It is not news to anyone that women tend to be busy. That has probably been a reality for all of human history. Finding time for things that are personal, relaxing or meditative can be a real challenge in our fast-paced world.
In my never ending journey to become more organized and better at time management, I asked a few women who use a prayer journal: “when do you find the time?” Here are some answers (and wisdom) I received:
Any time they feel inspired
When I asked Allison Gingras, writer of the blog Reconciled to You and radio show host on Breadbox Media said:
I journal all the time – during my morning prayer time, in adoration, even bring it with me to Mass since that is the GREATEST prayer – I am often inspired and don’t want to forget those thoughts. I am a blank notebook kind of gal. I read a lot of spiritual reading that usually include reflection questions and I often use those as writing prompts. I also keep my journal nearby when I am praying the Rosary – it is hard not to meditate on the Life of Christ and not be moved or inspired; and again I don’t want to forget any of it.

I love the idea of always keeping a prayer journal in my bag . . . especially since you never know when you may be given the gift of some down time.
During Eucharistic Adoration
One question I have had lately is, “it it okay to journal during adoration”? I thought about asking some of my Catholic blogger friends – but I got my answer before I asked! When Sara from To Jesus, Sincerely responded to my questions about journaling, she responded:
My favorite time to write in my prayer journal is during Eucharistic Adoration. I used to be totally scatterbrained and distracted during Adoration. I didn’t know what to do or say for a whole hour. I tried to just sit quiet and listen to God or reflect on the Gospel, but my mind always wandered to the chores I was behind on or the dinner I had to cook. So I grabbed a pen and notebook and started writing my thoughts to God. My prayer journal has helped me find focus and lift up my heart distraction-free prayer But I also find myself writing in the morning, in the middle of the night, and any time I have a few minutes free.
Sara is not the first to mention journaling during adoration. Allison also mentioned this as a time she uses her prayer journal. I also spoke with a friend last year who would use an inspirational coloring book during Eucharistic Adoration and I, too, have also been found writing saintly wisdom for a book I happened to read during a holy hour. I am relieved that it’s considered “okay”. In case you were wondering too – I’d figure I’d share. Jesus is THE Greatest Teacher – it’s okay to take notes!
At the end of the day

This seems to be a time when busy women find time. Personally, I was most consistent with my journaling when I wrote in a simple gratitude journal I purchased each night. I kept it by my bed, and it allowed me to look back on the day and thank God for the special moments I truly felt blessed with on that day.
Apparently, I’m not the only one who finds that time of day can be ideal.
Caitlyn Anderson, blogger at Mrs. Andy, Anchored by Faith confesses:
I journal primarily at the end of the day. It’s usually part of my evening routine as I wrap up the day. It is a way for me to release a lot of pent-up emotions; I am able to pour out all of my fear, pain, and frustration onto the paper and just give it all up to God. It is also a great way for me to pause and praise the Lord for the blessings He has bestowed on me! It’s my favorite way to have a conversation with Him and open up my heart.
Bobbi from Revolution of Love explains why the end of the day works best for her:
I prefer to journal in the evening when I review my day. My mornings are pretty hectic getting my 4 kids off to school and I’m more of a night owl so evening after the kids are in bed works best for me. I write in a journal because putting pen to paper helps me sort out my thoughts and think through what is on my heart. It is also useful for me to be able to look back at what I wrote and see what God was teaching me.
When they are spending time with a child
Okay . . . so maybe this might just be me . . .
Sometimes I pour my heart out in a letter to Jesus . . . other times, I just want to color. I like finding inspirational quotes from Scripture or pictures of saints and I like to sit and color. Most of the time I only get started . . . but, that may be the only time that day I did anything in my journal. This weekend both my husband and I felt so sick that we just kept taking turns napping and watching our son. Sometimes I wonder when I get sick and feel so run down that if that is God saying “slow down”. So, I did. I sat down and while my son was gluing and cutting . . . I did a little bit of coloring.
Are you a “prayer journaler”? Would you like to be? I have a board on Pinterest just for prayer journaling ideas! Want to check them out? Follow the board here: Prayer Journal Ideas Board
I’d love to hear about when you prayer journal and why! I’d also love if you’d share a peek of your journal on social media! Use #prayerwinechocolate #prayerjournal – I’ll look for it on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook!
Looking for more inspiration? Check out: 8 Ways to Pray Using a Journal
These are great times and ideas for prayer journaling! It’s really neat to get a round-robin of ideas to showcase one size not fitting all. Great article!
Thanks so much Anni!
It was very interesting to read how everyone fits journaling into their daily routine. Being an empty-nester, I don’t have the challenge you young mothers do, but I especially liked the ideas on your Pinterest board. Thanks Amy!
I’m so glad you liked the ideas on the Pinterest board Candy!!
I’ve always been fascinated that women can journal during their busy schedule. I’m planning on starting my new journal *wink* in the next two weeks. You’ve got some great tips for how I can continue that practice when I get back.
I’m so excited for you next two weeks! Can’t wait to hear some of your reflections on it!
I love this. I love journaling and love prayer, I have a bunch of journals and even a bullet journal maybe I should try this now 🙂
Thank you Liz! I keep hearing about “bullet” journals – but I don’t really know what they are! How would you define it?
This is great, Amy! I love seeing all the different ways women incorporate journaling into their day! Thank you for including me 🙂
I want my journal to look as beautiful as yours! Thank you for allowing me to share your talent!
Thanks for letting me be a part of this! I love your idea of journal-ing with your kids. I think I want to start doing that too! It’d be fun to sit down and color and pray and cut and glue together… 🙂
I love the art in the prayer journal!
Me too!!!
So many times we make things harder than they have to be. I love how this posts shows the many ways women find time for their prayer lives even in the middle of busy lives.
Thank you Leslie!
I love seeing how different women use their prayer journals. I only wish mine could be as beautiful as “Mrs. Andy’s” but, alas, it’s much more like Allison’s. Personally, I journal in the mornings. I find that the day flows better if I spend that focused time giving gratitude and asking for grace, and that writing it down it is a little like setting my prayers in concrete – which God doesn’t need, of course, but I do!
I feel the same way – it helps me set my prayers in concrete too! I kinda cheat in a way so that some of my pages look like Andy’s! If you are on Pinterest – you can see what I mean. Lots of free printable to color, cut out and glue right in the journal 🙂
Thanks for all of the unique and wonderful examples! It is so important to keep writing. When God speaks or we are inspired by the Holy Spirit, it’s important not to rely on your memory. I often forget and wish that I had written it down sooner. I keep working on it.