This post contains affiliate links. Please see my About Me page for more details. I just got my very first Iphone - and it was nice enough to inform me how long I spent on social media the first day I used it. Wow, that was a rude awakening. Wayyyyyy to many hours. I have a feeling I am not alone. If you are like me, you know that we look at our phones more than we should - and … [Read more...] about Social Media and Summer: How to Not Let Your Social Media Habits Steal Your Soul, Joy and Experiences
The Scripture Passage That Is Perfect for Moms of Teens
This post contains affiliate links. See more details on my About Me page. As a teacher, I often thought about how the life of Jesus is difficult for teens to really relate to and, as a Christian, not always easy to model behavior after. When we look at Scripture, we see Our Lord as a 12 year old in the Temple . . . then we don't really see Him again until the Wedding at Cana. The … [Read more...] about The Scripture Passage That Is Perfect for Moms of Teens
Dear Beautiful 13 Year Old Me . . .
This post contains affiliate links. Please see my About Me page for more details. Not to long ago, Lindsay Trezza from Just Love Prints posed a question on Facebook. She asked, What advice would you give your middle school self? I thought, well, I wrote a whole book to answer that one. But I thought, maybe I should seriously consider this question, shorten my answer from 100 … [Read more...] about Dear Beautiful 13 Year Old Me . . .
Prayer, Juice, and Skittles: Faith books for Littles
Lent is really a season that is more for adults than a child in preschool. However, as I journey on in this holy season, I often find that my faith can feel refreshed when looking through the eyes of a child. Although young children may not be able to grasp fully the Passion of Our Lord, they can certainly grasp loving God, being loved by Him and the concept of heaven. Here are some books to … [Read more...] about Prayer, Juice, and Skittles: Faith books for Littles
7 Ways to Start a Pre-School Prayer Journal
This post contains affiliate or associate links with several businesses (which means if you shop through the links, I earn a small commission). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. My little boy needs fine-motor skills practice. I would love to someday be able to sit down with him and say "lets journal together" . . . and then have 15 minutes where we sit together and write in … [Read more...] about 7 Ways to Start a Pre-School Prayer Journal
Does God Have a Magic Wand?
"Why did it rain today?" I heard this question come from the back seat as I was driving this afternoon. My four-year-old, Xavier, has a lot of questions lately. I have to admit, I often don't have the answers. He asks me how things are made and who made (insert random synthetic object). But this one, this one I thought -I kinda know this one . . . so I attempted a response. After a litany … [Read more...] about Does God Have a Magic Wand?