adoption Archives - Prayer Wine Chocolate a spiritual journey to motherhood & beyond Wed, 22 Jan 2020 17:04:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 adoption Archives - Prayer Wine Chocolate 32 32 99893247 What Luke Skywalker and Saint Joseph Can Teach Us About Adoption Wed, 08 Jan 2020 11:51:54 +0000 This post contains affiliate or associate links with several businesses (which means if you shop through the links, I earn a small commission). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. ***SPOILER ALERT*****SPOILER ALERT*** ***If you have not yet seen THE RISE OF SKYWALKER and you don’t want me to spoil any parts of it before you see it […]

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This post contains affiliate or associate links with several businesses (which means if you shop through the links, I earn a small commission). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


***If you have not yet seen THE RISE OF SKYWALKER and you don’t want me to spoil any parts of it before you see it . . . read this later.***

Years ago when my husband and I started the adoption process a co-worker and friend approached me and said something like,

“I have to tell you what you are doing is beautiful.  In the Jewish faith, adoption is one of the greatest things you can do.”

As a Catholic school teacher, this friend and co-worker was a rare find.  She practiced her Jewish faith but taught math in a Catholic school. I always remembered that moment she shared with me.

Those kind words were not only a compliment and blessing from a friend, but a glimpse into the faith of modern Judaism . . . and roots that remain from ancient tradition.

In the recent film of the Star Wars franchise, the infamous Luke Skywalker states:

“Some things are stronger than blood”.

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Once again, my heart strings felt a tug.

Adoption in Sacred Scripture

For some, adoption is not a thought that runs across the mind on a regular basis, if at all.

For the Christian, it may be a topic glazed over or pondered upon when Scripture readings like

Romans 8:15 

For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, “Abba! Father!

Ephesians 1:4-5 

For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.  In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will…

Maybe we thought a little about adoption when we hear the story of Saint Joseph and the birth of Jesus.

For me, I have scratched my head when I noticed that when Jesus’ roots are traced back to David, they are traced through Saint Joseph – we know and are clearly told that Joseph is not the biological or natural father of Jesus.  We often hear the term “foster father”.

But the answer lies in the beauty of adoption my Jewish friend Lisa was referring too.

As stated in a homily written by Father Joe:

But the Gospel also makes it clear that Joseph was not the natural or birth father of the Lord.  Mary was a Virgin.  The child was conceived through the Holy Spirit.  So, why is Jesus seen as part of the line of David through Joseph?  This is because Joseph names the child.  For the ancients this meant he had made the child his own.  We can even say that he adopted the child.  Now we view adoption as a legal procedure.  The ancients viewed adoption as both a legal act and a spiritual act.  When a man adopted a child, all that made that man who he is, his background, his ancestry, all of this poured out upon the child.  When Joseph named the child, adopted the child, King David, King Solomon, and all that was part of Joseph’s ancestry became part of Jesus’ ancestry.  The prophets predicted that the Messiah would come through the line of David.  This takes place through Joseph.

Look at what adoption encompasses both in the Jewish tradition . . .

When a man adopted a child,

all that made that man who he is,

his background, his ancestry,

all of this poured out upon the child. 

When Joseph named the child, adopted the child,

Kind David, King Solomon, and all that was part of Joseph’s ancestry became part of Jesus’ ancestry. 

Joseph became so much more than a foster father.  In adopting Jesus, he not only gave Our Lord himself as a parent, but his father and mother became Jesus’ grandparents, and their parents became great-grandparents and all the way back to David became Jesus’ family.

The Significance of a Name

Now back to Luke Skywalker.

Luke was speaking to Rey when he said,

“Some things are stronger than blood”.

Rey was not the biological daughter of Luke.  She’s not the daughter of Leah. But both Luke and Leah, in a sense, adopted her.

Rey eventually takes on the name, Skywalker.

When Luke assures Rey that she has all she needs to defeat the Dark Side, he gives her the lightsaber of Leah to use in addition to his own.

Luke assures Rey all of the Jedi will be with her.

In her final battle with the Emperor, you hear the voices of former Jedi.

Yoda, Obi Wan and all who were a part of Jedi history become part of Rey’s history.

The Spiritual Realm of adoption is made visible to the viewer. The reality of that history helped her to defeat the Dark Side and become a Jedi herself.

Spiritual Traditions and Adoption

We witness:

The beauty of adoption.

The bond greater than blood.

The fact that family transcends time.

The power of those who have come before us.

The Parallels in the Jewish and Jedi Traditions seem undeniable. (And parallels have been written about by others in general – just google Judaism and Jedi and you’ll see what I mean)

Now think about this . . .

In observing the beauty of adoption, we do not downplay the importance of the natural/biological family.

Rey’s parents sacrificed for their daughter to have life.

Rey’s life wasn’t full of wealth or absent of hardship.  But her life was of great value.

Mary is not dismissed or made less important because Jesus’ lineage is traced through Joseph.

God does not deny His Son.

Valuing adoption.  Recognizing it’s beauty, does not threaten anyone.

Don’t let those who don’t want to hear about it make you believe that.

So what do both Saint Joseph and Luke Skywalker teach us about adoption?

  1. Adoption is so much more than a legal process.
  2. That in this day and age where testing our DNA and finding out our ancestral  roots and biological connections seem to become increasingly popular, “some things are greater than blood.”
  3. Life is so much more than what is physical.  The values we hold dear to us are very much a part of what is real.
  4. Don’t listen to the Dark Side.
  5. We are not alone.We are the adopted sons and daughters of Our God.  The Creator of Heaven and Earth.The bond that love has is real.His love transcends time.

    The Communion of Saints cheer for us as we strive to fight the darkness.

Considering Adoption? Dear Couple Considering Adoption,

Want to read more about adoption?Adoption: 5 Myths Every Pro-Lifer Needs to Stop Believing


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Adoption: 5 Myths Every Pro-Lifer Needs to Stop Believing Thu, 03 Oct 2019 17:00:04 +0000 **This post contains affiliate or associate links with several businesses (which means if you shop through the links, I earn a small commission). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.** Many people who think abortion should be legal, or feel that abortion should be a “woman’s right” do not feel or want to believe adoption should enter the […]

The post Adoption: 5 Myths Every Pro-Lifer Needs to Stop Believing appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.


**This post contains affiliate or associate links with several businesses (which means if you shop through the links, I earn a small commission). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.**

Many people who think abortion should be legal, or feel that abortion should be a “woman’s right” do not feel or want to believe adoption should enter the conversation.

Some pro-lifers or people in general feel strongly that a woman should NEVER place her child with an adoptive family.

And others feel as though everyone considering abortion should just start making an adoption plan.

Let me interrupt this extremely divided world to throw down some real talk.

Life is a miracle.

Not every situation we find ourselves in is easy.

Love is not easy.  Saint Gianna’s words about love hold a lot of truth:

“One cannot love without suffering or suffer without loving.”


We live in a culture that thinks we should avoid and eliminate all suffering.  But that is not how we are designed.

Abortion causes suffering to the unborn and to the mother.  It often causes suffering to the father, the grandparent (even if they are the ones who strongly suggested it in the first place). Some people embrace healing.  Others do not. A large number of abortions are done today with the idea that the child is suffering so this will end his or her suffering.

Adoption causes suffering.  It is often a choice made with a very heavy heart.  It is not easy.  It has been chosen in some cases under coercion (like some abortions).

Neither is ideal, but:

If we want to make abortion unthinkable, we need to be open to learn more about adoption.

We, as pro-lifers, need to be more educated about adoption.

Some pro-life volunteers still look down upon the idea that a woman is considering placing a baby with an adoptive family. Other pro-life advocates think they know who SHOULD place a child with an adoptive family.

We need to provide more support to women who are considering an adoption plan and to the women who have already chosen one.

We need to seek out birthmothers or first moms to volunteer at pregnancy resource centers.  We need to ask them to share their stories and listen to what they think women facing unplanned pregnancies need.

We need to remember that adoption should always be an option. We also need to learn a lot more about that option.

Adoption: 5 Myths Every Pro-Lifer Needs to Stop Believing

Myth #1: Adoption Is Not a Solution for Abortion

First of all, we all know it is not a “universal alternative to abortion” like one article suggests – but we do KNOW it is an alternative.

Let me re-assure you that adoption does save lives.  Callie Jet, Founder of Talk About Adoption, shares her story:

I walked away from my scheduled abortion procedure that day because I heard the truth about ADOPTION.”

Not only did Callie walk away from her abortion appointment because she heard about adoption, she started an entire organization because she believes whole heartedly that:

“parenting and adoption are the only rewarding options for an unplanned pregnancy”.

See more about Talk About Adoption on their website

Many people will tell you to stop talking about adoption.  If Callie’s testimony isn’t enough, Mother Teresa has some things to say about the topic too:

I will tell you something beautiful. We are fighting abortion by adoption – by care of the mother and adoption for her baby. We have saved thousands of lives

See Mother Teresa: A Saint for Adoptive Families

Now, let’s talk about foster care since I feel lots of people want to talk about that when we as pro-lifers bring up adoption.

Here’s a quote from an article titled: “Adoption Is Not a Universal Alternative to Abortion, No Matter What Anti-Choicers Say

Currently, there are close to 400,000 children in state custody; only half have permanent plans for placement. Meanwhile, employees in protective services are underpaid and overworked, treading water to try to ensure that all of the children in their care are happy and healthy. Anyone who believes that adoption or foster care is a natural solution to growing restrictions on reproductive rights is kidding themselves.

Here’s the truth I don’t ever hear:  domestic infant adoption often prevents that 400,000 number from going up.

There are many women who had abortion appointments, canceled them and placed for adoption.

Some of those women were not going to legally be permitted to parent.  Some of these women were leaving the hospital without their babies – even though they would have been legally allowed to parent.  Those babies would have entered “the system” – but, the choice of adoption prevented that.

How come we don’t ever talk about that?  Do you doubt that happens?  Don’t.  It happens.  Trust me.

Myth 2: There is nothing you can do to lower the average cost of adoption

Pro-life groups, organizations and pregnancy centers have the capacity and the ability to lower the average cost of domestic infant adoption. How you ask?  Great question, let me explain.

The average cost of adoption using an agency is around $35,000.  The average cost of a private or independent adoption is around $12,000.

These are average costs. Some adoption agencies charge around 50 grand to match an adoptive couple with an expectant mother that chooses to place.  Some states allow potential adoptive parents to pay birthmother expenses and these numbers go up further.  Most adoption agencies do not include the cost of an adoption attorney in their cost.

Remember it costs nothing to Spiritually Adopt a Baby! (get your prayer by clicking here!!!)

Yes, adoption is expensive – but it doesn’t have to be.

Now, some states do not allow adoptions to occur without the help of an agency.  However, agencies do not need to charge over $35,000 to help a couple adopt (especially if the couple and the expectant mother found one another without the help of an agency).

Some states allow private or independent adoptions to occur without involving adoption agencies at all.

Most adoption costs with agencies go toward employee salaries and marketing and networking that goes into finding women who are considering adoption.

A crisis pregnancy center often runs on volunteers and women who desire to choose life are going there for help and guidance.  Many pregnancy centers are a part a larger pro-life group that is working hard to show abortion minded women that they can choose life. Many of them will enable women to see that not only can they choose life, but they desire to choose parenting.

But, there are some cases where a woman will ultimately decide not to parent.  Those women could be connected to couples within the pro-life community who feel called to adopt.

This connection saves couples tens of thousands of dollars.  And on top of that, the pregnancy resource center truly offered help to those who choose life and are discerning parenting and adoption.

I could write a whole post on this, but for now . . .

if you want more about adopting without an agency? Read  Pursuing an Adoption Without An Agency: What We Did Right

Dear Couple Considering Adoption

Let me talk more about that in the next myth.

Myth #3: Pro-Life leaders are properly educated about Adoption

The truth is, there is a lot the general population does not know or understand about adoption.

Mothers who chose to place their children with adoptive families are slowly emerging and speaking out.  Some felt very coerced into the choice.  Most feel judged and shamed.

Couples who choose to take the adoption route learn a lot when preparing for their home study.  Adults who grew up in multi-racial families have just recently started sharing their stories that address challenges no one thought to address a generation ago.

Almost no one truly understands that”open adoption” is a very broad term and that two “open-adoptions” can be very, very different.

If your pro-life agency, group or center has a conference this year – they should have an adoption related speaker.  They should have adoption speakers every year and at many training events.  The truth is, adoption is extremely complicated.  There are many viewpoints.  There is plenty to learn.

If you would like me to come speak, let’s connect!  See how on my About page!

Does your pro-life group know the adoption laws in your state?  Does your crisis pregnancy center have a volunteer or advocate that once placed a baby with an adoptive family?  Are volunteers still saying “give up” instead of “place?

Here is my concern: when abortion becomes more and more unthinkable, are we as active members of the pro-life community ready to support adoption?

I want us to be.


Myth #4: People only want to adopt healthy babies

Let me introduce you to Special Angels Adoption Advocates. 

Special Angels advocate for the adoption of special needs babies and toddlers. They help agencies and adoption professionals with adoption situations and help support birth families faced with the most difficult decisions of their lives. They also help adoptive families who are interested in adopting special needs infants and toddlers.
Special Angel Adoption Advocates was founded in 2008 and they have NEVER NOT found a family for a baby.
That is just one agency.  Plenty of regular adoption agencies place “unhealthy” babies with families each year.
This is just one fact that debunks the myth that “people only want to adopt healthy babies”.  I could talk more about this, but let’s save that for another day.

Myth #5:  Coercion and other ethical issues surrounding adoption are things of the past.

It is true that a long time ago many women who placed their babies with adoptive families did so unwillingly. I would say it happens less often now – however, there are still many ethical concerns that we need to be very aware of when it comes to adoption.

Personally, I have learned a lot in the past 8 years about how the line of ethics is skirted and crossed within adoption agencies.  I am not anti-adoption agency, but I have found that independent social workers and adoption attorneys label some agencies as ethical – which means some they view as unethical.  I’ve learned that even ones considered ethical do things like advertise counseling to potential birth mothers but in reality “have them sign a paper” which stated counseling was offered.  In my opinion, and I hope in yours, that should NEVER be the extent of counseling someone discerning an adoption plan should receive from an agency.  And again – that was an ethical agency!

This reason alone makes me want to invite and encourage crisis pregnancy centers to reach out more to women who want to seriously consider adoption.  Women choosing life need the counseling, guidance and support from centers that work to empower women to parent if that is their desire. Pro-life advocates can and will help them to truly see what help they can receive and what help they will need to seek elsewhere.  The adoption world needs these centers to get on board and be educated.

As for ethical issues, you don’t have to take my word for it.  The organization Arrow and Root recently published this blog post 3 Things to Ask an Adoption Professional.

This article is not for potential adoptive parents but for women considering an adoption plan for her unborn child. The goal of this post is to help the expectant mother find and work with an ethical professional.

I also suggest following adoptwell on Instagram.  I have more resources for you . . . again, another post or course session!

Would you like me to come speak at your pro-life conference?  I’d love to help your group start prepping for a nation and world that shouts their adoption plan rather than something else! Let’s talk! More details here: About Amy Brooks

Stay tuned.  I could write a blog post on each of the myths. I’m thinking and praying over creating a series on the blog, a course or a resource guide for crisis pregnancy centers and pro-life advocates.Let me know what you want and need . . . and sign up here to stay connected!

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Dear Beautiful Woman Longing to Be a Mother Fri, 11 May 2018 16:06:26 +0000 Dear Beautiful Woman Longing to Be a Mother I feel compelled to write to you . . . because boy, I remember being there. I recall thinking about how I “played house” as a child. I wanted more children than my playmates. They wanted a “boy and a girl” . . .I wanted at least […]

The post Dear Beautiful Woman Longing to Be a Mother appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.


Dear Beautiful Woman Longing to Be a Mother

I feel compelled to write to you . . . because boy, I remember being there.

I recall thinking about how I “played house” as a child. I wanted more children than my playmates. They wanted a “boy and a girl” . . .I wanted at least five.

I remembered that one year Santa brought me a cradle and a doll and lots of clothes and the baby bottle. It was probably my favorite gift.

Motherhood was something I longed for my whole life.

And there I was . . . finally married and month after month,

devastated and disappointed.

I dedicated my adult life to helping young people. I worked as a summer camp counselor, a coach and I was a teacher.

I prayed that God would make me a mother and asked other people to pray for me too.

Why was He not answering that prayer?  Why was it even a struggle . . . I mean every month I’m reminded that I do “have the parts!!!”

I remember one Sister of Saint Joseph advised me to “shake my fists” at God and let Him know I’m angry!  So, if a nun told me to do it – I’m going to share that advice with you.

It must be okay to “shake your fists” at God if a nun said to do it, right???

Do you have the people who say “just stop trying and it will happen”?

Forgive them, they just have no idea.  Forgive them, but by all means, also walk away from them . . . because ain’t nothing good coming out of that conversation if you stay.

Do you have the people telling you to relax and signing you up for yoga classes with them and gifting you massages and wine to “help you relax”?

I had that . . .  I took the gifts and the classes and enjoyed the time with the friend (actually that was my mom) and didn’t bring up that I knew she had an alterior motive.

And p.s. I can’t relax, it’s not in my DNA.  So yes, we should do things like take time to go to Adoration, pray the Rosary and stop working once in a while – but not only because we want to be moms – but because it’s good for our overall health.  Do we tell sick people to relax though?  No, because it’s rediculous.  Someone needs to tell the person who said “just relax” that you don’t say that to someone with a medical condition – like diabetes or infertility!

To the person who is bold enough to say to you “just relax”.  Kindly say goodbye to them for awhile, because there is no way you can “relax” around someone who says that to you when your pouring your heart out and that is the response you get.

Do you have that pain in your chest that not only hurts but feels like this incredibly heavy burden?

I had that. When all the students left for the day, I closed the classroom door and cried at my desk.  You have got to let it out.  I let it out by crying.  I let it out by writing God a letter.  I told Him all the reasons why I wanted to be a mom.  Whenever I am dealing with something heavy that lingers, I write to God.  It really helps.  I even once wrote about my children I dreamed of having … I wrote about 3 children . . . I now have 3 children (twilight zone music?).

5 Benefits of Prayer Journaling


Do you have the friends showing up that truly understand infertility and show you they understand?

Hug these people.  They are amazing.  Women that I lost touch with over the years or who were only just acquaintances flocked to me with love and compassion.  I remember one telling me she was so glad she got a dog when she was going through it.  I had friends from high school who I really had not talked to in years reach out to me with such kindness.  Some said they stopped going to baby showers and told me that was ok.  Personally, I never minded going to baby showers . . .I thought, they’ll all be at mine someday.  But – these women had empathy and with that empathy came some comfort.  Welcome them if you don’t already.  If you already do – spend time with them when you can.

Do you have a husband that is also bummed, sad or even depressed?

Hugs help.  Taking a weekend trip to do something that interests you both are good to do – even if you wish you were going to a pumpkin patch or Sesame Place with a child instead.  Spend time together and write seperate bucket lists.  Write a list of all the things you will do once you are blessed with your child or children.  That list will have the pumpkin patch, the family walks, the Christmas mornings, etc.  But write a “couples only” bucket list.  Not everything is kid friendly!  Write the movie dates, the wine tasting trips, hiking on the coast of Maine or rock climbing.  Things you’d love to do together, but totally not child appropriate!  And honestly, your husband and yourself have different interests too.  Write a list of what you really want to do, but he has no desire to do it.  Perhaps start crossing off some things on the two bucket lists that don’t involve children while you wait.

(want more ideas of what to do while you wait, check out my list here: Waiting Without Worrying )

Do you often find yourself looking up and asking God, “WHY????????”

I remember talking to God and saying –

ya know, I’m asking for a job not a million dollars!!!  I know it will be work! AND You know I will teach them to love you!  Help me out will ya???

I remember going to Mass and seeing all the families, then having to endure a homily that compared faith to parenting.

Really God??? Thanks

Then we started the adoption process and we would be matched, be happy and then the mom would choose parenting, so then we felt sad again.  Then we might see other people adopt . . . and then we wondered, why not us.

I remember thinking Lord, I will LOVE ANY CHILD YOU GIVE ME!

Do you sometimes hear the voice that says, “maybe your not meant to be a mom”?

Please don’t listen to that voice.  If infertility has exhausted you, and your heart feels like their is a piece missing.  Please consider adoption.  I realize that can be annoying when some people bring up adoption – but we now have children.  I am now a mom.  God gave me infertility so that I would be blessed with three amazing souls.  Before we adopted, I talked to a woman in our parish who adopted.  She told me, “I thank God for infertility everyday!”  She said that because the love she has for her adopted children really can not be put into words.

I didn’t “get it” when she said that the way I “get it” now.

My children needed me to be their mommy.  I’m so grateful my husband was open to it and he agrees, they are an incredible gift.  We truly believe we are the luckiest parents in the world.

Be open to the thought and ask God to “open all the right doors and close all the wrong ones”.  I actually heard Joel Olsteen say that once and made it a personal prayer.  It really helped me.

Infertility: Carrying the Cross with Hope


Do you want to stop reading these letters and just be a mommy?

I understand.  I remember. Please don’t stop praying and consider starting a Rosary group.  Before praying the Rosary, voice this intention.  You know the promises of the Rosary . .

Mary keeps her promises.

Praying for you and sending you a hug,

Five Reasons to Start a Rosary Group


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Saint Catherine of Siena: Inspiring an Adoption Movement that is Brave, Compassionate and Supportive Thu, 09 Nov 2017 17:18:01 +0000 This post contains affiliate links   When my husband and I met with a young woman considering adoption last summer, we asked her if she had thought about a name for her unborn daughter. She said, “Siena”. I had never considered that name for a child, but boy – was I impressed.  What a beautiful […]

The post Saint Catherine of Siena: Inspiring an Adoption Movement that is Brave, Compassionate and Supportive appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.


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When my husband and I met with a young woman considering adoption last summer, we asked her if she had thought about a name for her unborn daughter.

She said, “Siena”.

I had never considered that name for a child, but boy – was I impressed.  What a beautiful name and an awesome patron saint a child with that name would have.

That young woman decided to parent, and ended up naming her daughter Chloe.  But that name stuck with me, so on September 2nd, 2016, when our family began another spiritual adoption journey, we chose the name Siena Kathleen for our “spiritual daughter”.  A short time later, we decided to add a brother: George Patrick.

7 months later we brought home twins . . . a boy and a girl.  Our five year old son said, “their names are Siena Kathleen and George Patrick”!

Well, their names are actually Jaina Kathleen and George Kieran – but George was definitely a name that I had never considered before all of this happened!

Little did I know, that it was around this time that an Adoption Service was being formed, and being named after the brave and faithful, Saint Catherine of Siena.

Mary Kate Sparrow and Annie Surine and are the founders of Siena Adoption Services


Siena Adoption Services Founders

Siena Adoption Services was founded as a ministry. Founders Mary Kate Sparrow and Annie felt strongly that, for many,

the adoption process has become too expensive, too impersonal and too complicated.

Adoption is such an expensive process.

That thought had crossed my mind many times as well.  That truth led my husband and I to pursue our second and third adoptions without signing on with an adoption agency.  That fact led to the creation of The Rose Garden (an adoption support group sponsored by A Baby’s Breath Crisis Pregnancy Centers).

Adoption is beautiful and is a calling – for both some expectant mothers and hopeful families.  When an expectant mother or couple are considering an adoption plan for their child, most know that a good, safe, loving family does not necessarily mean a wealthy family.  However, the cost of the adoption process almost make it impossible for average couples to pursue parenthood through adoption.

Sparrow found that by volunteering time, Siena adoptions are able to cut down expenses significantly.  She continued, saying:


We also feel that, being rooted in faith, we will be able to approach both the adoptive families and birth parents with a greater sense of compassion and support. Through the Church we are all family in the broader sense and by acknowledging our role as a member of the Church family we can make the connections needed to ensure these children have loving homes. After all, we are all adopted sons and daughters ourselves in this family. Ephesians 1:5 says “he destined us for adoption to himself through Jesus Christ, in accord with the favor of his will.”


Our ministry is named after St. Catherine of Siena.

She was brave during a dark time.

Her acts of courage and faith are able to inspire us all these years later. They prompt us to put our faith into action.

I first read about Siena Adoptions on the Catholic Herald website.  Shortly after that (and I mean – minutes) a mutual friend of Mary Kate and I – Mary Beth (Camila’s Candles)sent me a message. She said:

I know it has been so long since we talked, but was thinking… next month is Adoption awareness month and wasn’t sure what you had in mind in terms of your blog. A friend of mine started an adoption agency/ministry here in Washington and I just think their mission is so amazing . . .

I totally agree with Mary Beth, their mission is amazing!

Siena Adoption Services exists to make adoption easy and affordable. Siena Adoption Services provide adoptions at a greatly reduced rate.  The mission of Siena Adoptions is to make adoption possible for anyone who feels called.

I never thought Saint Catherine of Siena would be an intercessor for expectant parents considering adoption – or hopeful adoptive families.

But as I research her life, I find (with much help from

St. Catherine of Siena was a single woman – living in the 1300’s – who made such an impression on people she gained followers and was instrumental in restoring the Papacy to Rome and in brokering peace deals during a time of factional conflict and war between the Italian city states.

Although some married women do choose to make an adoption plan for their unborn babies, many are single women.  Their acts provide a living example that one can choose life over termination – even in time when there is much political conflict.

St. Catherine developed a habit of giving things away and she continually gave away her family’s food and clothing to people in need. She never asked permission to give these things away, and she quietly put up with their criticisms.

How often is a woman who makes an adoption plan criticized in our culture? The woman’s choice to give her baby to an adoptive couple is anything but easy, and most often family does not approve.  It is quite a challenge to put up with the critics, and St. Catherine provides an example of doing just that.

St. Catherine was drawn further into the world as she worked, and eventually she began to travel, calling for reform of the Church and for people to confess and to love God totally.

Despite the fact that she was a woman long before “women’s rights” despite the fact that she had critics, she travels and changed people’s hearts away from worldliness and towards loving God whole heartedly.  Her bravery is an inspiration.

Siena Adoptions needs you to help them!



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Pin this article – yes, you can do that!  Don’t know where to pin it?  Create a new board and title it “Adoption”!

Make a donation to Siena Adoptions!  You can do this directly on their website (Siena Adoption Services)

or you can purchase a candle this month through Camila’s Candles!

As a thank you for spreading awareness about Siena Adoption Services, I’ve teamed up with them and PioPrints for a giveaway! Enter the giveaway by the options below, and you may be the lucky winner!  One person will win a Siena Adoption Services mug and an awesome Saint Catherine of Siena T-shirt from Pio Prints!


Enter to win!

Click here to see the mug: Amy on Twitter

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Pursuing an Adoption Without An Agency: What We Did Right! Thu, 21 Sep 2017 19:23:05 +0000   This article contains affiliate links.  If you make a purchase by clicking on those links, we make a small percentage.  Thank you for your support! In 2015 I began to write at Prayer Wine Chocolate. One of the main reasons I started to blog was to share my husband and I’s “road less traveled”. […]

The post Pursuing an Adoption Without An Agency: What We Did Right! appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

Photo by Andrew Branch on Unsplash


This article contains affiliate links.  If you make a purchase by clicking on those links, we make a small percentage.  Thank you for your support!

In 2015 I began to write at Prayer Wine Chocolate. One of the main reasons I started to blog was to share my husband and I’s “road less traveled”.

It was the beginning of what we thought would be our second adoption journey (it ended up being our second and third adoption journey!).

FREE PRINT – Questions to ask an adoption agency. These questions (and answers) will help you start the adoption process.

We became the luckiest parents in the world when we adopted our oldest son.  Taking that road involved carrying the cross of infertility and entering a path of lots of choices and tons of unknowns.  We began our road to adoption not knowing where we were being called to adopt from (international or domestic).  Prayer and faith were major guides, our family and friends were an incredible support system.  It was in those years that we learned a lot about adoption.  For our son’s adoption, we used an agency and decided to adopt from the United States.  We saved money for years while both of us worked full-time.  We were blessed with a baby boy in the summer of 2012.  Our hearts were filled with so much joy and I wouldn’t be surprised if they physically grew bigger!  God made me a mommy and my husband, Matt, a daddy.  So many prayers were answered.

But our prayers were always to have children.  We always wanted to have more than one child. We felt the greatest gift we could ever give our son would be at least one sibling.  For a couple years though, we didn’t pursue another adoption.  We loved and cared for our son.  My husband and I decided it would be in our family’s best interest for me to resign from my teaching career and become a stay-at-home mom.  This decision changed our financial situation drastically . . . but God always provided.

When our son was about 2 1/2 we started to discuss our next adoption plan.  We knew that our income and financial status had changed and that going with an agency was not in the budget.

We also believed in our hearts that God always provides.

Personally, I had heard story after story of how people adopted privately.  I heard how one person knew another person that knew someone who was pregnant and considering adoption for her unborn child.  These connections were made without the help of an agency (which on average charge potential adoptive parents more than $30,000).  Some of these situations took place long before social media.

I believed we could make a connection without the help of an agency.

I wanted to document all the steps we took to make our adoption happen in the hopes to help other couples like us. We believe that many couples would make amazing parents – but do not have the amount of money adoption agencies require to begin the process.

My first few blog posts documented how we started what we thought we be our second adoption journey.  The first post I wrote was titled Pursuing an Adoption Without An Agency

That post was so thorough I realized I would have to give more details, connections and ideas I had in a second post, which I titled:

Pursuing an Adoption Without an Agency: Part 2

It took about three years . . . here is what we did right:


We relied on faith.

I can not emphasize how important prayer is in this journey.  Matt and I prayed that God would bring us more children.  We prayed a novena to Saint Therese‘, we prayed the Rosary and we prayed the Spiritual Adoption Prayer.  

Each of these prayers are truly powerful.  When we received the call about our twins being born, we were in the 7th month of praying for a boy and a girl.

This was our third round of praying the Spiritual Adoption prayer as a family.  It was the first time we ever spiritually adopted twins – let alone a boy and a girl.

We prayed the Spiritual Adoption Prayer before dinner each night.  Our twins were born at dinner time on a Wednesday.  That night, the skies were blue and pink at sunset.  I was so in awe of the sky that night I took a picture of it and posted it on my Instagram account.

Relying on faith was not just constant prayer, but trusting God every time we paid for our home study – at first to get it completed initially and also to get it updated each year.  We relied on faith knowing that God would bring us our children.  We didn’t know if they would be healthy, we didn’t know if they would look like us, we didn’t know if they would be born in our state or across the country.  We let God take care of the details.  His work surpassed our dreams. His love is unmeasurable.

We Completed Our Home Study

We were “matched” with our twins on their birthday!!!!

The paperwork required for a home study typically takes longer than a month to process – if we did not have our home study complete, the twins would not have been permitted to come home with us when they did (at 3 days old).

In fact, there is much more to this story.  A lot happened in the three days between their birth and release from the hospital.

 The fact that another person did not have a completed study was also a factor in what was ultimately divine providence.

“Stork drops”, as this kind of quick match at birth is sometimes referred, are not uncommon.  Some women go into labor with adoption on her heart and mind, but no plan.  It’s best to be ready for a baby at any hour!

We didn’t even have a crib or bassinet set up!  You might want to have one ready!! Here is a best seller from Amazon: Baby Bassinet

We Did NOT Give Up after a Year of Waiting

We completed our home study in January of 2015.  In our state, after your home study is a year old the law requires that it is updated in order to remain valid.  So then 2016 rolled around, we had to pay fees to both update the home study and re-apply for several clearances (child abuse, criminal, FBI fingerprints, etc.)

. We had some leads one possible match, but the mother chose to parent. When that mom chose to parent I was happy for her, but – it’s such an emotional journey and it can really take a toll on you and your spouse.  We chose not to give up though.

Then January of 2017 came, and we updated our paperwork again.  At that point we started looking into a special needs adoption agency and re-considering foster care.  We were in the midst of considering those roads when our youngest son and daughter were born.  We spent a good amount of time waiting – and we are not “young”.  It was all totally worth it!

It’s amazing what happened during the wait – the same month the twins were born, my first book was published (Be Yourself: A Catholic Journal for Girls) !! I still can’t believe it somedays!!!

We were open about our hope to adopt we told EVERYONE

We let everyone know we were hoping to adopt again.  We told friends, strangers, acquaintances, family members, hair dressers, etc.

We told people in person and through social media.

Our connection was made – now try to follow this – through a hair stylist I went to randomly one day in February.

I went to Ulta to get my hair done.  I met a young new hair dresser who was so sweet and incredibly good at doing my hair.  As she combed and curled, we chatted.  It started out about “This is Us”, and I shared with her our hope to adopt again.  I told her about our sweet son.  She told me her mom was adopted – and that she was a labor and delivery nurse.  I immediately asked if she could tell her mom about my husband and I and keep us in mind if she ever heard of anyone considering adoption.  She did . . . and that is how we became our twins’ parents.  We have yet to meet the hairdresser’s mom who connected us, but we certainly plan on it! – update, we met her – see a pic I posted on Instagram!!

When I made that connection with Sarah (the hairdresser) I didn’t have our adoption profile I usually brought everywhere.  I did, however, have my business card.  That business card enabled Sarah to get a hold of me the day the twins were born.  Make sure you tell everyone – and make sure they have a way to get a hold of you when they hear of a baby – or babies – that need a family!

We Chose the Right Attorney

By talking to other families that adopted, we were introduced to our adoption attorney.  He was not the first adoption attorney we met or worked with – but, he is the best.  When Matt and I got our home study done we reached out to Jay Ginsburg of Adoption Advocates.  He spoke to me with kindness, hope and patience.  He assured me that I could call him any time and with any questions.  He never charged us for calling him.  He never charged us when he spoke with an expectant mother who was considering us as potential adoptive parents. He let us know what he would do once we were matched and how much it would cost.  Jay and his assistant Genevieve rooted for us while we waited, and truly were happy for our family when we finally finalized.

 I definitely recommend finding an adoption parent support group in your area.  Find out which attorney is held in high esteem, and make a connection with him or her.

Adoption is overwhelming when you first start the journey.  It’s a great idea to look at adoption agencies in your area and see if they offer “free information sessions”.  Of course those agencies hope you sign up – but many do offer these for couples just getting started.  We highly recommend you go to one or two!

You can get this question sheet for free by clicking here! (It is #10!)

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Dancing in the Rain(ing Roses) Sat, 27 May 2017 02:44:16 +0000 In one of Prayer Wine Chocolate’s very first posts, Raining Roses, I shared my sincere belief that if you ask them, Saints will pray for you.  I talked about how one of my favorite saints,  Saint Therese’, once stated, “I will spend my heaven doing good upon earth. I will let fall from heaven a shower of […]

The post Dancing in the Rain(ing Roses) appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

Dancing in the Raining

In one of Prayer Wine Chocolate’s very first posts, Raining Roses, I shared my sincere belief that if you ask them, Saints will pray for you.  I talked about how one of my favorite saints,  Saint Therese’, once stated,

“I will spend my heaven doing good upon earth. I will let fall from heaven a shower of roses.”

When I pray a novena to Saint Therese – for nine days consecutively, without wavering in my petition – she intercedes for me – and as an added bonus, she sends a rose or roses.


There have been many times when I have prayed this novena and have been blessed with roses, but that article talked about three “big” blessings I attribute to St. Therese’ intervention.

The first blessing was becoming a wife, the second was becoming a mother . . . and the third . . .well the third had yet to be fully revealed:

The third story has yet to come to it’s conclusion, but I believe it will soon. In January I prayed a novena to Saint Therese’ for two of my friends and for the intention that Matt and I would be blessed with another child. On the eighth day of this novena Matt and I went to a surprise birthday party. It was held in a two-bedroom apartment in Philadelphia. Almost immediately upon arriving I noticed roses everywhere.

I went on to say that the presence of roses was “so overwhelming I actually started counting the roses in the vases (I’m the life of the party, I know). I stopped counting at 80.”

That novena I prayed in January of 2015 had three specific intentions.

The first two intentions were for two of my girlfriends.

I prayed that they would find a partner whom they could trust and who would truly love them.  Those two friends are now in relationships that give them joy, each with a man that gives her respect, friendship and hope.


The third intention was that “Matt and I would be blessed with another child”.

I am so happy and excited to announce . . . we have been BLESSED!!


Since our family is growing through adoption, there are many details I will probably never share – since it is not my story to tell.  There is more I will share eventually . . . but for now, please know . . . this novena has brought me more blessings.  I am so happy and grateful . . . and I want to share it again with you!

Is there a hope or dream tugging on your heart?  Is there someone you pray for often and you love them so much you just can not wait to celebrate some wonderful, happy, blessings with them?  The gift of prayer is worth more than any material gift.

I want to encourage you to ask Saint Therese’ to pick you a rose from the heavenly garden for you!

Here is the prayer!  Pray it in your heart. Write it in your journal.  Say it with faith.  And if you get a chance, come back and tell me all about it!!!

rosesfromheaven.jpegO Little Therese of the Child Jesus

Please pick for me a rose

from the heavenly garden

and send it to me

as a message of love.

O Little Flower of Jesus,

ask God to grant the favors

I now place with confidence

in your hands

( mention your special prayer request here )

St. Therese, help me to always believe

as you did, in God’s great love for me,

so that I may imitate your “Little Way” each day

Would you like to know more about the saint who sends roses?  Check out her autobiography!

Story of a Soul

Would you like to introduce Saint Therese’ to a child?  Check out this gorgeous book by

The Little Flower: A Parable of Saint Therese of Lisieux

Need something in between? Check out:

Little Lessons from St. Therese of Lisieux: An Introduction to Her Words and Wisdom

*Special thanks to Bonnie at Sweet Cedar Photography . . . please give her a like on Facebook and check out her work!!!


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The Mountains That Faith Can Move Thu, 26 Jan 2017 02:39:32 +0000 Faith can move a mountain? Then why are all the mountains staying right where they are?  Does no one have faith? For years, I never really “got” Matthew 17:20. I tend to take things way to literally. Thankfully, I didn’t give up on faith since I didn’t see flying mountains on a regular basis . […]

The post The Mountains That Faith Can Move appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.


Faith can move a mountain?

Then why are all the mountains staying right where they are?  Does no one have faith?

For years, I never really “got” Matthew 17:20.

I tend to take things way to literally.

Thankfully, I didn’t give up on faith since I didn’t see flying mountains on a regular basis . . . or ever.

My faith has been such a comfort to me my whole life.  Even when I felt lonely, I truly felt like I had someone to talk to and that the Lord could hear me.

But . . . I still never saw a mountain move . . . until recently.

The past few years have been exciting.  My life changed drastically when I became a mother.  For the first time in my adult life – I no longer had a “real” job.  Simply becoming a mother is a drastic change – but giving up my financial independence – that was pretty big too.

Resigning from my teaching career wasn’t in the plan.  But, as I am sure I heard before I became a parent, everything changes when you are given a child.

My heart screamed, “God will provide” every time I even thought about going back to work.  And He has.  And as I look back on my life . . . I am amazed at what I can see.

What Mountains are moved by Faith?


1. Financial Barriers

Sometimes in life we want to do something, but we think, “I don’t have the money for that”, or “that cost to much” or  simply, “that is out of my reach financially.”

It is precisely in those times where faith can move a mountain of money your way. More than once I have heard my husband say, “we can’t afford it”.  I have assured him that “God will provide.”  And He has . .

when a career change needed to be made;

when a college education was needed;

when parenthood was being sought through adoption.

God provided.

Although I can think of many times when finances should have logically prevented me from obtaining something – like a college degree or moving out of my parents home – I’d like to share one other example of how having faith can move a mountain of money in your direction.

Before my husband and I were blessed with our adorable son, we felt extremely intimidated by the cost of adoption.  But, we had faith and started our journey to adopt.  We saved money, we reached out to our family and friends (who helped us in ways we still are in complete awe of and feel great gratitude for), and we simply believed that when the time came, we would have the money necessary to pay the adoption agency.

Three months before our son was born, Matt and I went to a wedding.  Without getting into detail, and to keep the story short, Matt was handed an envelope with a check written out to him in it.

At that time, we still needed a substantial amount of money to pay the adoption agency once a baby was placed with us.  We didn’t know our son was coming in 3 months at that point.  But, we put the money in our savings account – and three short months later – we were so relieved and grateful it was there!

We didn’t receive a check for that much at our own wedding!

That was truly a gift from heaven.  But something tells me, you don’t need to take my word for it.  Many times I have heard other people of faith say, “God will provide”.  Those that say it most likely have experienced it.

It’s true, God gives us what we need.

2. Mountains that separate people


Sometimes we need people more than anything.

One of the reasons why I started blogging was to document our family’s second adoption journey.  The second time around, our plan was (and still is) to pursue adoption without the help of an agency. I thought with social media and research, I could find a simple way that couples could navigate the search to find a woman considering adoption and eventually use an attorney to adopt privately.

 The difference in cost between an agency adoption and a private adoption is staggering.  A private adoption, at least in our home state, is about $30,000.00 less than an agency adoption.

Since I had decided to be a stay at home mom, this route seemed to be our only option.

I thought I needed to market us on social media, find some organizations that could help us and tell everyone we know that we were hoping to adopt again.  With some research and time, we would be matched.  After all, I had heard many stories of people connecting with their children’s birthparents long before Facebook and Instagram – those outlets would only increase our chances to connect.

Well, it’s been about 2 years and we still have not matched.

Although I have heard many stories where these media outlets have brought people together and an adoption occurred, God is showing me how he can move bigger mountains than I had in mind.

I can not believe the people we have connected with and the help we are getting.  It is beyond the work of my own hands.

A crisis pregnancy organization – with 5 separate locations within driving distance – that for years did not really take adoption profiles – has ours ready and waiting for a young woman who desires an adoptive family.

Two other pro-life organizations in the area have our profile on hand to give to a woman if she feels called toward an adoption plan.

An adoption education group who visits high schools and gives presentations to colleges (locally and over skype) has just started using our adoption profile in their presentations. Literally thousands of students will see our adoption profile this year.

I started to write and blog, which was never in my plan.  This hobby turned mission is connecting me with more people than I could ever imagine meeting.  Amazing, inspiring and wonderful people who are praying for our family and have become good friends. I truly believe that the friend I have found in Annie, from Catholic Wife, Catholic Life and the guidance and mentor I have found in Jerry Windley-Daoust from Peanut Butter and Grace are in fact, heaven sent.  And when I couldn’t go on a pilgrimage to Italy this summer, so I decided to visit holy places within my area,  God arranged that I meet one of the living daughters of Saint Gianna.  Sometimes I look up and smile – and say, “Lord, I love when you show off!”


3. Mountains that block our vision

My intention when I started blogging was to help couples adopt without feeling financially crushed or intimidated.

What I am coming to realize, is that people – whether on the adoption journey or simply this journey called life – need hope more than information.

The faith I placed in God has allowed me to discover His will for me.  I thought I was going to blog more about adoption than anything.  What I have discovered is that His path for me is much more . . .In the words of Leah Darrow, perhaps, in a way, I can hear the Lord saying . . .

“I made you for more . . .”

I still get to write about adoption – but not so much about the logistics of the journey.  I get to write about something so much more important – faith and hope.

Through this awesome journey to motherhood God has reminded me – He is first.

What mountains has faith moved for you?

Are you on Facebook?  Let’s stay connected more!  Check out Prayer Wine Chocolate on Facebook

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Speaking of Giving . . . Wed, 30 Nov 2016 02:41:15 +0000 Giving is on my mind a lot lately. Gift giving . . .a little. I’m excited about giving gifts to those of you who entered one of the giveaways I have posted lately!  In case you didn’t hear the latest – you could win the gift of some free shopping from Nicole Gibboni, a Christian […]

The post Speaking of Giving . . . appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

Giving is on my mind a lot lately.

Gift giving . . .a little.


I’m excited about giving gifts to those of you who entered one of the giveaways I have posted lately!  In case you didn’t hear the latest – you could win the gift of some free shopping from Nicole Gibboni, a Christian Bling Consultant.  If you make a purchase from her website and use the party code 1825; you are automatically entered to be the hostess and win free shopping!  I am absolutely loving the Meditative Palm Cross as a Stocking Stuffer for teen boys and grown men.  It’s only $12.00 and such an awesome, prayerful, masculine gift!  Definitely check it out and get some Christmas shopping done!

And I do have a small amount of gifts bought I’ll be giving at Christmas . . .

But, honestly, giving is on my mind in a more somber way.

I have been wondering . . . what is the difference between “Giving it to the Lord” and “Giving Up”?


I feel like my husband and I are going to have to make some choices about our adoption plan and decide where to put our energy, money and time . . . and I don’t know where God wants me to give up – or if He does at all.

In a sense, if I “give it to God” . . . isn’t that another way of saying, “I’m done.  If it’s meant to happen; it will.  I don’t need to try anymore.”?

That sounds like giving up to me.

So here I am.  Confused.

Don’t get me wrong.  I’m happy and grateful.  I have a wonderful husband and we have been given the greatest son!  We love him and we all love one another.  We are blessed, and I can not put into words how grateful I am to God that he gave me this vocation of motherhood.


But even our son talks about having a baby brother AND a baby sister.

Have you ever felt this way?  Have you ever wondered what God wants you to do next . . . and what He wants you to let go of?


I feel like I  need to ask the Lord more than “open all the right doors and close all the wrong ones.”

I’m actually overwhelmed with awe and gratitude for all of the open doors!  I think that is my dilemma . . . we can’t go through them all!

How do I “give it to God” and not be giving up?

Is it as simple as the Serenity Prayer?

God, grant me the serenity to

accept the things I can not change;

the courage to change the things I can; 

and the wisdom to know the difference.

I really need wisdom!

In the meantime, I’m enjoying what I have been given.  Christmas time with a four year old is pretty awesome 🙂

If you have any wisdom, please share it with me!  I ask you to pray for our family – with the hope that it will grow, but most of all that we will know God’s will and embrace it joyfully.

I also hope you are inspired to give a “Spiritual Stocking Stuffer”!  Please, enter all the giveaways, I’m excited to give these awesome gifts away!

Spiritual Stocking Stuffers for Women

Spiritual Stocking Stuffers for Men

Spiritual Stocking Stuffers for Children and Teens

As always, thank you so much for reading this post!

May we all joyfully give to the Lord and others this Advent!


Sweet Little Ones

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The 10 Best Baby Shower Gifts NOT on Her Registry Fri, 14 Oct 2016 02:33:53 +0000 Have a baby shower on the calendar this Fall? Want to add an original, yet useful gift to the new parents’ present? This post contains affiliate links – if you purchase using them, I make a small percentage.  Thank you for your support! I asked a group of moms: “What was the best baby shower gift […]

The post The 10 Best Baby Shower Gifts NOT on Her Registry appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

Have a baby shower on the calendar this Fall? Want to add an original, yet useful gift to the new parents’ present?


This post contains affiliate links – if you purchase using them, I make a small percentage.  Thank you for your support!

I asked a group of moms: “What was the best baby shower gift you remember getting that you did NOT register for?”

They came up with some great answers!  Here’s what the Mom’s are saying:

1. The Wubbanub

I’m putting this one first, because not only did one of the moms in the group I asked mention it – but this was given to me for our son and it was the BEST.GIFT.EVER!

It doesn’t get lost like the other ones.

Babies can find it on their own when they lose it at night because of how big it is.

It doesn’t fall out of the crib that often – again because of the size.

And, “baby ducky”, is my son’s favorite toy, object of comfort in the whole world!  He is four and even though we have removed the pacifier from it, he still sleeps with “baby ducky” every night!

“Baby Ducky” was not on our registry.  Matt’s aunt bought it for us.  I am still so grateful to Aunt Suzanne!

For some reason he is holding 2 of them here!  You know it’s a must have when there is a back-up!

2. Baby food bowls and spoons

This too is on the top of the list because it was another gift I did not think to register for, but was grateful I received.  Another mom said the same.

We still use these bowls, and sometime even the spoons!

3. FridaBaby Nasal Aspirator

This was a very popular answer.  I had never even heard of it!  Apparently this is an awesome gift!  Check it out – it’s a best seller on Amazon, and included as an Amazon Prime purchase!

4. Child Go-Pod

This one another suggestion from a mom that I had never seen – but instantly know why it’s awesome!  How often a mom brings her baby to a house that is not “baby-proof”.  This is so perfect to have in the car and it folds up so compactly!  The big ones we all register for are not fitting out the door or in the car without taking them completely apart!  Great gift!


5. Aden and Anais Blankets

Apparently these blankets are worth the investment.  Great for swaddling, light weight, and tend to be used for everything  – up until baby is 3!

6. Baby’s First Christmas Ornament

This is another gift we were given and someone else mentioned.  It’s so awesome comparing how much bigger his hand is every year when we hang it up!  There are other options for Baby’s First Christmas ornaments on Amazon too – my favorites are the Hallmark Ornament (we got this for our son in 2013 – it was a Rocking Horse) the shoe one this year is also adorable! And the Lenox Rudolph is also really cute!

Screen Shot 2016-10-13 at 10.38.06 PM.png

7. Zipper Sheets

It’s like someone is giving you sleep as a gift.  This is the best invention ever.  When you are already sleep deprived – and baby wet through her diaper.  Oh my goodness – quick and easy.  And honestly, changing crib sheets should be counted as going to the gym.  Genius invention.  Although the link above would be ideal, if they are not in your budget, here is a more affordable buy: QuickZip Crib Extra

8. Bath Books

Some moms mentioned books.  I added the bath books.  I never used them in the bath – but my son just LOVED holding them, looking at them and, yes, chewing on them.  I would have never thought to register for these books, but I was so grateful we were given some.  Any other book in his teething days couldn’t have been played with as much.  He would love those books all day long and that was fine with me!  Here are a few cute ones available on Amazon:

Sassy Book SetSassy First Sounds Book Set and Sesame Street Elmo’s World Books


9. Canvas/Fabric Storage Bin filled with STUFF

These bins are GREAT!  I kept diapers in them.  I use them for shoes.  Another mom said she got one and now puts her daughters legos in it. Here are some of the moms suggestions to put in the bin for an awesome gift:

10. Hire a Cleaning Lady/Man or Service 

A few of the moms said they had this given to them and they couldn’t have been more grateful!  I gotta say – THAT is an awesome gift!

Now see Volume 2!!!! 10 MORE Baby Shower Gifts Not on Her Registry (that should be)!

What would you add to the list? Please share!

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Does God Have a Magic Wand? Tue, 20 Sep 2016 02:23:32 +0000 Recently I have been taken back with awe and gratitude with how God, who has given us free will, still seems to find a way to help us be in the right place at the right time.

The post Does God Have a Magic Wand? appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

 “Why did it rain today?”


I heard this question come from the back seat as I was driving this afternoon. My four-year-old, Xavier, has a lot of questions lately.  I have to admit, I often don’t have the answers.  He asks me how things are made and who made (insert random synthetic object).  But this one,  this one I thought -I kinda know this one . . . so I attempted a response.

After a litany of follow-up “why” questions to each of my answers that tried to simplify how we need water to live, I finally answered – “because that’s the way God created the world”.

Xavier then asked,

“Why did God create the world?”

“Because He loves us”, I responded.

Then, instead of asking why God loves us, or any “why”question, he asked:

Does God have a magic wand?

A photo by Greg Rakozy. was silent for almost a minute as I thought of his question.

Finally, I said, “I don’t know”.

I am pretty sure anyone who has taken a theology class might argue that I should have said no.  But, he’s four . . . and God is a mystery.

And in my life, God has done a lot of “magic”.

Recently I have been taken back with awe and gratitude with how God, who has given us free will, still seems to find a way to help us be in the right place at the right time.

If you are a parent, I am sure you vividly remember your child’s birth.  In most cases, you were there!

As an adoptive momma, my story is unique.  My son’s story is unique.  And honestly, how much I tell of it is a question to me.  Adopted children have a right to know their stories before others.  So, out of respect for my son, and his first parents, I will be leaving out many details.  However, I’d like to share a glimpse of our story with you.  Through my eyes at least, it shows how even though we have free will, we are also right where God wants us to be.

I, nor my husband, were present at our son’s birth.  Very few people knew we were “matched” (in the adoption world matched is the equivalent to “expecting”).  We had kept it a secret because in the 3 months before we had been “matched”three other times and those situations were just not meant to be.  Getting excited, telling people, then plans change, your heart hurts . . . and you have to tell people . . . That gets exhausting.  So this one- this one we kept a secret.

Our son’s first parents chose us and we met.  But anyone who has experienced adoption knows, the adoption placement decision does not come easily or lightly.  We were told what hospital our son’s biological mother had planned to deliver . . . and what hospital was the back up plan if they felt they needed to get to one quickly.

The night our son was born, he was not born in either of those mentioned hospitals.  We found out days later; and eventually were told that the biological parents changed their minds about adoption.

My husband and I wept.  This was the fourth time this had happened to us, but this was the first time we cried in each other’s arms about it.  We were confused.  We really thought this child was meant to be our child.  But adoption is unique, and this is part of the expectation on the journey.

Then, in an unexpected chain of events – we were called almost three weeks later.  Our son’s first parents changed their minds again, and wanted to know if we were still interested in adopting their baby.  The adoption agency told us the baby was “very sick” but because of privacy laws, they couldn’t tell us anything else.  We had to base our decision on faith.

I wanted to say yes without even talking to my husband. . . but I knew that’s not how it works.  My husband was scared.  He was afraid of “losing him again”.  He didn’t think his heart could handle it if the baby’s sickness was fatal.

Then, like a light bulb turning on above my head, I remembered that the one NICU nurse I know, works at the hospital this baby was born.  I had not really talked to her in over a decade, but through Facebook we had reconnected.  I sent her an inbox asking her if she could send me her phone number.  I gave her mine.

She called me and I said, I know the chances are slim . . . but . .. and I went on the explain our situation, and asked her if she had any idea what baby I was talking about.  It had been almost 3 weeks . . .

My friend paused, and then said, “I know exactly who you are talking about, I admitted him.”  She then went on about his health, but also about what a sweet baby boy he was and how we would make the greatest parents for him.  She couldn’t promise a clean bill of health, but her love for this baby compelled her to encourage us to love him too.


In the whole world I knew one NICU nurse . . . a friend from my childhood . . . and a former classmate of my husband’s.

We couldn’t be there to hold our son the night he was born . . . so God guided some guardian angels and made sure someone who knew us was there holding him.

That’s God’s Magic.

So, I guess the next time Xavier asks if God has a magic wand, I might just say no, but He does have a magic heart.  “Magic” because His heart loves in way we can not fully comprehend or understand.  “Magic” in the sense it causes us to stand back in awe.

Our son’s birthmother chose to go to a hospital that had not even been mentioned as a back up birth place.  The doctors she had been seeing through the agency – who had been taking her to appointments – were not affiliated with the hospital in which she gave birth.

Our old friend was working that night, and our son’s birth led him to need placement in the NICU. She was there to hold him and care for him when I wasn’t.  She was able to tell me about the night my son was born.

We have all the hospital documents from that night . . . but what a wonderful gift it is to have someone we know tell us how she cared for him on the date of his birth.

What a gift . . . God’s “magic”.

The post Does God Have a Magic Wand? appeared first on Prayer Wine Chocolate.

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