This post contains affiliate or associate links with several businesses (which means if you shop through the links, I earn a small commission). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Saint Gianna is a wonderful soul to go to when we desire extra prayers. Many women who hope to become mothers pray to Saint Gianna and ask for her intercession. Personally, my husband and I asked … [Read more...] about Gifts Inspired by Saint Gianna
Saint Gianna
3 Ways St. Gianna Leads Us Closer to Jesus
This post contains affiliate links. See more details on my About Me page. Saint Gianna's feast day is April 28th. 3 Ways St. Gianna Leads Us Closer to Jesus 1. Her Intercession Recently during a visit, I noticed something on the floor of my parent's house. I picked it up and saw that it was a pair of Saint Gianna holy cards folded in half. My son said, "Oh, those are mine". He … [Read more...] about 3 Ways St. Gianna Leads Us Closer to Jesus
5 Lessons I Learned from The Daughter of a Saint
This post contains affiliate links. Please see my About Me page for more details. "Get ice cream from the ice cream truck, buy ice cream cones and pray your rosaries." This was my son's advice to me when I asked him what I should ask Saint Gianna's daughter if I got the chance to talk with her. If you are unfamiliar with Saint Gianna Beretta Molla, she was a wife, mother and physician. She … [Read more...] about 5 Lessons I Learned from The Daughter of a Saint
Summer Shrine Schedule 2016
Do you have a bucket list? Italy is on mine - way ahead of anything else! I daydream of vacationing in Tuscany: renting a villa, drinking wine overlooking the Italian countryside, and walking the roads that St. Francis and St. Clare walked. To me, it would be the perfect vacation that would allow me to experience my faith in a way I never have; it would also allow me to enjoy wine in a place … [Read more...] about Summer Shrine Schedule 2016
Saint Gianna: Our Heavenly Physician
"This baby is very sick" the nurse told our adoption agency social worker over the phone. The nurse had told the social worker at the adoption agency that "the mother changed her mind - tell the waiting couple she has decided to parent." The conversation between the social worker and the hospital nurse would normally stop there - but for some reason the nurse was compelled to say, "this baby is … [Read more...] about Saint Gianna: Our Heavenly Physician