journaling over Time

When you prayer journal, you are left with a sequence or series over time of these reflections and expressions of your heart. The beauty of prayer journaling is that record we create over time.

This record not only allows us to see our growth and progress but also allows us to see how God is moving in and through our journaling.

Through prayer journaling we can see changes that maybe we could not see if we were trying to hold it in our memory.

When something is in black and white on paper it is easier to accept those things as true.

Things become more clear.

God’s grace emerges from the page.

We can become more confident in the Father’s love and power.

We can be more empowered to be co-creators in our own story.

When you prayer journal you will notice things that you would not see if you are thinking about it on the fly.

Journaling creates a rhythm and a space that fosters growth.

If you would like to learn more about Dr. B – subscribe to his YouTube Channel Ask a Catholic Therapist or follow him on Instagram!

How Do I Start Prayer Journaling?

Grab these FREE prayer journal prompts (journal prompts for Lent can be used any time of year).

Get this ebook about Prayer Journaling.

Would you like to introduce prayer journaling to your children?

Be Yourself: a Journal for Catholic Girls has consistently ranked in the top 100 Amazon categories of Children’s Christian Prayer Book and Children’s Devotional Christianity books. It’s immense popularity led to a demand for a Boy’s Journal – which was published two years later. Be Yourself: a Journal for Catholic Boys helps tweens and young teens make sense of what it means to be a Christian and a man created by God. In a sense, it’s a guide book on how to follow the advice of Saint Francis deSales:

“Be who you are and be that well. So that you may bring honor to the Master Craftsman whose handiwork you are.”

Cover of ebook - 40 (More) Prayer Journal Prompts

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3 Prayer Journal Hacks You Will LOVE! Mon, 03 May 2021 16:12:51 +0000 This post contains affiliate or associate links with several businesses (which means if you shop through the links, I earn a small commission). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases Prayer journaling is something that really helped me through some tough times. I highly recommend it. BUT, sometimes we are held back . . . held back because […]

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Prayer journaling

This post contains affiliate or associate links with several businesses (which means if you shop through the links, I earn a small commission). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases

Prayer journaling is something that really helped me through some tough times.

Help Tweens, Pre-teens and Teens get started journaling with these books!

I highly recommend it.

BUT, sometimes we are held back . . .

held back because we don’t know where to begin;

if that is you, take a look at this

How to Start a Prayer Journal (in 3 easy steps)

Sometimes we are held back because our prayer intentions are extremely personal and we hesitate to write them down out of fear someone may pick it up and read it.

Sometimes we hesitate because we simply just don’t know what to say.

3 Prayer Journal Hacks You Will LOVE!

Prayer Journal Hack #1:

Hiding personal prayer requests

Sometimes our prayer intentions are extremely personal and we hesitate to write what is in our heart down out of fear someone may pick it up and read it.

Here’s how I deal with those deep, personal intentions I only want to be between God and myself:

I write my personal intention down, but then cover it up by gluing a holy card or a picture I colored (like this one of Saint Joseph) over my intention.

Writing out prayer intentions is something that I do because it helps me really think about what I’m asking for and helps me feel like I am truly bringing this intention to God with my time and effort.

It especially helps me when I am praying a novena.

Often when I pray a novena I have found my intention changes on day 4 or 5. That can be really telling . . . it can help me to understand better what is on my heart. BUT, it can also be frustrating.

Writing out my intentions helps me stay consistent in prayer.

Prayer Journal Hack #2:

Use other people’s words.

Sit down to journal even if you have no idea what to write or say

Sometimes we stop journaling because we don’t feel compelled to say something to God . . . but those moments are a great opportunity to hear what God has to say to us. It’s always a good idea to prayer journal, because there is always someone to pray for and God always has some words for us too.

Where do you start? A free resource like 5 Prayers for Your Children and Godchildren (I wrote these prayers, you can preview them here: 5 Quick Prayers for Your Children and Godchildren (free printable)

When you sit down and start praying for others, it’s a beautiful way to offer God your heart.

Another reason I highly recommend doing this is because sometimes God has words for you that will offer great comfort and hope.

When I started prayer journaling, I remember looking at a book of daily devotions written by Catholic laypersons. The title of one struck me and I had to remove it from the book and paste it in my prayer journal. It simply said, “Sometimes God wants what you want”. Those words were such a comfort and relief to me! I still remember vividly how happy and grateful I was to read those words.

And just recently, I was honored to write a couple reflections in a book similar to that! Called By Name: 365 Daily Devotions for Catholic Women

Called by Name is a 365-day devotional from WINE: Women In the New Evangelization designed to empower and equip you to draw near to Jesus and use your God-given gifts for the Church. With meditations on scripture and encouraging insights from popular Catholic authors and speakers in the WINE community, this is the perfect daily companion for women who want to connect with the heart of Jesus and live every day in the light of his truth and love.

The Lord is calling you each day to be like him. Called by Name will help you respond to his call by encouraging, equipping, and inspiring you to enter into a more intimate relationship with him, all year long.

Prayer Journal Hack #3:

Use Catholic Stickers, Prayer Cards and Washi Tape.

Sometimes a picture really does say 1,000 words.

*Simple prayer journal entry: Dear Lord Jesus, Please give me a hug today*

I bought 10 of these Jesus Hug Stickers at Christmas time and I’m about to buy 10 more. I gave one to my youngest sister and she said it was her favorite gift!

I started prayer journaling long before I even heard of Catholic Stickers and probably before Etsy was a thing. I used to copy prayers from holy cards and then glue the picture side up on the page next to it. Catholic stickers have opened a whole new wonderful world to me! So much so I wrote this post last year: Catholic Sticker Heaven: Your Ultimate Guide to Cool Catholic Stickers

Some stickers are simple, profound and pretty images. Others have powerful prayers. I love stickers from Just Love Prints, GratiaDesign and Pink Salt Riot.

These stickers can stand alone as prayers as you breathe deeply and meditate upon the prayer, image or quote. They might also spark your soul to share more and unlock a prayer you did not know you had on your heart.

Happy Prayer Journaling!

Sign up and receive prayer journal tips and inspiration straight to your inbox: Yes, send me your posts!

This is an awesome distressed ball cap with the numbers of St. Maximilian Kolbe’s prison number on the front.

The post 3 Prayer Journal Hacks You Will LOVE! appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

Catholic Prayer Journal Prompts for 2020 Mon, 05 Oct 2020 16:50:00 +0000 This post contains affiliate or associate links with several businesses (which means if you shop through the links, I earn a small commission). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Well, this year has been . . . weird. And challenging . . . and . . . weird. I know I never imagined having to wear masks […]

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This post contains affiliate or associate links with several businesses (which means if you shop through the links, I earn a small commission). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Well, this year has been . . . weird.

And challenging . . .

and . . . weird.

I know I never imagined having to wear masks to go grocery shopping and attend Mass. And when everything was shut down – I don’t know, it could happen again.

The first prompt that came to mind is to just recognize in prayer that God is in control. So the first journal prompt I would suggest is to simply write out The Surrender Prayer.

Want 40 more prayer journal prompts? Subscribe to my newsletter and get a free printable download!!! Yes, give me those prompts!!!

Catholic Prayer Journal Prompts for 2020

The Surrender Prayer

I mean, if any reality has hit me in the face personally – is that we can not control most things anyway, so why bother worrying about it.

Easier said than done, I know.

So here’s my suggestion. Write it out and ask Jesus to help you to truly surrender to Him. Ask Him to hold you in His loving arms and help you to rest in His Love. He will help you.

Then take a deep breath. Maybe color around it if it helps or brings you joy.

The second prompt I would suggest involves taking a deep breath.

If you are fortunate enough to take that deep breath without entering into a coughing fit – thank God. And even if you do cough, thank God you just took that breath. Then, think for a minute. There are things to be thankful for.

Make God a Thank You Card

This was actually suggested by my 3 year old daughter. I felt like I had several people I should have been writing thank you cards too – and that my children should have been thanking.

So as I went to spend some time coloring with my daughter, I asked

“who should I write a thank you card too?”

If you don’t want to color, glue the back of a printed Thank you card in your journal and write the Lord a note inside!

She answered:

” God.”

And I thought – “you’re right, I should make God a thank you card”.

So I folded a paper in half, drew a sun and some hills, a few flowers and my 3 year old son added a “bird”.

Then I got distracted a few times and I want to finish it and glue in into my journal.

One thing we started doing this year is after dinner, each person at the table says 5 things we are thankful for. My intention was to not only cultivate an attitude of gratitude, but also get them to look back on their day and reflect upon what good things happened. And, to have some happy discussions at dinner because there is a lot of correcting if I am being totally honest.

Our 3 year old twins interpreted this in their own, beautiful, childlike way. Each night when we do this new practice, when we get to the twins, they don’t say things or events – they say. . . .

Thanful for Mommy, Daddy, Xavier . . . and name everyone around the table. Often they add our neighbor or an Aunt or an extended family member.

And I share this because – what a great reminder.

Our greatest blessing are the people who love us. Thank God for people. Thank God for things. Thank God for events.

Thank Him.

15 Prayers of Saint Bridget of Sweden

This is a totally new “novena” for me! I had not heard of it until recently. However, I don’t know if we can really call it a novena – these prayers are to be said every day for a year. However, this devotion is very powerful.

I started listening to these prayers on YouTube when I went for a walk in the morning, but now – it’s to dark to go on walk in the morning.

You can get copies of these prayers to download for free from MaryWithYou (someone I met through

I suggest writing one a day for 15 days while you listen to the YouTube video. Then maybe saying the prayers will become a part of your routine. I don’t know, let me know how it works – I really want to do it!


Because not only are they beautiful prayers and really lead you to think about Jesus’ passion, it was recommended to me by a friend who had an INCREDIBLE REVERSION story!

She credits her amazing journey back to the fullness of the faith to her sister praying this novena. It was after her sister prayed this year long novena for her and her family that she went through a tremendous reversion and now serves God in ways that are incredibly remarkable.

Read more about this friend here: A NaPro doctor is Closer than You Think

Write a prayer to Saint Gianna, our heavenly physician.

Say a novena to all the saints that were doctors and scientists! Please, this pandemic needs to go away!

I have a few Saint Gianna holy cards (different than the one pictured above) if you want one, email me!

A novena to Saint Gianna for the intention of ending this pandemic and the need for social distancing would be great!

I also found this lovely prayer from the My Catholic Life blog.

A Prayer to Combat the Coronavirus Pandemic

See the whole prayer here: MyCatholic.Life

Most Merciful and Triune God,
We come to You in our weakness.
We come to You in our fear.
We come to You with trust.
For You alone are our hope.

We place before You the disease present in our world.
We turn to You in our time of need.

Bring wisdom to doctors.
Give understanding to scientists.
Endow caregivers with compassion and generosity.
Bring healing to those who are ill.
Protect those who are most at risk.
Give comfort to those who have lost a loved one.
Welcome those who have died into Your Eternal Home.

see the whole prayer over at

Draw One Decade of the Rosary, pray as you color flowers.

Want this beautiful blanket? Use the code CHOCOLATE for 20% off!

This Rosary Blanket is my new favorite think! It is so inspiring! It is made by Paige, owner of Shop Fiat to Halo. If you want to purchase a blanket, use the code CHOCOLATE for 20% off.

I think this picture would be great to look at as you sketch, color and pray a decade of the Rosary in your prayer journal!

I can think of more prompts, but I don’t want to overwhelm you!

If you want more prompts, comment below! Also remember you can get 40 prayer journal prompts when you subscribe to’s newsletter.

Have a pre-teen or teen you are hoping will develop a love for prayer journaling?

Here you go!!!

Journal for tweens and teens
Free prayer print!

The post Catholic Prayer Journal Prompts for 2020 appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

A Long Lost Prayer; Almsgiving Ideas that Anyone Can Afford and an Overall Jolt to Your Lent Sat, 07 Mar 2020 13:33:09 +0000 This post contains affiliate or associate links with several businesses (which means if you shop through the links, I earn a small commission). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Whether you are totally focused this Lent or Lent began and you weren’t really ready or feeling it; I have a few ideas to help you jump in […]

The post A Long Lost Prayer; Almsgiving Ideas that Anyone Can Afford and an Overall Jolt to Your Lent appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.


This post contains affiliate or associate links with several businesses (which means if you shop through the links, I earn a small commission). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Whether you are totally focused this Lent or Lent began and you weren’t really ready or feeling it;
I have a few ideas to help you jump in or recharge!

Let’s talk about how we can Pray – Fast – Give today.

A Long Lost Prayer

Pray from your heart

I came across this prayer written by Saint Anselm and I LOVE IT!

O My God, teach my heart
where and how to seek you
where and how to find you
You are my God and you are my all
and I have never seen you
You have made me and remade me,
you have bestowed on me
all the good things I possess.
Still, I do not know you
I have not yet done that for which I was made
Teach me to seek you
I cannot seek you unless you teach me
or find you unless you show yourself to me.
Let me see you in my desire,
Let me desire you in my seeking,
Let me find you by loving you
Let me love you when I find you.

Written by Saint Anselm of Canterbury

You can purchase this print from Pink Salt Riot!

I love this prayer for a journal entry!  Want to learn how to prayer journal in less than 10 minutes?  Check out this video: Prayer Journaling
Why do it and how to start!

Almsgiving Ideas that Anyone Can Afford

Fast and Give

Lent calls us to pray, fast and give.

Sometimes we do one better than the other two. Often, we forget about that last one: give.

According to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

The foundational call of Christians to charity is a frequent theme of the Gospels.  During Lent, we are asked to focus more intently on “almsgiving,” which means donating money or goods to the poor and performing other acts of charity.

If we are truly fasting, we should have some extra resources to give.

I just went food shopping and saw almost 10 chocolate treats that I wanted to buy but didn’t.  If I did not give up chocolate for Lent, I would have spent at least 5 more dollars.

What am I doing with that 5 dollars?  I should probably give it to a good cause or ministry.

If you are concentrating on doing more good deeds, giving is doing a good deed.  And giving doesn’t always involve money.

You can give of your time.  You can give away some of your possessions.  You can give of your talent.

I wrote this article for Catholics Online and had so much fun finding unique ways to give!  One includes baby blankets, another Legos and another a kickstarter for a Catholic Comic Book!

7 Unique Ways to Give Alms This Lent

Donate a Be Yourself Journal!  You can donate one that I will give to a girl in need, OR you could purchase some and donate them to your parish or local Catholic School!!!

Need a Jolt to Your Lent?

Go to Confession. Especially if there is a voice in your head telling you not to. Haven’t been to Confession in quite some time?

I have this for you: Dear Catholic Who Hasn’t Been to Confession In . . .

Okay, let us know in the comments – which of these suggestions will you do TODAY!!?

We can help each other by sharing!

Don’t forget to pre-order your copy of my new book!

Daily Boutique Deals

The post A Long Lost Prayer; Almsgiving Ideas that Anyone Can Afford and an Overall Jolt to Your Lent appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

How to Start a Prayer Journal (in 3 easy steps) Sat, 06 Jul 2019 03:27:41 +0000 This post contains affiliate or associate links with several businesses (which means if you shop through the links, I earn a small commission). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Do you have your notebook all ready but the blank pages are just kind of staring at you? Have you considered starting a prayer journal, but don’t […]

The post How to Start a Prayer Journal (in 3 easy steps) appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.


This post contains affiliate or associate links with several businesses (which means if you shop through the links, I earn a small commission). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Do you have your notebook all ready but the blank pages are just kind of staring at you?

Have you considered starting a prayer journal, but don’t know where to start?

No worries! I’ll help you jump start that journal and it will be fun and therapeutic. And the good news is (besides the Gospel, of course) that there are many Benefits of Prayer Journaling (including stress relief and overall better health)!

A little bit of background:

I started prayer journaling my my 20’s.  My boyfriend at the time had mentioned that when he was going through depression, his counselor suggested journaling to help him cope.  Around the same time, I was teaching 7th and 8th graders and as a part of our morning routine, I had the students write in a journal.  Each morning while I was taking attendance and doing necessary paper work, I would have a prompt on the chalkboard.  The students would write in their journal for about 10 minutes.  Sometimes the prompt would simply state, “write a letter to Jesus”, other times it might suggest writing out a traditional prayer, other times it might ask them to write ten things they feel grateful for.

These “events” led me to start my own prayer journal.

(*If you are more interested in Why I Prayer Journal, you can read more about that here: (and see some of my first journal entries!)

My idea of a prayer journal is a place where I can not only share my thoughts with Jesus, but also celebrate my faith in a creative way.

If you paged through my personal prayer journal you would see many letters that simply start, Dear Jesus or Dear Eternal Father; prayer cards pasted with novena prayers copied in my own handwriting, colored pages, newspaper clippings or other clippings pasted that discuss Scripture or have the lyrics to a song that have helped my personal faith and my relationship with Our Lord.

My prayer journaling is not based on any lessons I have learned academically – it’s a place where I believe my prayer is more focused and fruitful.

If you are looking for a more intellectual, academic explanation of prayer journaling, check out this video produced by Blessed is She: Prayer Journaling Workshop

How to start a prayer journal:

Step 1: Preparing to Prayer Journal

Have fun with picking out your supplies!!!!

This part can be so fun and will truly help you get excited about starting a prayer journal!

Pick out a notebook or journal that you will enjoy writing in, pens that feel smooth when you write and inspirational products from Open Journey

My favorite journaling supplies are:

The truth is, I am a “wanna be artist”.  Prayer journaling allows me a creative outlet.  I like to color.  I imagine I would enjoy scrapbooking if I felt I had the time, and I do enjoy writing.  I do all of this in my prayer journal.  I can’t sew, I’m horrible at drawing and I have no business picking up a paint brush – so for me, this is a way I joyfully spend time with the Lord.  Since I pretty much don’t know how to relax – this is as close to I get to obey His command to “be still”.

*If you would rather have a journal that is more guided, check out these: 10 Best Journals for Busy Women


Step 2: Dedicate your Prayer Journal to Jesus

Now, about that first page.

If those blank pages are intimidating, or you just have no idea where to begin . . . FEAR NOT!

Here is an Instagram reel showing the first page of two journals! How to START your prayer journal!

I always put a picture of Jesus on the first page.  My favorite image is of Jesus as the Good Shepherd; but I also use what’s available.  Someone left a ton of Divine Mercy Prayer cards in the back of our church, so I give those out when I do prayer journaling workshops.

I love putting an image of Our Lord on the first page.  It sets the tone and says, “Jesus, all of this is for you”.

If you have a holy card you just love, or a special devotion to Our Blessed Mother, you could do a variation of this idea.  Another fun way to begin is to create a collage of holy cards on the first page


write out the sign of the cross . . . then turn the page and begin.

Step 3: Pour your heart out to Jesus, and remember to thank him for being your best friend.

So you did something with your first page and you might be wondering . . . now what?

Write a letter to Jesus and pour out your heart.  Tell him what keeps you up at night.  Tell him what you are truly grateful for.  Tell him why you are starting to prayer journal.  Ask him the questions you have about your life and your relationships.  Ask him for guidance and peace. (You can take a peak at my first prayer journal entries here: Why Prayer Journal?

Remember that Jesus is your best friend.  The way I spend time with him and my friends may look different than the way you do.  Your journey in this book will simply be where your heart and pen (or colored pencils) lead you.

If you are curious about how I pray using a journal, take a peek here:

8 Ways to Pray Using a Journal

I recently started a new journal and I know one entry is the novena prayer to Saint Joseph and another page I just had some fun coloring and then over my rainbow stripes I placed a holy card on the center and used start stickers to fasten it there. For me it’s a creative outlet, a way to silence my thoughts and hopefully in doing so, hearing God’s voice.

If you would like some printable prompts – grab this resource: 40 (More) Prayer Journal Prompts!

And lastly, if you are wondering when you might have time to journal – I wrote about that too.

When do real women find time to journal

Follow me on Instagram to see more Prayer Journaling tips!

And if you want me to come and lead a prayer journal workshop, let’s chat!

Email me at and let’s see if we can set a date!

If you’d like to host your own workshop, or “sip and script” prayer journal gathering, here’s a guide:

How to Host a ‘Sip and Script’ party: Prayer Journaling with Friends

Get your tween or teen started with prayer journaling early with the Be Yourself Journal!

Let’s stay connected!  Subscribe here: Sign me up for your newsletter!


Help your sons, daughters, nieces and nephews start prayer journaling with the Be Yourself Journals!


The post How to Start a Prayer Journal (in 3 easy steps) appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

5 Benefits of Prayer Journaling Thu, 30 Mar 2017 12:43:17 +0000 This article contains affiliate links.  See more details on my About me page. Prayer journaling is something I find beneficial and enjoyable. If you have not thought about starting a prayer journal, here are some reasons why you may want to consider it. (Get 40 Prayer Journal Prompts for free here: Free Journal Prompts)   1. […]

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Untitled design (1).png

This article contains affiliate links.  See more details on my About me page.

Prayer journaling is something I find beneficial and enjoyable. If you have not thought about starting a prayer journal, here are some reasons why you may want to consider it.

(Get 40 Prayer Journal Prompts for free here: Free Journal Prompts)


1. You spend more time in prayer

It takes a lot longer to write the Our Father than to say it. Often when we pray we leave out the time we spend listening to God.  Prayer journaling slows us down in our prayer and allows us time to not only talk to God, but listen to Him too.


2. You get to know yourself better

I find when I pray using a journal I really talk to God more about why I am calling out to Him.  I find myself making sure I thank Him – and that helps me reflect on all the people and things I truly appreciate.  I find myself explaining why I desire certain things and why I have particular hopes.  My prayer life transcends from rote praying and “Please God help” to a much deeper and meaningful conversation with Him.

3. It creates the warm and fuzzy feeling of nostalgia

Opening a copybook or binder, using glue to attach prayer cards, writing an old fashioned letter, coloring and decorating with stickers all bring me back to a simpler time.  Experiencing nostalgia, according to Erica Hepper, Ph.D., a lecturer in the School of Psychology at the University of Surrey in England:

“When we experience nostalgia we tend to feel happier, have higher self-esteem, feel closer to loved ones and feel that life has more meaning. And on a physical level, nostalgia literally makes us feel warmer.” In addition, in an August 2013 study published by Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Hepper and her colleagues showed that nostalgia can produce increased optimism about the future.

see entire article at: Huffington Post: The Incredible Powers of Nostalgia


4. Proof to yourself and others, that down time does not have to be in front of a screen

Our actions inspire others.  Whether you’re a parent and children are watching what you do, a spouse, a friend, daughter, son or complete stranger . . . people are watching.  I don’t say that to be creepy, I say it because it is true.  People love people watching.  Our actions leave an impression on others.  I see people looking at screens all.the.time.

5. Stress relief and overall better health

Study after study shows that journaling decreases stress significantly.  When we reduce stress in our lives, we increase our overall physical and mental health.  If you are interested in reading more about how journaling helps, check out this article at

5 Benefits of Prayer journaling.png

Get free journal prompts for Lent by subscribing!!  Here is the link: 40 Prayer Journal Prompts for Lent

Want to get started?  The Illustrated Faith Starter Kit

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The Illustrated Faith Genesis Kit

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Praise book set

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Need prayer prompts?  Check out this article that includes a free printable! 40 Prayer Journal Prompts for Lent (part 2) {Includes a Free Printable}

Resources include Prayer Journal Prompts!

The post 5 Benefits of Prayer Journaling appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

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Prayer Journaling with DaySpring’s Illustrated Faith Line [Review and Giveaway] Tue, 07 Mar 2017 21:43:45 +0000 I love that this company creates stickers, washi tape, pens, paint and die cut prompts specifically for Christians that Bible Journal.  Although I don't journal in a Bible - I often write parts of Scripture inside my prayer journal.

The post Prayer Journaling with DaySpring’s Illustrated Faith Line [Review and Giveaway] appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

DaySpring sent me the Illustrated Faith Praise Book, Pens, Stickers and Clips Set for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.

This article contains affiliate links.


I have been perusing DaySpring’s Illustrated Faith line for some time now.  I love that this company creates stickers, washi tape, pens, paint and die cut prompts specifically for Christians that Bible Journal.  Although I don’t journal in a Bible – I often write parts of Scripture inside my prayer journal.  As I scoured over the website at all of the products geared towards prayer, I thought of how much I could do with them in my own prayer life.

I was so excited when I received the Praise Book, Pens, Sticker and Clips Set to review!

Seriously – it felt like Christmas morning!  Since I had planned on doing more journaling for LentI decided to dedicate the Praise Book as my Lenten Journal.

At first, I was super excited about the stickers and die cut prompts, but a little skeptical about the binder.

Up until this point, my favorite prayer journal was the good ol’ fashioned Catholic school marble notebook (I’m sorry, Amazon calls these “composition books“).  I had recently tried a notepad that opens vertically, and decided that I would never go that route again.  So the binder – I wasn’t so sure about.


But, I dived right in.  Before even entering one prayer, I was so grateful for the inside pockets.  I often glue prayer cards to pages and write around them – so these pockets provided the perfect place to hold them.  I loved that the pockets were in the front and the back of the binder.

The next step I took to personalize the Praise Book and make it my own, was I wrote “Lenten Prayer Journal, 2017” on the first page.  I used one of the Illustrates Faith pens that came with the set.  I’m being totally honest here – I think I said out loud after I wrote:

Wow . . . these pens write nice!

Then like a dumb, dumb, I left the lid off of the one until the next day.  It was dry and I thought it was done forever.  Luckily the next day it worked better – but warning – put the cap back on the pen when you are finished using it!

I love the two pens included in this kit. Each one writes with a different thickness, so depending on what your preference is that day and how much you plan on writing, one of the two will be the perfect writing tool.

My prayer life was given a lift before I even started the official “Lent Journal”.  I loved how the prayer cards looked in the front pocket and how I decorated my title page so much – I had to stop and take a picture!

I mean really – I even posted it on Instagram!

Screen Shot 2017-03-07 at 3.11.35 PM.png

My first entry was simple.  I copied a prayer I found that really spoke to me, and used a colored pencil to highlight some powerful sentences.  The next entry I was so excited to use one of the die-cut prompts.  On almost every page I found myself using the stickers to be an added fastener for prayer cards and prayers.

Then I showed my husband the clips.  These were new to me, so I wasn’t sure how I was going to implement them.  He picked them up and started saying “these are great, you can . . .” and he started describing ways they could be used!

Then, a few days into using the Praise Book Set, something awesome happened!

The extra features that were included in this set that were new to me, allowed my whole prayer experience to be brought to a new level.

The binder includes transparency dividers that you can write on and give one of your pages an added layer of creativity.  The first one I came across I took out and put in the back of the binder!  I had no idea what to do with it.

But one night when I was reading Resisting Happiness, the author, Matthew Kelly,  got me thinking about what my image of God is . . . He challenged the readers to really think about it and write down how we view God.  I thought this would be a great journal entry, so I did it.  When I was done writing, I looked at one of the cardstock sticker packs that were included in the set.  Almost every sticker was a title that described an “image of God”.  I took a transparency divider and put the titles over the words I had written.  I then used the clips to put actual images over what I wrote.  It was really quite a mediative and prayerful experience!


I am really enjoying using all the elements of this set.  I feel like I have tapped into some creativity that I did not realize I had inside or maybe the materials themselves have allowed me to be more open to the Lord’s inspiration.  Whatever the case, I am so grateful for this product!  Using it has given me even more ideas to share with you!  I am so excited!

And as for my pessimistic view of the binder . . . that went away the minute I realized I could take out a page I was working on and really get it to look exactly how I envisioned.  That mobility provided by the binder makes it another positive feature of the whole set.

I love using this set and I am truly happy with the quality and diversity of the materials included in it!  You can purchase your own Praise Book Set by clicking here: Praise Book, Pens, Stickers and Clip Set


Also, if you order today – the Illustrated Faith – Starter Kit is on sale – $15.00 off the normal price!!!  This sale is only on until Wednesday – so even if you win the giveaway, this starter set will enhance your experience with some different materials!

Would you like to win your own Praise Book, Pens, Stickers and Clips Set?  Enter below!!!  This contest ends on March

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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40 Prayer Journal Prompts for Lent (Part 1) Wed, 22 Feb 2017 13:28:18 +0000 This post contains affiliate or associate links with several businesses (which means if you shop through the links, I earn a small commission). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Lent can be the perfect season to increase prayer time in our lives. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Lent is […]

The post 40 Prayer Journal Prompts for Lent (Part 1) appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

This post contains affiliate or associate links with several businesses (which means if you shop through the links, I earn a small commission). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Lent can be the perfect season to increase prayer time in our lives.

According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church,

Lent is the primary penitential season in the Church’s liturgical year, reflecting the forty days Jesus spent in the desert in fasting and prayer

40 Prayer Journal Prompts for Lent (1)

If you have been thinking about starting a prayer journal, Lent is a great time to do so.
Through journaling, we can increase our prayer time and abstain from screen time.

*** Have a daughter, niece or young woman in your life that you love?  Gift her the Be Yourself: A Journal for Catholic Girls 

Not sure where to start or what to write?

Here are some ideas that can help you!

(click here for free printable of all of these and part 2: Lent Prayer Journal Prompts)

  1.  Paste a picture of Jesus on the first page of your journal.  I love the image of Christ with the words, “Jesus I trust in You” underneath it.  It sets the tone for the whole book.  You can order this on Amazon here: Jesus, I trust in You holy card
  2. Draw or color a picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and write the prayer “Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in You” under the picture.  One website I love for pictures to color, cut and paste into my journal is: Look to Him and Be Radiant
  3. Copy the Morning Offering onto a page.  Decorate around it.  Read it slowly and pray it 🙂
  4. Write, “Dear Lord, Thank you for …” and list five blessings in you life.
  5. Choose a holy quote that you love and write it on it’s own page.  Use your handwriting or even stencils.  Yellow Pelican has an entire post titled 30 Quotes to Help You Journey Through Lent!  I’m sure you’ll find one there you like! Another collection of quotes can be found here: Bible Verses for Every Woman
  6. Copy this Prayer to the Holy Spirit:                                                                                       Breathe into me, Holy Spirit, that my thoughts may all be holy. Move in me, Holy Spirit, that my work, too, may be holy. Attract my heart, Holy Spirit, that I may love only what is holy. Strengthen me, Holy Spirit, that I may defend all that is holy. Protect me, Holy Spirit, that I may always be holy.
    Saint Augustine
  7. Write a letter to Jesus. Pour your heart out.  Try not to worry to much that “someone else may read this one day”.  It’s okay . . . give Jesus all of your worries and hopes.
  8. Copy this prayer I found at Give Him 5’s Facebook page: “My Dearest Jesus,
    Today, I want to be a light for you. Shine your love into my heart so that I may reflect that love to every person that I encounter. Amen.” Then draw a big picture of the sun and sky!
  9. Write down words to a song or hymn that really moves your heart.
  10. Find a holy card to a saint and copy the prayer that is on the back into your journal. Once you are done copying the prayer or novena, glue the picture of the saint on that page or the page adjacent to it.  Ask that saint to pray for a special intention in your heart.
  11. Write a letter to a Saint asking for prayers!
  12. Pray for all Holy Souls. Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family.
    Learn more about this prayer here: Pray More Novenas
  13. You can now get 40 MORE PRAYER JOURNAL PROMPTS!    
  14. Check out this awesome coloring page: What Lent Looks Like.  Take time to enjoy coloring it.  Paste it in your journal as a whole, or cut out each image seperately.  Perhaps glue one to the top of a page and write a personal reflection about that specific aspect of Lent.  For example: the sacrifice image – write a list of things you could sacrifice on that day.
  15. Color or paste a picture of the Crucifix on a page and then write the Prayer Before a Crucifix underneath.  If you subscribe to Look to Him and Be Radiant, Katie sends you a free ebook with many prayer cards you can color yourself.  One of those is the Prayer Before a Crucifix.
  16. Print out a picture of your family.  Glue it to a page and write a personal prayer for your family under it 🙂
  17. Spiritually Adopt a baby 🙂  Have fun naming him or her and come back often to this page to pray for this little one! See prayer and printable here: God Hears Us: A Spiritual Adoption Miracle {Free Printable}
  18. Saint Patrick’s Day!  Cut out or copy the Prayer of Saint Patrick and color or decorate the page with shamrocks! ♣ (See my Lent Pinterest board for ideas!)
  19. Write out the Our Father, then pray it slowly.
  20. Try a Lectio Divina exercise.  Here’s a great website that will guide you and give you personal reflection questions: Lectio Divina: Order of Carmelites
  21. Ask the Lord what He is calling you to do today.  Listen for 2 minutes . . . then write what comes to mind.
  22. Write another letter to Jesus.
  23. Dedicate a page to Our Blessed Mother. If there is a specific Title of Mary that resonates with you, choose that image.  Write a specific prayer dedicated to that title or write the Memorare.
  24. List five ways you would like to serve God this year.
  25. Choose one Station of the Cross to write about and reflect upon.
  26. The feast of Saint Joseph is March 19th, but honestly, I pray to him often!  I really like this prayer to him :

Oh St. Joseph whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the throne of God, I place in you all my interests and desires. Oh St. Joseph do assist me by your powerful intercession and obtain for me from your divine son all spiritual blessings through Jesus Christ, our Lord; so that having engaged here below your heavenly power I may offer my thanksgiving and homage to the most loving of fathers. Oh St. Joseph, I never weary contemplating you and Jesus asleep in your arms. I dare not approach while he reposes near your heart. Press him in my name and kiss his fine head for me, and ask him to return the kiss when I draw my dying breath. St. Joseph, patron of departing souls, pray for us.

Originally, I intended to give all 40 Prayer Journal Prompts in one post.  However, I don’t want to overwhelm you!  This is enough to get started, right?  Please come back (or subscribe) to get more journal prompts soon!

If you are ready for part 2 and the FREE PRINTABLE WITH ALL 40 PROMPTS, CLICK HERE: 40 Prayer Journal Prompts for Lent (part 2) {Includes a Free Printable}

If you are on social media, and would like to share a journal page of yours, that would be awesome!  Please hashtag: #prayerjournal #prayerwinechocolate

I’d love to see what you share! Looking for the free printable? It’s here in part 2 –

The post 40 Prayer Journal Prompts for Lent (Part 1) appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

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How to Host a ‘Sip and Script’ Party: Prayer Journaling with Friends Mon, 01 Aug 2016 14:40:15 +0000 I have also realized it's pretty hard to find time to do things like "write in my prayer journal" when my son desires my attention, the house is a mess, and my family needs to eat and my to do list is pages long.

The post How to Host a ‘Sip and Script’ Party: Prayer Journaling with Friends appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

This article contains affiliate links. Thank you for your support!

Time to relax and just be is something I love and need to plan.  I am always thinking about what needs to get done, and relaxing is difficult for me. But, when I plan it, I enjoy it.  I know ahead of time that I need to get things done before what I have scheduled, and that I need to rest to recharge my batteries.


My four-year-old is at a stage in his life where he always wants me.  I love him and appreciate being a mom so much . . . but 12 hours a day, 7 days a week . . . it can wear on you!  I have been trying to get him into coloring . . . but he will only do it for about 1 minute tops.  One day last week he cut paper for 15 minutes while I colored . . . I think it’s the longest he sat still in a year!  So, I’ve come to the conclusion he is not a “coloring” kid.  I have also come to the conclusion that I am a “coloring” kid!  Lucky for me, adult coloring is all the rage 🙂


I have also realized it’s pretty hard to find time to do things like “write in my prayer journal” when my son desires my attention, the house is a mess, and my family needs to eat and my to do list is pages long.

So this dilemma led me to plan what I called a “Sip, Script and Scribble” Party.  Which basically meant that I invited my friends over to drink wine, color, eat chocolate and maybe even some healthy snacks and hang out.  It was really fun!  If it sounds like fun to you, this is how I did it:


Pick a date, get the word out, and make sure to explain what exactly you are planning . . .

Since I am pretty sure I made this idea up, I had a lot of explaining to do after I chose the date.  I made a Facebook event and texted and called friends that don’t use Facebook that often.  I discussed my desire to write in my prayer journal and explained that I could never find the time.  I also mentioned that some people may not feel comfortable writing out their prayers with a group, so I said that was an option, but so was coloring a quote from Scripture or simply a page out of a coloring book.  I let everyone know that I was providing wine, snacks and a “time-out” from all of life’s many responsibilities.

Prepare, Prepare, Prepare!


Remember that this is meant to be a little “retreat” for you too!  I gave each of my guests a folder, a notebook, a Holy Card with Jesus on it and a pen.  The folder had some free coloring pages I found online, a summary of what I wrote in my article How to Prayer Journal, and some “Journal Starters” that I had found in a Saint Katharine Drexel booklet. Some of the journal starters were: “I am grateful for . . .; I felt sad when; I ask God for;  I am not sure about.. .; etc. I put out colored pencils, scissors, glue, crayons, holy cards and stickers.  I also had some snacks out and the wine uncorked.  I actually couldn’t believe at one point early on when all my guests were sitting quietly coloring . .. I had time to color!  Was this a dream??? Wow!  Being prepared gave me time to sit still!  And apparently the other women were really happy to have the same!! For helping prepare, and having your own supplies for the long run, I love DaySpring – check out this perfect kit for prayer journaling!


Part of my prep work was making sure there was seating together, but also making sure I had a few side tables set up in case a woman wanted some privacy to write out her thoughts and prayers.  I had only 3 guests and they all preferred to sit together, but, that option was there in case they wanted some time to sit alone and reflect.  I bought some flowers and put them on the table.  I took a mug out of my cabinet and put some markers and colored pencils in it.  I found some disposable table cloths that were left over from a birthday party.  That was the extent of my decorating.  My guests weren’t there to analyze my Pinterest skills, they were there for the wine and company! This is meant to relieve stress, not cause it!  Remember that!

***** You can now purchase Coloring pages from Prayer Wine Chocolate!  They are on sale until June 22, 2018!: Be Yourself Coloring Pages Download (20 Coloring Pages)

Give a brief introduction,share some samples and play some inspirational music in the background


The page above is from an awesome new coloring book!  Check it our on hereLiving Sparks of God: Stories of Saints for Young Catholics to Color.  For me, adult coloring books can be to detailed, and time is an issue.  This was perfect for me!  I used part of the Saint Joseph pages to pair with my novena to Saint Joseph!

***** You can now purchase Coloring pages from Prayer Wine Chocolate!  They are on sale until June 22, 2018!: Be Yourself Coloring Pages Download (20 Coloring Pages)

At first when my guests came we spent time in the kitchen pouring drinks, snacking and talking.  We did that for a good amount of time.  Then, when I invited my friends to pick a place to sit, I invited them to check out their folders.  I told them what I put in it and showed them a few pages from my own journals.  Since I had known a few weeks ahead of time that this event was happening, I made sure to take five minutes out of each day and work on my own journal in order to have a sample of what I envision as a prayer journal.  Having the deadline of the party helped me at least get one picture colored! I wanted to have songs like “I Can Only Imagine” and “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” playing, but that is something I have to work on for next time 🙂

Enjoy Your Time!!!


The above coloring page is from Look To Him and Be Radiant and is a free printable! 

I couldn’t believe how much my friends dived right in!  Apparently I am not the only one who enjoys coloring 🙂  Take the time you have been waiting for and join in the fun!


Share with one another and admire each other’s work!

I loved seeing how beautiful everyone’s artwork turned out!  I was inspired by them!  It was fun seeing a finished work and showing others!


Plan another event!

Chances are not everyone could make it . . . and chances are you won’t have time to do it again unless you plan it!  At my next party I will be even more prepared!  Here’ a new coloring book I will use next time.  I love it – inspirational quotes, adult coloring style – but not so much that I would be able to finish my page in one sitting! Check it out: Color Happy


***** You can now purchase Coloring pages from Prayer Wine Chocolate!  They are on sale until June 22, 2018!: Be Yourself Coloring Pages Download (20 Coloring Pages)

Post pictures on Social Media!

I would love to see how your party went!  Post pictures on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter! #sipandscript or #prayerwinechocolate!  I would love, love, love to see you having fun and I am sure you will inspire me too!

Enjoy, God Bless and Cheers! xoxo Amy

The post How to Host a ‘Sip and Script’ Party: Prayer Journaling with Friends appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

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